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Chapter 30: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 30: Come Back With Me Tonight:

Li Guohua indeed had evil Qi entering his body.

After Lu Yu's reminder, Li Guohua recalled three years ago when he bought an antique.

It was delivered to him in an ancient copper box. He remembered that as soon as he opened it, he passed out.

When he woke up, he didn't take it lightly!

He went to the hospital for many tests, but the results showed everything was normal.

Despite this, he still went to several hospitals. The results were the same. With these test reports and the fact that he felt no abnormality in his body at the time, he eventually forgot about the incident. He didn't expect it to become what it is today.

"Hmph, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly."

Understanding the whole story, Li Guohua also showed the demeanor of a superior.

Lu Yu couldn't be bothered to waste words with him. He treated him again. The yellow talisman just now made him feel his ability to treat this illness. To completely cure it, one talisman was clearly not enough. So the real treatment began now.

Evil Qi, in the past, only existed in legends.

But in this world, it could bring one to the brink of death. In terms of a non-scientific understanding, it meant using special means to alter a person's body structure, thereby affecting their physical health.

It was fortunate that the evil Qi in Li Guohua's body wasn't strong, and he had the protection of ancestral tomb Feng Shui.

Otherwise, after three years, he would have turned into a pile of bones.

After undergoing some treatment, Li Guohua felt significantly better. His attitude towards Lu Yu also improved a lot. Not only did he invite Lu Yu for lunch, but between their conversation, they even addressed each other as grandfather and grandson.

In the afternoon, before leaving, he handed over the jade pendant he obtained at Wenqing Palace to Li Guohua.

"You should wear this. With it, you should be able to walk on the ground within a week." The evil Qi in Li Guohua's body had already been mostly cleared. But due to the long time the evil Qi had been in his body, it was still unrealistic to expect him to walk immediately. So he still needed to rest.

This jade pendant was effective for cultivating one's character and calming the mind. Wearing it could play a good supplementary role. It was just right for Li Guohua.

"Oh, Xiao Yu, how can I accept this..." Although Li Guohua said embarrassedly, he still happily took the jade pendant. Even the address changed from 'Xiao Lu' to 'Xiao Yu'!

"There's no need to feel embarrassed. Anyway, this thing is specifically used to treat your old illness."

"Really? Then I'm really grateful!"

"Don't mention it..."

After a bit of politeness, the two chatted.

After a few more instructions, Lu Yu left the Li family's villa with Qin Sisi.

In the villa's parking lot, Qin Sisi also bid farewell to Li Xiaorou.

"Xiaorou, thank you so much for this time."

If it weren't for Li Xiaorou, it would probably have taken a lot of effort for Lu Yu to meet Li Guohua.

Li Xiaorou smiled, "Thank me for what? I should thank you! If you hadn't brought Lu Yu here, I wouldn't know if my grandfather's illness could be cured."

"Hehe, I'm also surprised Brother Yu has such an ability..."

"Is that so?"

The two chatted for a while!

Lu Yu didn't inquire about them and came to the car alone.

On the way back, sitting in the passenger seat, Qin Sisi couldn't help but speak up.

"Brother Yu, aren't you afraid they'll go back on their word after curing Xiaorou's grandfather?"

Although Li Guohua was Li Xiaorou's grandfather, he was also a businessman. When it came to interests, even blood brothers could turn against each other.

"Go back on their word?" Lu Yu couldn't help but feel amused. "The Li family isn't foolish. How could they go back on their word?"

After saying this, Lu Yu paused for a moment, then explained to Qin Sisi. "The ability I just demonstrated is not something an ordinary person can possess! In the eyes of a normal person, do you think it's better to have another enemy like me, or another friend like me?"

"Of course, it's better to have a friend!" Qin Sisi blurted out. "Now that you're so powerful, those wealthy people will definitely be eager to befriend you."

"Hehe! That's right?" Lu Yu chuckled.

Now, the Sun family and the Wu family in Rongcheng were allies of Chen Bansheng. It was impossible to win them over.

Lu Yu needed to deal with Lu Mingyuan's enemies and also needed to win over some allies. And this Li family was just a start.

"Oh right, Brother Yu, who did you learn all these skills from? Why haven't I seen you use them before?"

"Do you want to know?"


Lu Yu smirked, "Come back with me tonight, and I'll tell you slowly..."

Qin Sisi was first stunned, then understood Lu Yu's meaning, and couldn't help but blush and lower her head. She wanted to say 'It's embarrassing'. But when the words reached her lips, she couldn't say them!


Translator: Spectatorcake

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