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Chapter 50: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 50: Madam, Let’s Make a Deal:


Li Yi's words left Lu Mingyuan bewildered, even doubting their truthfulness.

But after some thought, he realized Li Yi wasn't a fool and had no reason to deceive him.

"My father’s health has significantly improved. He can even walk a little now," Li Yi continued, not caring whether Lu Mingyuan believed him. "To celebrate, I’m hosting a family dinner a week from now at my villa. You must come, and don’t forget to bring your son."

"I’ll think about it," Lu Mingyuan replied absentmindedly, still trying to process the information.

After hanging up, he immediately called Lu Yu.

Upon receiving confirmation from Lu Yu, he became ecstatic.

In the business world, having a friend was far better than having an enemy.

Friends were made through mutual interests.

There were no eternal enemies, only eternal interests—this maxim underscored the importance of alliances.

Now, Lu Yu represented significant interest to Li Yi, turning an adversary into a powerful ally.

Realizing this, Lu Mingyuan couldn't contain his joy.

"Hahaha, my boy, you’ve outdone yourself!" he laughed. "You even managed to cure old Li Guohua?"

"Just lucky," Lu Yu replied.

"Luck? Li Guohua’s illness cured by luck? Don’t be modest..." It was clear that Lu Mingyuan was elated, perhaps more than he had ever been.

With company issues resolved and his son proving himself capable, he was overjoyed. He rambled on to Lu Yu, who could only listen patiently.


The Bai family was now utterly ruined, facing inevitable bankruptcy unless they absconded with funds or found new developers to partner with.

Given their current situation, finding new partners would be extremely difficult.

As for Yuan Zhiwen’s family, they were also in dire straits.

Not only had Lu Yu tampered with their ancestral feng shui, but he had also reported them.

Good feng shui can turn major issues into minor ones, but bad feng shui does the opposite. Now, coupled with public opinion, the Yuan family was worse off than the Lu family had been.

The Sun and Wu families, although also impacted by Lu Yu’s feng shui modifications, were faring slightly better due to their large businesses and resources.

Feng shui tends to have long-term effects, and as long as no significant issues arose, they could withstand the current turmoil.


Three days later, north of Rongcheng, past the third ring road.

Late at night.

In the summer night, the occasional chirping of insects could be heard.

A crescent moon hung in the sky, its light streaming through a half-open window, casting an ethereal glow on the soft bed inside.

A beautiful woman lay on the bed, her delicate skin visible through a sheer nightgown.

A silk summer quilt draped casually over her mature, graceful body, outlining a seductive curve.

The woman was sound asleep, her gentle breathing barely audible, with a faint smile suggesting she was dreaming a happy dream.

In the shadowy corner of the room, where the moonlight didn’t reach, stood Lu Yu, disguised and holding a folder, admiring the scene before him.

He smirked, recalling the earlier events.

This woman’s villa had impressive defenses.

Other villas were easy for him to navigate, but hers required advanced stealth skills to breach.

"Sigh, do I really have to do everything myself? I need to recruit some competent subordinates," Lu Yu sighed.

To counter the protagonist, having capable people was crucial.

Otherwise, he’d have to handle every slightly difficult task personally, which was exasperating.

Though Wang Ping and Cheng Anjun were talented, Lu Yu had no intention of recruiting them since they were supposed to be the protagonist’s allies and too righteous in character.

Even if he could subdue them using the protagonist’s methods, he couldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t betray him during their interactions.

Shaking off these thoughts, Lu Yu approached the woman.

He tossed the folder aside and slowly extended his right hand. His fingertips lightly brushed against her mature body, then gently caressed her pale neck.

Gradually, his hand tightened around her throat.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As time passed, Ye Qianrou struggled to breathe, abruptly awakening and coughing. Realizing what was happening, she looked at Lu Yu in terror.

Instinctively, she twisted her body, grabbing at his hand in an attempt to free herself.

Lu Yu, however, didn’t release his grip.

Instead, he restrained her struggles with his other hand.

After about ten seconds, he finally let go, leaving Ye Qianrou gasping for air, on the verge of fainting.

When she recovered somewhat, Lu Yu’s hand tightened again, though less severely this time, allowing her to breathe.

"Who are you?" Her clear eyes fixed on Lu Yu’s face, though she couldn’t see him clearly due to the dim light.

Despite the situation, her voice was soft and melodious, like a lover’s whisper.

In a hoarse voice, Lu Yu said, "Madam, let’s make a deal."
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Translator: Spectatorcake



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