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Chapter 72: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


 Splendour Translations
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Chapter 72:

The Holy Fire Palace was slightly distant from the sect hall.

As they made their way, the stunning scenery of the Holy Heaven and Earth Sect fell into the eyes of Liu Tianyang and his group...

Brilliant light filled the air, and rainbow bridges stood tall. They were palaces built on top of each other and hidden in the clouds.

Countless floating islands came into view. On these islands, there were serene lakes and mountains, occasionally graced by the presence of cranes spreading their wings, creating colorful spiritual Qi-like rainbows.

The figures of disciples from the holy land could be seen on various floating islands, either practicing or cultivating.

Liu Tianyang and his companions looked on with envy, wishing they could rush in and cultivate and practice.

"We thought that our Great Sword Sect was the best sect in the Yangzhou, but compared to the Holy Heaven and Earth Sect, our's simply second-rate," Liu Tianyang yearned for the Holy Heaven and Earth Sect.

Unfortunately, his talent was not top-notch. Although he was outstanding in the mortal realm, he couldn't even rank among the average in the here. It could only be said that there was a gap in talent.

Soon, led by the guide disciple, Liu Tianyang, and his group arrived at the Holy Fire Palace.

The Holy Fire Palace was located slightly to the south of the Holy Heaven and Earth Sect's architectural structure, unlike the slightly desolate surroundings of other buildings in the holy land.

The Holy Fire Palace was filled with the scent of birds and flowers, like a hot summer day.

Inside the gate, disciples wore light summer clothes, curiously watching the four disciples of the Great Sword Sect.

"The weather in the Holy Fire Palace is hot all year round. You can freely use cooling techniques to avoid the heat," the guide disciple reminded Liu Tianyang and the others, who seemed to be sweating. "In contrast, in our Heavenly Cold Palace, it's winter all year round."

As he spoke, he pointed to the snowy mountain area in the far north.

Summer and winter coexist?

Liu Tianyang and his companions showed surprised expressions. The Holy Heaven and Earth Sect were indeed amazing.

Entering the gate of the Holy Fire Palace, they walked past rows of dazzling buildings and arrived in front of a majestic hall. The guide disciple approached and pushed open the door.

"Holy Son, the four visitors from the Great Sword Sect have arrived."

As soon as the door was pushed open, a pure and holy aura flowed toward them. Although the holy fire wasn't scorching, its holy and pure aura carried its own majesty.

Liu Tianyang and his companions hurriedly lowered their heads, their hearts pounding.

"Oh? Have the four of you recovered from your injuries?" A familiar voice sounded in their ears.

Liu Tianyang was slightly stunned. He lifted his head and saw a familiar figure sitting with a smile on the Holy Fire Palace's throne.

Seeing that person, Liu Tianyang and the others were stunned.

"Senior... Senior?"

"Are you... Are you the Holy Son?"

At a glance, the four recognized that the man was the one who had saved them from demonic cultivators at the temple fair!

But no matter how hard they thought, they couldn't imagine the person was the Holy Son...

Xu Ze shook his head with a faint smile. "I thought you would have come earlier. It's already the third day today since you arrived at the Holy Mountain."

Liu Tianyang hurriedly knelt on one knee, clasped his hands, and lowered his head. "These few days, the Holy Son greatly favored these disciples. If it weren't for the Holy Son, we would have lost our lives earlier. Please don't blame us for not recognizing the Holy Son's identity."

The four bowed one after another, their hearts pounding, afraid that they might have said something wrong and offended this noble and distinguished man before them.

Seeing the four being so restrained, Xu Ze couldn't help but feel a bit amused. Initially, when he had just saved them, Liu Tianyang wanted to make friends. But now that they knew his identity, why were they acting like this?

"You four stood up for the Holy Heaven and Earth sect and dealt with the demonic cultivators. How could I blame you?" Xu Ze stood up, walked over to the four, and helped them up.

As Xu Ze helped Liu Tianyang up, his right hand touched Liu Tianyang's arm, and he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows slightly.

"Is your arm still not healed?"

Liu Tianyang replied nervously, "It's just a minor injury..."

His right arm's tendons were injured and wouldn't heal in the short term. But in order not to delay the sect's mission, he had to endure the injury and come to the Holy Heaven and Earth Sect.

"As a swordsman, if your right hand suffers from injuries, it will be difficult for you to progress in the future on the path of the sword." Xu Ze waved his hand, and Lin Yuer, standing on the side, immediately walked over obediently...

"Yuer, get a bottle of top-grade Jade Bone Pills for Liu Tianyang."

"Jade Bone Pills... Can't it be a lower-grade one?" Lin Yuer pouted, complaining in her heart.

Although the Holy Son didn't lack these things, the Jade Bone Pill was a top-grade healing treasure. No matter how severe the tendon injury was, as long as you had one pill, you could restore it to its original state. Even a bottle of low-grade Jade Bone Pills was priceless in the mortal realm, enough to be called a rare treasure.

However, Lin Yuer didn't say much and immediately withdrew.

Hearing Xu Ze's words, Liu Tianyang's face flushed with emotion, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

How could he not know the value of the Jade Bone Pill? And the Holy Son was actually getting a top-grade one for him. This... This kindness made Liu Tianyang feel overwhelmed for a while.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, Holy Son! I'm truly grateful!"

If it weren't for Xu Ze's support, Liu Tianyang would have knocked his head several times in gratitude.

"There's no need for such formalities. I've told you before that your righteous and pure heart always thinking for the sake of justice is extremely precious." Xu Ze smiled gently.

Hearing these words, Liu Tianyang and the others felt a fiery passion in their hearts. The flame of justice burned fiercely in their hearts, and they wished they could sacrifice themselves for justice right now.

Looking at Xu Ze's figure before them, they suddenly felt he was extraordinarily tall and admirable.

Seeing the stars twinkling in the eyes of the four, Xu Ze smiled slightly.

After experiencing nine reincarnations, Xu Ze mastered manipulating human hearts.

Liu Tianyang had a good foundation; at a young age, he had already cultivated the Sword Intent. His future achievements would undoubtedly be remarkable.

Recruiting talents like him to work for him was undoubtedly one of Xu Ze's favorite things to do.

Moreover, this life was different from the previous nine lives. Xu Ze needed to condense an extremely solid foundation for his role as the Holy Son to cope with unknown challenges in the future.

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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