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Chapter 49: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 49: Is My Son Really This Impressive?:

"Local real estate company, Qixin, involved in tax evasion?"

"Really? Is it true?"

"The tax authorities have already started an investigation. How could it be false?"

"Oh my god, what if they find something? I just bought a house from them. If it turns into an unfinished building, I'll be at a huge loss!"

"An unfinished building? I don't think so."

"I’m not so sure. Didn't Lida Group have an issue before? It was because a building materials supplier provided substandard materials, and Lida has already terminated their contract with them!"

"So what?"

"That same supplier is now working with Qixin!"

"What? Does that mean their houses might have quality issues too?"

"Hard to say!"

Similar discussions were happening all over Rongcheng.

With these news reports, Lu Yu hired some online trolls to spread the word further.

Whether the Yuan family would survive was uncertain, but the Bai family was definitely done for.

At this moment, the most distressed person was Chen Bansheng.

He had been puzzled by Lu Yu's acquisition of the Mingyue Hotel.

He had even gone to the Lu family ancestral home and graveyard to inspect the feng shui he had modified.

The feng shui remained as he had left it, yet the Lu family hadn't faced any negative news recently.

This was strange.

Now, the same applied to the Bai and Yuan families.

The feng shui he altered for them hadn't been tampered with either. So why were the Bai and Yuan families so unlucky?

It didn't make sense.

Had he overlooked something?

"Damn it, damn it, Qingzhi... is this what you call accurate fortune-telling?"

At the Bai family's villa, Bai Shan yelled angrily at his daughter.

After seeing Lu Yu's attitude, the Bai family painfully cut ties with the Lu family.

Chen Bansheng, leveraging his connections with Sun Shao and Yuan Shao, became the Bai family's 'son-in-law.'

Initially, the Bai family was reluctant, but as Chen Bansheng demonstrated his abilities, they gradually accepted him.

But now...

"Dad, this isn't Brother Bansheng's fault!"

"Yes, Uncle Bai, this is just an accident..."

"Accident? Damn it..."

"Forget it, Old Bai. Fortune-telling and feng shui can't be completely trusted anyway."

"I... I... sigh..."

Bai Shan wanted to lash out but ended up sighing heavily.

"So, what do we do now? Once the substandard materials scandal breaks, how can Rongcheng tolerate the Bai family?"

Bai Qingzhi pouted, "I say, isn't this all Lu Yu's fault?"

"He promised not to expose it, but he went back on his word!"

"What’s the use of saying that now?"

Bai Shan shouted angrily, looking at his daughter in frustration.

How could such a shrewd couple like him and Zhou Shuzhen have such a foolish daughter?

She had ruined their perfect hand.

As for Lu Yu breaking his promise?

They had no recourse.

The Bai family wasn’t foolish.

Based on Lu Yu's previous attitude towards them, confronting him would only result in mockery.


While the Bai family was in chaos and the Yuan family was busy with their own troubles, the Lu family was experiencing a completely different situation.

At Rongcheng Airport, Lu Mingyuan had just returned from Hangcheng.

He was in high spirits as his company's affairs had been handled exceptionally smoothly.

Several issues that had previously baffled him had been resolved.

Moreover, there had been a noticeable decrease in negative news about the Lu family and an increase in positive coverage.

For example, Lida Group had doubled the compensation for the victims of a construction accident, and they had replaced all substandard materials.

Interestingly, these positive reports weren't generated by Lida Group's PR team but were independently reported by the media.

The most gratifying news for him was a report from Dong Jianbing.

Apart from the Bai family issue, a construction project halted by a minor earthquake had passed inspection and was ready to resume.

Additionally, a renowned school was planning to open a branch near a previously troubled project, turning it into a high-demand educational property, despite its troubled history.

As Lu Mingyuan sat in the company's Rolls-Royce, his phone rang.

Seeing an unfamiliar number, he answered it, still in a good mood.


"Mr. Lu, long time no see."

"Who is this?"

"Li Yi from Renhe Group."

"Oh? Mr. Li, what can I do for you?" Lu Mingyuan's tone immediately turned cold.

In Rongcheng, if anyone wanted his Lida Group to fail, it was either Zhang Jingming's Taihe or Li Yi's Renhe.

He suspected Li Yi's involvement in the company's past troubles.

Hearing the change in Lu Mingyuan's tone, Li Yi chuckled. "I wouldn't dare. I just wanted to ask if you're pleased with the recent news about the Lu family."

"Oh?" Lu Mingyuan quickly deduced, "You arranged those news reports?"



As a businessman, Lu Mingyuan didn’t believe Li Yi would help him for no reason.

"You don't know?" Li Yi was surprised.

"Know what?"

Li Yi laughed, "It seems you don't. Hehe, that boy..."

"This is what happened..." Li Yi then recounted how Lu Yu had cured Li Guohua.

Lu Mingyuan was stunned.

He knew his son understood feng shui, but he had cured Li Guohua, whose illness couldn't be treated anywhere in the country?

What was going on?

Could his son really be this impressive?
  • Adv chapters are availabale on Ko-fi 

Translator: Spectatorcake



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