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Chapter 003: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


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Chapter 3:

"Old man, you finally allowed me to go down the mountain."

Ye Yang had long wanted to go down the mountain, but Ye Tianhua had always forbidden it. Now, he finally let him go down the mountain.

"I once arranged an engagement for you. When you go down the mountain, head straight to the Liu family in Hang City. If you encounter any trouble, you can find Chu Mochen. The Chu family has some influence and can help you resolve most of your troubles."

"If you encounter trouble that Chu Mochen can't handle, you can use the connections I left behind."

Although this old fellow, Ye Tianhua, didn't understand human sentiments, he possessed extraordinary medical skills and had helped many people, leaving him with many debts of gratitude.

The Liu family was one of the families that owed him a favor in the past. The former Liu family patriarch, Liu Zhong, had his life saved by Ye Tianhua, which led to Ye Yang's engagement.

"I wonder if the fiancée is beautiful."

"The Liu family granddaughter should be decent. The Liu family's influence is also strong. Marrying her can help you establish yourself firmly in Hang City."

"I'm looking forward to it."

If she were truly beautiful, he would fulfill the engagement. If she weren't, then it wouldn't work. As far as the Liu family's influence was concerned, did he, with his own abilities, still need to rely on the Liu family's influence?

"Old man, I'm leaving. After I establish myself in the city, I'll return to take you to enjoy the city life."

"With my abilities, do I still need you to take me to enjoy life in the city? When you encounter trouble in Hang City, don't be afraid. You're my, Ye Tianhua's disciple."

"Don't worry, I won't damage your reputation."

Ye Yang left the mountain with a massive bag on his back, while Chu Mochen was already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Inside the car, Chu Mochen was listening to music with earphones on.

"Young Master, how much longer do we have to wait?" The driver asked Chu Mochen.

"Why the rush? I'm not in a hurry at all."

"Madam is eager to see you. It's been several months since she last saw you," the driver, Ah Li, said with a wry smile.

Chu Mochen's expression twitched slightly. The 'madam' mentioned by Ah Li naturally referred to his mother. He had inherited the memories of the villain and was familiar with this nominal mother, whom he could accept, as she genuinely cherished him. Much better than this cheap master.

"Now that I've inherited your identity, I'll treat your family as my own," Chu Mochen silently vowed in his heart.

After waiting for about half an hour, Ye Yang finally arrived.

"Senior Brother, put the bag in the back." Chu Mochen glanced at Ye Yang's massive bag and said to him.

"I'd rather keep these things with me."

Hearing Ye Yang's reply, Chu Mochen narrowed his eyes slightly. From this, it could be seen that Ye Yang didn't trust him much.

Well, according to the original plot, when Ye Tianhua taught Ye Yang, he treated Chu Mochen as a tool rather than a Junior Brother.

"In the future, when we're in the city, please take care of me more, Junior Brother," Ye Yang said as a formality.

"Don't be polite. We are brothers, our relationship is no different from real brothers. Your affairs are my affairs. Don't be shy with me."

Chu Mochen's hearty laugh made Ye Yang moved. After all, he was his Senior Brother; when he prospered, he would make sure to reward him.

Chu Mochen smiled faintly.

The villain must wear one face in public and another in private. To be truly skilled, he must be loyal while harboring deceit like the bold and treacherous.

Originally, Chu Mochen thought of clinging to the protagonist's thigh, but after being disgusted by his master and the protagonist, he changed his plans.

Well, if they genuinely treated Chu Mochen well, he could stick to his previous intention of 'switching sides.'

With Ah Li driving, Chu Mochen and Ye Yang arrived at the airport and flew to Hang City.

"Young Master, your Senior Brother is quite embarrassing." Ah Li leaned over to Chu Mochen and whispered silently.

Chu Mochen's mouth twitched. Perhaps the protagonists were all oddballs.

Ye Yang was wearing somewhat worn-out clothes when he came down the mountain. Previously, Chu Mochen suggested that he change into new clothes to avoid attracting attention when walking with him. However, Ye Yang rejected because it was nostalgia.

Wearing shabby clothes, his eyes wandering lecherously over passing girls' legs, he looked like a rogue rather than a divine doctor.

Was this the divine doctor? Wasn't he just a street thug?

"Shouldn't we not walk with him?"

Ah Li looked at Ye Yang with disdain in his eyes. This guy wasn't worthy of walking with his young master; he was really his young master's Senior Brother? He was just a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

"What are you saying, Ah Li? Don't say that again in the future. He's my respected Senior Brother."

Chu Mochen reprimanded Ah Li on the surface.

Ye Yang was skilled, and Ah Li spoke silently, but Ye Yang could definitely hear him.

If he were determined to go against the villain line, his identity as his disciple would still be useful, and there was no need to turn against Ye Yang for now.

"Yes, I promise not to say it again." Ah Li was clever and immediately shut his mouth when he saw the hint in Chu Mochen's eyes.

"Senior Brother, let me take you to the Liu family first, and then I'll go see my mother."

"Okay." Ye Yang's face was filled with a satisfied smile. He had heard what Ah Li had said just now and also listened to what Chu Mochen had said.

This Junior Brother of his wasn't bad. If there were benefits in the future, he could give him more.

"Ah Junior Brother, in the future, if there's anything medical you don't understand, you can consult me."

Ye Yang patted Chu Mochen's shoulder.

"Haha, certainly."

On the surface, he revealed a warm and gentle smile, but deep down, he felt disdainful.

Did he really want medical skills?

Originally, when his grandfather asked him to become a disciple under Ye Tianhua, it wasn't to learn medical skills but martial arts.

He, the young master of the Chu family, had extraordinary connections with several important figures, including his father, who was a big shot in the capital. Did he need to learn medical skills to make a living?

Being a disciple under Ye Tianhua was to exploit his connections and learn martial arts from the protagonist's master. Ye Tianhua's connections as the protagonist's master were truly formidable. Secondly, it was to practice martial arts with Ye Tianhua.

Soon, Ah Li drove them to the Liu family in Hang City.

The Liu family in Hang City had considerable strength, ranking among the top families in the city. Of course, they couldn't compare to the Chu family in the capital, which also had a significant influence in Hang City.

Chu Mochen's father was a big shot in the capital, and his mother was the queen of the business world, managing a business empire worth trillions of dollars, with some subsidiary companies located in Hang City.

The Liu family lived in a grand mansion occupying three acres. Ye Yang, who had never seen such a luxurious villa before, was stunned at the moment.

On the other hand, Chu Mochen remained calm. Although it was his first time seeing it, inheriting the predecessor's memories, he wasn't unfamiliar with such luxurious estates.

"The place where the Liu family lives is really big." Ye Yang recovered from his shock, and his ambition grew rapidly. He dreamed that one day, he would live even better than this.

-To be continued!

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