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Chapter 29: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 29: The Deal is Complete:

Onlookers gazed at Lu Yu, each with a different expression.

Fang Qingrong still expressed astonishment, while Li Xiaorou's face was shocked.

She knew her grandfather's personality and knew that he disliked those who took detours. He never had a good expression for them, let alone negotiate with them.

Now, her grandfather agreed to help Lu Yu.

Did that mean Lu Yu could really cure her grandfather's illness? How was that possible?

"Mr. Li is straightforward!"

Lu Yu smirked, sitting back in his seat.

"Actually, my request is not particularly complicated. I just want Mr. Li to tell your son to give up on my Lu family. That's all!"

"Is that it?" Li Guohua, who was 68 years old this year, had always been healthy. If it weren't for this illness, and with his wealthy lifestyle, he was confident he could live until 90. In other words, if there was no hope at all, why would he want to die?

The thought of losing more than twenty years of life made Li Guohua sigh softly. "Of course, if giving up the idea could also help the Lu family, that would be even better."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Li Guohua breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Yu's conditions were not excessive at all; they were even somewhat too simple.

Because for the Li family, it didn't matter if they earned a little less in business, but if Li Guohua's life was gone, then it would truly be over.

Thinking of this, Li Guohua looked at Lu Yu. "If that's all, then there shouldn't be a problem!"

"Well then, Mr. Li, can we consider our deal completed?"

"No problem!" Li Guohua nodded, then looked at Lu Yu. "Um... can I call you Xiao Lu? I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not!"

Qin Sisi and Li Xiaorou were classmates. According to seniority, the other party was of her grandfather's generation, so there was no problem with this.

"Alright! Xiao Lu, can I ask you, what exactly is this illness of mine? Why are so many doctors and experts helpless, yet you can see results with just a yellow talisman?"

He knew his own situation.

Although his illness had not been completely cured, when Lu Yu stuck the talisman on his forehead just now, the chill in his body had clearly lessened. And he could clearly feel that the chill was leaving his body at the location where the talisman was attached.

So that's why he changed his attitude towards Lu Yu.

"Doctors and experts can't solve it because you don't actually have a disease..."


"He doesn't have a disease?"

"How is that possible?"

"How is that not possible? Your condition is the result of evil Qi entering your body, which regular instruments can't detect."

Lu Yu's surprising explanation left everyone stunned.

As Lu Yu explained, everyone was astonished, and their perspectives were refreshed.

Lu Yu told everyone that Li Guohua had been to some places he shouldn't have been to, or came into contact with some evil objects.

For example, graveyards, ancient tombs, or special burial objects. This led to evil Qi entering his body, causing special symptoms.

For example, invading the legs, causing them to be too cold to walk on. Or appearing in a state of paralysis with a cold feeling all over the body at night or on rainy days.

In the original work, when Li Guohua first appeared in a state of paralysis all over his body, his whole family thought he was dead. As a result, a coffin board was prepared, but Li Guohua returned to life.

Later, there was a second and third near-death situation. The first and second were separated by a year. Later, each time was shorter than the previous.

Lu Yu knew that when the interval between these shortened to a certain extent, he would never wake up again.

"Yes, my father's company had trouble, and there was a shadow of your Li family behind it!"

"I just heard about Mr. Li's illness, so I decided to try my luck."

"I didn't expect that, but as soon as I entered, I confirmed what I was thinking..."

Of course, Lu Yu wouldn't say he found it by following the original plot. So before he came, he already had an excuse!

But hearing Lu Yu's explanation, Li Guohua and Fang Qingrong looked strange.

"So you are still a Taoist who understands palmistry and feng shui?"

In this world, there were some people with real abilities. As wealthy people, they were very clear about it. But whether it's evil Qi, yellow talismans, or fortune telling, aren't those just things old men do? How could a young person like him know how to do it?

Even Li Xiaorou looked curious.

"Not exactly a Taoist," Lu Yu explained, "Just learned from a master for a while."

"Just learned for a while and became so proficient? I think those masters on the market are not as capable as you!"

"Haha, Mr. Li is too kind, but my master did say that I have extraordinary talent..."

Lu Yu continued to talk nonsense to the two elders. He pushed all the impossibilities to the imaginary master.

Qin Sisi, who was nearby, looked at Lu Yu with extreme admiration.

Li Xiaorou couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

"Is this guy not an idiot? How could he know so much? Could it be that this guy is really talented? So Qin Sisi trusts him so much? And from Qin Sisi's expression, it seems he is not using Sister Sisi this time? What's going on?"

Lu Yu didn't care what Li Xiaorou thought.

After chatting with Li Guohua for a while, destiny points were rewarded.

[Ding, changing the impression in Li Xiaorou's mind, gaining 200 destiny points.]

[Ding, seizing the protagonist's chance is successful, gaining 500 destiny points.]

"Sure enough, Li Xiaorou also rewarded me with points!"

Seeing the first system prompt, Lu Yu smirked.

This Li Xiaorou was originally supposed to be a little fan of the protagonist Chen Bansheng.

But now...

Heh heh, it's interesting.


Translator: Spectatorcake

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