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Chapter 60: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 60: This Su Changyu Is Probably Just Bragging:

At night, in Bai Suyue's room.

She sat cross-legged and was cultivating with her eyes closed.

Streams of blue spiritual Qi emanated from her body.

The Profound Water Physique, an innate Dao physique, though not as good as the Great Dao Bone, if fully mastered, one could easily comprehend the Dao of Water and attain the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

As a supporting character, Bai Suyue's talent was naturally not bad.

At this moment, as her pure spiritual Qi essence circulated within her body, the Dao of water essence naturally appeared.

The blue light reflected on Bai Suyue's face, making her appear pure and charming.

But suddenly, a strand of black Qi silently appeared from the void and penetrated Bai Suyue's consciousness.

Bai Li Suyue's face immediately showed a trace of pain. She felt as if ancient gods were whispering in her mind and breaking through the chaos and pulling her consciousness.

Bai Suyue stood up uncontrollably and walked toward the light as if wandering through the desolate ancient world, listening to the gods, and seeking miracles.

Bai Suyue left the room alone, walked out of the courtyard, and swiftly flew toward a desolate mountain near Cloud City.

Her departure didn't attract anyone's attention in the Bai Family, except for Old Li.

He followed Su Changyu's orders to observe the situation on Bai Suyue's side. So when that strand of cursed Qi appeared, Old Li immediately noticed it.

"Young master, this should be some kind of mind-controlling secret technique, and it's like a curse. Only demonic cultivators use it."

Having seen much, Old Li naturally knew the origin of this technique.

"Will it harm the host?"

"No, it just controls the mind." Old Li said.

Su Changyu smiled faintly. "Just as I suspected. Let's go and take a look."

In a desolate area north of Cloud City.

Xiao Xuan closed his eyes and formed seals with his hands.

Underneath him, a huge black array emerged.

Precious artifacts were placed in every corner of the array. As Xiao Xuan chanted, the array emitted a dazzling black light.

Demonic secret technique.

If other cultivators found out he was using this technique, he would surely be doomed.

Therefore, he hadn't used it in the past six months. If it weren't for the fact that he had no choice, Xiao Xuan wouldn't have resorted to such means.

Fortunately, this place was desolate, and no one would come over.

"It's a success!"

Feeling the spiritual fluctuations from the array, Xiao Xuan's face lit up with joy.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hoo~ My current strength is still too weak. If it were back then... Hmph!"

If it were back then, he could control the cultivators below the Saint Realm with just a glance.

"Next, I just need to wait for Bai Suyue to come."

His strength was too weak, so he could only rely on the array to cast the spell. Once the array successfully activated, the curse would automatically appear and control Bai Suyue to come here. This process didn't require his intervention.

Xiao Xuan restored his state while waiting.

About half an hour later, a figure flew over the night sky.

Xiao Xuan opened his eyes. His face was filled with excitement as he stared at Bai Suyue approaching him.

"Hehe~ Bai Suyue, despite your aloofness and rejection, you still ended up in my hands? You are destined to be mine!"

"I don't think so." Suddenly, a voice interrupted him.

Before he could react to what was happening, Su Changyu hugged Bai Suyue halfway and landed gracefully.

Xiao Xuan's expression froze. "Who are you!?"

Su Changyu hugged Bai Suyue and said with a faint smile, "You really are good at hiding. Whether someone discovered the secret technique halfway across Cloud City or halfway across the Bai Family, you still had enough time to escape."

After saying that, he gently stroked Bai Suyue's forehead.


Bai Suyue's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her empty gaze gradually regained clarity.

"I... Young master, you..." Bai Suyue exclaimed softly. But when she realized Su Changyu was hugging her, she quickly reacted.

Although her mind was controlled, her self-awareness was clear, she couldn't react.

She vividly remembered being controlled by a mysterious force.

If Su Changyu hadn't intervened, she might have...

"Xiao Xuan! You are despicable!" Bai Suyue's face turned cold.

Xiao Xuan ignored her and secretly observed his surroundings.

When he was sure that only Bai Suyue and Su Changyu were present, he sneered back, "I don't see anyone following you, but it doesn't matter. After I kill you, Bai Suyue will still be mine!"

He could sense that Su Changyu hadn't reached the Heavenly Saint Realm at all. Without reaching the Heavenly Saint Realm, even if he was the Creational Realm, he was confident he could take him down.

