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Chapter 31: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 31: If You Apologize to Her, She'll Forgive You:

Li Yi is the current chairman of Renhe Group and also Li Guohua's son.

According to the saying, "business rivals are enemies," in the case of fewer real estate companies, fewer competitors.

He had some thoughts about Lu Mingyuan's company. It wasn't his concern when Lu Mingyuan's company encountered problems, but he definitely contributed to the escalation of the situation.

He was confident that he could suppress Lu Mingyuan's real estate company in Rongcheng.

Unfortunately, a phone call made him freeze in place.

"What? Dad has been cured?"

His face was filled with disbelief upon hearing the news.

He knew how difficult his father's illness was to treat. Yet here he was, only in Magic City for a few days, and his father was already cured?

"Yes, son, your dad just said he feels much better!" Fang Qingrong said with exceptional joy.

Since Li Guohua fell ill, the Li family has been shrouded in gloom. It not only affected the Li family's business but also the well-being for everyone in the Li family.

At this moment, with Li Guohua's illness resolved, Fang Qingrong couldn't be happier.

"Really? Mom!" Li Yi's hand holding the phone trembled.

"That's really great."

"Hehe! Your dad is so happy now. He's already talking about throwing a big feast when he can walk again."

"Haha, we must! How can we not celebrate such a joyous occasion? By the way, Mom, what's the name of the doctor who cured Dad? Quickly tell me the number. I want to thank him in person."

Confirming the accuracy of this news, Li Yi was also very happy.

That's right! In order to pave the way for Chen Bansheng, Li Yi was shaped into a filial son, who sacrificed everything for his father.

Knowing that someone had cured his father, he was naturally excited, and it was completely necessary to thank them in person.

But when Fang Qingrong mentioned that it was Lu Mingyuan's son, Lu Yu, who cured Li Guohua, Li Yi froze again.

"Lu Mingyuan? You mean Lu Mingyuan's son cured Dad?"

"Yes, that's how it happened..."

Fang Qingrong nodded and explained the previous events along with Lu Yu's conditions. "Evil Qi entering the body? I see." Li Yi suddenly realized, "I just met a master here who said the same thing!"

"But the master I met said that it's very difficult to cure evil Qi entering the body. How could Lu Mingyuan's son do it?"

He had met a master here. Although this master said it was difficult to cure evil Qi entering the body, he also promised to do his best.

So Li Yi waited here for the master to finish his business before returning to Rongcheng together to treat his father.

He didn't expect that during this waiting period, his father would already be cured by someone else.

"I don't know about this, but your dad is indeed much better now, and he also agreed to his request."

"Is that so? Okay, Mom, I know what to do!"

Li Yi wasn't stupid.

How could he not understand his mother's meaning? Wasn't she asking him to do things according to his father's wishes?

No big deal! He didn't think much about it and agreed with a nod.

After finishing the call with Fang Qingrong, Li Yi thought for a moment, then picked up his phone and made another call.

The call was quickly answered.

A deep voice of a man came through.

"Hello, Mr. Li, what's the occasion for you to call me, a free man?"

Li Yi said lightly, "Mr. Zhang, I have nothing else to discuss with you! I just want to tell you that I'm not planning to deal with Lu Mingyuan anymore."

"Li Yi, are you out of your mind?"

Mr. Zhang on the other end of the phone frowned.

"You know better than anyone the potential of the domestic real estate market. As long as we bring down Lu Mingyuan, there won't be any other real estate developers in Rongcheng who can compete with us."

"With Lu Mingyuan's current situation, he can only hold on for another month at most! And you? You're telling me you want to quit?"

"That's right!" Li Yi didn't hesitate. "Not only do I want to quit, I also advise you not to deal with Lu Mingyuan anymore."

"Why? Give me a reason."

"Because from today onwards, I will stand with Lu Mingyuan. If you deal with Lu Mingyuan, you'll be my enemy."

"That's it. I have other matters to attend to, so I'll hang up!"

Beep beep beep!

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Mr. Zhang was stunned.

A few seconds later!!!



The phone was slammed heavily onto the ground, shattering it into pieces. Even the battery popped out.

The Li family served as Chen Bansheng's opportunity.

When Lu Yu cured Li Guohua, he already had changed his destiny!

Moreover, Li Yi was not previously familiar with Lu Yu. So Li Yi's attitude change did not give him any more destiny points.

[Ding, friendly reminder: To ensure the coordination of the body, the difference between vitality and intelligence should not exceed 10 points!]

Lu Yu, who earned 700 destiny points today, didn't pay much attention to how he earned them.

If the system gave them to him, he took them. If not, he couldn't do anything about it.

He couldn't go to the system developer to complain, could he?

So now, he was in his own villa's bedroom, embracing Qin Sisi.

He increased his attribute points.

In his opinion, vitality was physical fitness.

His combat skills were already at the proficient level.

Of course, the stronger the power, the faster the speed, and the stronger the combat effectiveness.

But why did the system suddenly pull this trick on him?

The difference between the two attributes couldn't exceed 10 points?

Lu Yu had no choice but to increase his intelligence first. Originally, his vitality was 24 points, and his intelligence was 15 points!

Now, his intelligence increased by 7 points, reaching 22 points. The increase in intelligence made Lu Yu's brain clear up.

Ding ding ding!

Just at this moment, the text message tone suddenly rang.

"Brother Yu, it's your message."

Lu Yu closed his eyes to accept the transformation of his intelligence.

"I'm busy now. Can you check who it is for me?"

Hearing this, Qin Sisi was delighted.

Lu Yu allowed her to check his phone. Didn't that mean he trusted her?

She quickly picked up the phone and checked.

"The message, it's from 'Green Tea Betch'?"

Lu Yu: "..."

"Can you see what she messaged me?" Lu Yu changed the subject.

"Oh, let me see!"

"She says: Although she doesn't know what's going on with you these days, if you apologize to her, she'll forgive you."


Translator: Spectatorcake

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