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Chapter 49: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


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Chapter 49: Recalling The Sweet Moments:

(Within the Holy Heaven and Earth sect)

At this moment, Xu Zé was unaware of the impending danger.

He strolled in the backyard, contemplating the future.

After all, recent events made Xu Zé realize that the plot of the tenth reincarnation was completely different from the previous nine.

The male protagonist, Ye Fan, became his fan. The heroines' personalities fluctuated between good and evil, leaving people terrified. Xu Zé felt that the future plot could no longer follow the original plotline.

However, his doubts resurfaced when he opened his system and saw the unchanged 'x' character on the system panel.

"If the mission has already failed, why is there no indication on the system? Could there be a turning point in the future?"

Xu Zé was puzzled, but his doubts were quickly dispelled.


Before him, near the lakeside pavilion, Qu Qinghan sat quietly, gazing at the autumn leaves by the lake.

Xu Zé's eyes fell on Qu Qinghan's figure, and his heart began to race. She possessed exquisite features akin to an otherworldly beauty. From afar, she seemed like an untouchable fairy, enchanting and unattainable.

She appeared lost in thought at this moment, her eyes fixed on the autumn leaves at the lakeside.

Unconsciously, Xu Zé walked behind her. He deliberately made no effort to conceal himself.

Qu Qinghan noticed Xu Zé, and her eyes lit up briefly but quickly subsided and returned to their usual indifference. "Why does the Holy Son have time to stroll around here today?"

"Just passing by, wanting to appreciate the beautiful scenery," Xu Zé said with a smile.

Xu Ze glanced at Qu Qinghan and smiled.

Qu Qinghan's face revealed a blush.

How could she not notice?

Xu Ze's eyes didn't move away from her now.

The 'beautiful scenery' he mentioned means something else.

But thinking of Xu Ze's sweet words and tricks he used on ger in the previous nine incarnations, Qu Qinghan's heart instantly became cold.

"Is that so? Then, Holy Son, please enjoy the scenery." Qu Qinghan responded coldly, her gaze returning to the distance.

Despite considering that Qu Qinghan might not be easy to charm, Xu Zé didn't expect such resistance this time. Even after noticing him from the beginning, she remained calm.

Although the plot has deviated, Xu Zé, as the main villain, or more accurately, as a man, still had many considerations regarding the ten heroines from the previous nine reincarnations.

Well, whether he could play the role of the main villain was uncertain in this life.

However, the possibility of rebuilding relationships with the ten heroines and reliving the romantic encounters from the previous nine reincarnations was another matter.

To be honest, Xu Zé's ability to endure nine reincarnations was largely thanks to the unique personalities of the ten heroines.

Xu Zé considered that if the tenth reincarnation plot couldn't progress, he would at least reclaim the ten heroines by his side. This could be seen as compensation for abandoning them in the previous nine reincarnations and was also one of Xu Zé's long-cherished desires.

"Qinghan," Xu Zé cleared his throat, looking at Qu Qinghan. "In a few days, at the foot of the Holy Mountain, there will be a Flower Festival in the town."

Hearing this, Qu Qinghan's body trembled.

"I wonder if, at that time, you can spare half a day, and we can... go down the mountain together to take a look?" Xu Zé said, glancing occasionally at Qu Qinghan's face, trying to confirm her expression.

But it was a pity.

Unfortunately, due to her personality, Qu Qinghan's face remained calm, making it impossible to guess what she was thinking.

"The Flower Festival?" After a moment of silence, Qu Qinghan spoke calmly, "Let's discuss that matter on that day."

"Before that, Holy Son, it's better to focus all your thoughts on the sect's affairs," she responded coldly.

With that, Qu Qinghan stood up and walked past Xu Zé without looking back.

Watching Qu Qinghan's retreating figure, Xu Zé sighed helplessly. Although he had expected Qu Qinghan to reject him, he didn't anticipate her rejection to be so decisive.

However, Xu Zé didn't feel too disheartened.

He knew Qu Qinghan's personality, after all.

If he wanted to win her over, he had to do it slowly. Moreover, other heroines might be easier to woo.

"Forget it; if she doesn't want to go, I'll take Yu'er and the others instead," Xu Zé muttered to himself. He shook his head and then went to find Lu Qingqing and Lin Yuer.


(Inside the Heavenly Cold Palace)



"Xu Xe asked me out first!"

"Hahaha! I knew it! He couldn't sit still, seeing me always angry at him!"

Inside the palace, her cheers echoed through the sky.

Qu Qinghan, with her face blushing, rolled around in bed with a quilt in her arms, completely abandoning her usual image of a cold and holy maiden.

"Ahem, of course, I can't easily agree to such an invitation from the sc*m!"

Qu Qinghan cleared her throat, sat on the bed, and returned to her usual expression. However, her face still showed excitement.

"Ahem, oh? Isn't this Holy Son? What a coincidence! Are you also coming to patrol the Holy Mountain foot?"

"Hmmm... the Flower Festival will indeed attract many cultivators. If someone with ill intentions causes trouble, it wouldn't be good for the Holy Heaven and Earth sect's reputation."

"Let's do this, we can patrol together. If we encounter enemies, we can watch out for each other."

Qu Qinghan simulated the possible scenarios that might occur during the Flower Festival. Her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes shone with colorful light.

She fantasized about strolling side-by-side with Xu Ze in the town, admiring the blooming flowers.

Qu Qinghan couldn't help but clench her fist in excitement.


"Hmph, I'm not a woman who holds grudges."

"In this life, if you treat me well and don't act as heartless as in the previous nine lives, why would I treat you badly?"

Qu Qinghan put her hands up her face, her cheeks flushed, seemingly recalling the sweet moments between the two in the previous nine lives.

(T/N: ...Tsundere)

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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