Su Changyu shook his head disappointedly. "Just a three-star destiny protagonist, making me wait for so long."

Just now, Su Changyu used the system to check Xiao Xuan and saw that his destiny level was only three stars.

Seeing this Xiao Xuan causing such a commotion, Su Changyu assumed he was a reincarnator and demonic cultivator, and this was the result....

Su Changyu was very disappointed.

The rewards for just a one-star difference in destiny level were like heaven and earth. To put it bluntly, this guy wasn't even half as good as Ye Yuan.

Xiao Xuan frowned and shouted angrily, "Stop pretending to be a god, die!"

He stepped on the ground, and the surging demonic Qi transformed into a towering giant hand, striking toward Su Changyu!


Facing this overwhelming force, Su Changyu said calmly, "Xiao Jiu, take care of it, it's not interesting."

The next moment, Xiao Jiu flew out from his shoulder.


A sharp sound rang out, and Xiao Xuan's face instantly darkened.

Xiao Jiu's sharp claws, enlarged thousands of times, suddenly swung down toward him!

Xiao Jiu's strength was already at the peak of the Creation Realm.

After being contracted by Su Changyu, the Nine Spirit Fire was also integrated into the Nayuan Swallowing Heaven Scripture.

After countless enhancements, Xiao Jiu's strength had long reached the peak of the Creational Realm.

Xiao Xuan was caught off guard and was severely injured by Jiu.

However, he was a reincarnation of a godly realm powerhouse after all, and possessed many life-saving supernatural techniques.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, he spat out a mouthful of blood and used escape techniques to flee.

However, he soon despaired when he found out that the space was sealed by a mysterious force.

The Nine Spirit Fire suddenly expanded in Xiao Xuan's pupils.


As the flames covered Xiao Xuan's body, he was burned into a lump of black charcoal!

[You killed a destined person and obtained a Destiny Treasure Chest*1.]

"That's enough, Xiao Jiu, come back." Su Changyu said calmly.

A three-star destiny protagonist didn't interest him much.

Moreover, Su Changyu came mainly for the Annihilation Flame of Chaos. He didn't want to waste energy dealing with Xiao Xuan. It was just right for him to kill Xiao Xuan under the cover of night without anyone suspecting him.

"Young Master, Xiao Xuan... is he dead?"

Bai Suyue murmured.

Was he dead just like that?

A Great Sword Sect's direct disciple, a prominent figure in the Beiyang Region, died like this?

Su Changyu said, "Only you and I know what happened tonight, do you understand?"

Bai Suyue realized and nodded hastily, "Rest assured, Young Master Su, I won't tell anyone!"

Su Changyu had solved such big trouble for her, and both emotionally and logically, she wouldn't speak out.

"Thank you, Young Master Su. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have..." Bai Suyue said with lingering fear.

[Bai Suyue's character has changed, obtained 100 villain points]

Glancing at the system prompt, Su Changyu smiled faintly, "Okay, let's go back first."

On the other hand, Xiao Xuan's death caused a huge wave in Cloud City, but no one suspected Su Changyu.

Because there was a demonic secret technique at the scene, people suspected the Demon Sect.

Su Changyu was also happy to have peace of mind.

However, since then, Bai Suyue's attitude toward him had changed drastically.

She spent all day with him, and Su Jiuming had already begun to prepare to welcome the next 'young master's woman'.

Five days later.

In the hallway, Jian Qinxin walked quickly toward Qing Yi, who was gazing into the distance alone.

"Bing Yao!"

Qing Yi turned around and saw softness appearing in her indifferent eyes, and then said, "Where's Suyue? Why hasn't she come?"

Jian Qinxin sighed helplessly. "Suyue? Don't mention it, she has completely fallen in love now."

"Hmm?" Bing Yao was puzzled.

Jian Qinxin then recounted the incident of Su Changyu's arrival at the Bai Family.

Of course, she didn't know about the events of that night, so she was also puzzled by Bai Suyue's change in behavior.

Bing Yao frowned, "Su Changyu from the Great Holy Sect? I've heard of his achievements, but those things are very likely to be fake. I met the Holy Son of the Absolute Beginning Sect previously who possessed unmatched combat strength. How could he be killed by a member of the same generation? This Su Changyu is probably just bragging. I can't let Suyue get deceived by him."

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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