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Chapter 61: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 61: Ambush?:

Bing Yao was from the Jade Lake Sect, one of the top forces on the Beiyang Continent.

She believed that those so-called renowned sects sometimes did anything for the sake of face.

Especially since the news originated from the Zhongtian continent, Bing Yao naturally didn't believe it.

Killing the Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son with one strike?

Who would dare claim such a feat beneath the Heavenly Saint Realm?

In the past, she barely managed to defeat the Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son using her powerful talent.

In Bing Yao's eyes, geniuses from top powers weren't as different as many people believed.

Moreover, compared with the Great Holy Sect, her Jade Lake Sect wasn't too weak, so her status should be similar to Su Changyu's.

Unless Su Changyu had already reached the Heavenly Saint Realm, which was obviously unlikely.

If he had reached the Heavenly Saint Realm, there would have been no need to brag about this matter from the beginning. So, she felt she had enough authority to speak about this.

"It's fake? Impossible. I don't think Young Master Su is that kind of person." Jian Qinxin frowned.

Hearing these words, Bing Yao shook her head gently. "Well, I know you've been training outside for a while and don't know much about certain matters. Let me ask you, do you think Su Changyu can kill me with one strike?"

Jian Qinxin shook her head. "...No."

She had witnessed Bing Yao's strength and knew how formidable she was among her peers.

"That's right. Although I defeated the Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son, I'm not much stronger than him. If Su Changyu can kill him with one strike, he can also kill me with one strike." Bing Yao said indifferently. "Even Tang Chuan can't do such a thing. So, this is probably a lie. Also, if that's true, why did Su Changyu appear and then go to the Bai Family?"

Jian Qinxin was stunned. "Are you saying that he went there for Suyue from the beginning?"

"I can only think of this. Otherwise, why would he come to the Falling Cloud Ancient City from the Zhongtian continent? The Zhongtian continent usually doesn't participate in the Arena of Fighting, right?"

"You're making me dizzy with all this," Jian Qin Xin said, feeling conflicted. She had been with the Bai Family for the past few days and had seen Su Changyu with her own eyes. However, Bing Yao's words left her speechless.

"Let's forget about this. Suyue knows what's going on." Jian Qinxin waved her hand. "Bing Yao, did you succeed this time when you went back?"

Bing Yao remained silent for a moment before shaking her head.

"Master said I should rank in the top ten in the Ancient Battlefield."

"The top ten in the Ancient Battlefield? That's a pretty high requirement, isn't it? I heard that the Ancient Battlefield is participated in by three major domains. Each of them has cultivators close to the peak Heavenly Saint Realm."

Bing Yao replied confidently, "Yes, but if I'm with Tang Chuan, it's still possible. According to Master, Tang Chuan is the greatest genius on the Beiyang continent in the last ten thousand years. Only such an outstanding man deserves me!"

Jian Qinzin: "..."

She opened her mouth to say something but hesitated and decided not to.

After all, the main reason Bing Yao liked Tang Chuan was for his strength, ranking him as the number one genius in Beiyang.

But Jian Qinxin always felt something was off.

"What if a genius stronger than Tang Chuan appears?" Jian Qin Xin muttered to herself.

Bing Yao heard her, and snapped at her. "Impossible, at least for this generation. Tang Chuan is number one among his generation. You've seen his strength for yourself. How could anyone be stronger than him?"

Bing Yao then sneered. "Or do you still believe the rumors from the Zhongtian continent? Qin Xin, although you have been training outside for many years, you never cross paths with major powers. This won't do. You'll understand when you return to the Jian Family in the future."

Reputation couldn't be built on mere words. But strength was honed through training!

Jian Qinxin didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore. "Ugh... Fine, I can't argue with you. So, what are you planning to do?"

Bing Yao pondered for a moment. "Of course, I'm going to see Suyue. She's my friend, and I can't let anyone with ulterior motives get close to her!"


Tianxing Cliff.

On a mountain peak.

Tang Chuan held a jade rabbit in his arms, his gaze steady as he looked down at the mountain range below him. Every now and then, cultivators fly across the mountains, searching for something.

"Holy Son, it's been almost half a month, and we've searched the Tianxing Cliff thoroughly. Is there really a Source Fire here?" A golden-haired young man named Chu Xuan spoke solemnly. "If the information is true, such a rare item as the Source Fire would surely show some signs."

Tang Chuan replied, "If you can't find it, continue searching. Do I need to teach you?"

"But we've been blocking this place for a while. Many other sects have come here for training. I'm worried..."

As he spoke, Chu Xuan immediately shut his mouth. He saw Tang Chuan furrow his eyebrows. If he kept saying things, even he, a core disciple of the sect, would probably be punished.

"I'll continue searching." Chu Xuan jumped off the cliff and headed into the mountains.

After he left, Tang Chuan pondered for a moment. "Master's calculations shouldn't be wrong. I found some information that indicates it may exist here. But why can't I find it? Could it be..."

He raised his head and looked at the sky above him.

The laws of nature and endless possibilities. Sometimes, what the eyes see might not be true.

He touched the jade rabbit in his arms and kissed it on the cheek.

"Don't worry, Ling'er, I will definitely revive you."

Bai Family.

In a secluded courtyard.

At the moment, Changyu was cultivating and dao energy was emitted from his body.

Behind him, his illusory body absorbed and spewed darkness, emitting an extremely powerful aura of destruction that was terrifying to behold.

After a long time, Su Changyu finished cultivating, and the illusory body turned into a light beam and disappeared into his eyebrows.

"Haha! I didn't expect to improve my cultivation so quickly. It seems I underestimated the benefits of soul power."

He now mastered the Eye of Evil Awakening.

With his soul power, he could fully unleash the Heavenly King Realm's combat strength. If he charged with all his power, he could even take down the Heavenly King Realm expert.

However, the illusory body was easy to target. If facing a peak Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse with strong soul strength and strong physical strength, Su Changyu would lose in a fight.

But he was still satisfied. After all, Su Changyu himself was only in the Creational Realm.

"The illusory body can be used as my trump card. It doesn't help in normal times."

Su Changyu's Great Dao Bone evolved, and with the Taichi Seal, fighting against cultivators in the Heavenly Saint Realm was no problem. If the opponent was even stronger, he could just let Old Lao take care of it.

He glanced at the attribute panel.

Getting along with Bai Suyue these days earned him 350 villain points.

As he expected, the Treasure Chest dropped by Xiao Xuan didn't surprise him, giving him 2000 villain points.

With the other 1000 points he got from conquering Zhu Gewanqing, he now had 3350 villain points.

Thinking for a moment, he used 3000 villain points to raise his cultivation to the Seventh Stage of the Creational Realm.



Host: Su Changyu

Bloodline: Great Dao Bone (1st evolution)

Cultivation: 7th stage of the Creational Realm

Technique: Heaven Swallowing Technique (10th level)

Additional Attributes: Sword Skill of Absolute Beginning, Great Sun Burning Skill, Qiankun Hand, Six Heavenly Palms, Evil Eye Awakening (Heavenly Dao Divine Ability)

Luck: Golden

(From low to high are black, red, grey, white, green, orange, purple, gold, and red)

Villain Points: 350

Halo: Heaven's destiny, which allows the host to ignore the backlash of the son of luck

Items: Azura Lotus Fire, Nine Spirit Fire, Fragment of Heavenly Dao x1


As he finished his cultivation, Su Changyu stepped out of the room.


Xiao Jiu flapped its wings cheerfully and flew onto his shoulder.

Su Jiuling stood in the courtyard and said, "Young Master, Miss Bai just came and invited you to the Golden Arena. She said the Centennial Festival is starting."

Su Changyu nodded and looked at Zhu Gewanqing, calculating with the Fate Disk beside him.

"Have you found anything out?"

"Um... Sorry, Young Master, it's kinda messy."

Zhu Gewanqing's delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Her Fate Disk technique wasn't weak. But whenever she tried to calculate something about Su Changyu, she always felt that all the heavenly secrets were concealed, and it was difficult to see even the slightest clue.

"What about Tianxing Cliff?"

Su Changyu asked Bai Suyue about Tianxing Cliff in the past few days.

She told him that nothing was related to the Source Fire. But Bai Suyue informed Su Changyu that Tang Chuan was also looking for the Chaos Annihilation Flame!

When resurrecting the spirit, both the body and the soul must be fused with the Source Fire.

Even though the Ancient Moon Sect was strong, the Source Fire wasn't easily obtained.

But still, Tang Chuan managed to obtain relevant information from his sect and learned that the Chaos Annihilation Flame had appeared at Tianxing Cliff.

So, during this time, he led people to search for news about Source Fire.

Su Changyu also had Old Li secretly investigate this, and indeed, many people have been searching all over Tianxing Cliff, but they have found nothing.

It was inevitable that they couldn't find it. According to Su Changyu, the time when Ye Yuan obtained the Chaos Annihilation Flame was somewhat special and complicated.

Any spiritual object of heaven and earth will have a natural protective mechanism.

When picking up treasures from so many novels, people might contest them in secret realms or face fierce beasts.

Why would such treasures be left by the roadside for others to pick up?

After all, wouldn't it be weird if the treasures appeared along the roadside for others to pick up?

So Su Changyu wasn't worried Tang Chuan would find the Chaos Annihilation Flame first.

Looking at Zhu Gewanqing, who was frowning in thought, he smiled faintly and said, "Help me calculate when the next ambush will be."


Zhu Gewanqing was somewhat puzzled.


But suddenly, she remembered something and calculated on the Fate Disk.

"Young Master, you go to the arena. I won't go. I should be able to figure it out by the time you return!"

Su Changyu smiled faintly. "Jiuling, let's go."

Falling Cloud Ancient City, Golden Arena.

Walking down the street, Su Changyu saw the ancient city's unique cultural atmosphere.

The traditions here were very different from those of the Zhongtian Continent, and some cultivators were hostile to people from the Zhongtian Continent because they believed that those from the Zhongtian Continent were simply fortunate to enjoy more and better resources in the Azure Realm.

"If we had the resources and environment of the Zhongtian Continent, our Beiyang continent would dominate the Azure Realm!"

When Su Changyu heard this for the first time, he also felt puzzled.

It's like an ordinary disciple questioning the young master of a big family. Why should he act so high and mighty just because he enjoyed better conditions than him?

To this, Su Changyu could only say... because he enjoyed and liked it.

He had the qualifications; why act stingy?

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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