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Chapter 59: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 59:


Azura continent -> Azura Realm

Zhongtian Region -> Zhongtian Continent

Beiyang Region -> Beiyang Continent)

The Ancient Cloud City, the Golden Arena.

This was a place large enough to accommodate millions of people.

Runes flickered around the outside of the arena, and each mysterious formation emitted a powerful aura and drew attention.

At this moment, on the Bai Family's platform, a young man with black hair stood alone and spoke proudly, "What, is there no one left in your Bai Family? You still dare to set up a challenge with such weak strength?"

Below the platform, a group of the Bai Family's young disciples glared angrily.

"Xiao Xuan, since you've already won the match, why do you insist on occupying the ring?" An elder from the Bai Family frowned.

Xiao Xuan laughed heartily, "I just want to see what else your Bai Family is capable of nowadays. The younger generation is so incompetent; it seems they won't last longer. Why not merge with my Xiao Family sooner rather than later?"

"Too presumptuous!" The elder of the Bai Family exuded a powerful aura belonging to a Heavenly Saint Realm expert.

However, Xiao Xuan just stood there, expressionless. In fact, his face was filled with mockery.

"What? You want to make a move? It's not impossible. Because the younger generation can't handle it, now the elders want to handle it," Xiao Xuan replied arrogantly and completely disregarded the opponent.

The surrounding cultivators began to discuss.

"Isn't that Xiao Xuan?"

"Such arrogance, no wonder he's the Great Sword Sect's direct disciple."

Xiao Xuan waited for a while, but seeing no one was coming, he shook his head disappointedly.

"Boring, so boring!"

"If the Bai Family is so lacking, you don't need to come again!"

Xiao Xuan left laughing.

"Elder, are we just going to let it go like this?" a disciple asked with an unwilling face.

Xiao Xuan's actions were tantamount to openly slapping the Bai Family's face. With such actions, what face would the Bai Family have in setting up the arena in the future?

The elder of the Bai Li Family sighed, "If we don't let it go, what can we do? Will you take action or should I?"

The younger generation couldn't win.

Even if the older generation won, there would be no point in it.

Moreover, with Xiao Xuan's identity as the Great Sword Sect's direct disciple, who would dare provoke him?

"Let it go, and wait for the patriarch to come," the elder said.

"The Bai Family is really going to be a turtle. I'm getting them to come out, but they still won't," Xiao Xuan said as he left the Golden Arena and walked on the streets of the Ancient Cloud City.

His original intention this time was to force Bai Suyue to appear, but she didn't show up unexpectedly.

"Young Master, in my opinion, you don't need to waste time with the Bai family. Once you are officially recognized as the Great Luo Sword Sect's successor in the future, the Bai Family will be easily destroyed at your fingertips," said the old servant beside him.

"Are you teaching me what to do?" Xiao Xuan snorted.

"The old servant doesn't dare." The old servant quickly lowered his head. He knew very well the temper of the young master in front of him. If he disagreed, he would kill someone in a heartbeat.

"There are some things you don't understand. This is an exception," Xiao Xuan said lightly.

The reason he forced the Bai Family was naturally to marry Bai Suyue. It wasn't only because Bai Suyuewas beautiful but also because of her profound water physique!

If he dual-cultivated with Bai Suyue and absorbed her Yin and Yang, his cultivation base would advance leaps and bounds!

He, Xiao Xuan, would become a powerhouse in the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

"If I dual-cultivate with Bai Suyue, I can enter the Heavenly Realm within two years. Unfortunately, that woman actually refused my proposal. Hmph! If it doesn't work out, I'll have to think of another way," Xiao Xuan thought to himself.

In the past six months, he considered kidnapping Bai Suyue.

However, the Bai Family had many experts, making it difficult to find an opportunity.

Especially recently, they formed a connection with the Holy Son of the Ancient Moon Sect. Xiao Xuan worried that if the Holy Son took a liking to Bai Suyue, he would have no chance.

"I can only use that move."

Xiao Xuan wasn't only a powerhouse in the Divine Realm but also a former demonic cultivator in his previous life.

He possessed a secret technique to control people. He originally didn't want to use it, but he was already impatient.

Su Changyu, although surprised, didn't care too much about the sudden appearance of a son of Heaven's Destiny.

The plot had changed, but his goal was simple: to plunder the halo and obtain villain points. No matter which son of Heaven's Destiny was, he just saw it as an opportunity to harvest some villain points.

"The world is so big; there must be more sons of Heaven's Destiny than those I know of," Su Chang Yu knew very well that even the Azura Realm was just a small corner of the three thousand realms. Even when he reached the upper realm, he was afraid that there would be plenty of big shots.

"Old Li, go check this Xiao Xuan," he instructed.

On the other side of the courtyard.

Jianqin Xin was quite annoyed. "Suyue, aren't you going to take a look? That guy is occupying the platform and refusing to leave. If this continues, your Bai Li Family's reputation will be ruined."

Bai Suyue shook her head gently.

"It's useless. You also know my strength is far from being his opponent."

Jianqin Xin sighed lightly. "Sigh~ It would be great if Bing Yao were here, but unfortunately, she returned to her sect a few days ago."

Bai Suyue shook her head gently. "This matter shouldn't bother Bing Yao. The Bai Family needs to resolve it on their own."

Jianqin Xin responded with a nod, then sneakily glanced at Su Changyu, who was sitting in the pavilion drinking tea.

"Suyue, why do you think the Great Holy Sect's Holy Son come to Cloud City?"

Watching Jianqin Xin's satisfied curiosity, Bai Suyue helplessly said, "Why do you care so much? The Holy Son is just staying in the Bai Family for a few days?"

"I heard he killed the Absolute Beginning sect's Holy Son in one move. Is it true?"

Although they didn't understand the Zhongtian Continent situation very well, they were clear about the top-notch figures.

If the Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son had fallen, any force with ability would know about it. But whether it was true or not was unknown.

Especially on the Beiyang Continent, when news came from the Zhongtian Continent, people instinctively doubted it a bit before believing it.

"It should be true." Bai Suyue felt that Su Changyu was somewhat unfathomable. He didn't seem like someone who boasted without a cause.

Soon after, the Bai Family patriarch came over and invited Su Changyu to a banquet. This scene left the younger generation of the Bai Family shocked and astonished.

They had never seen the patriarch like this before.

Su Changyu smiled calmly all the way through.

Being the villain, he had the advantage of being respected and feared everywhere he went, unlike the protagonist, who was mocked everywhere he went.

Being complimented was always better than being cursed at, right?

"Young Master Su."

Before long, Old Li's voice rang out, and he gave information about Xiao Xuan to Su Changyu.

It was probably about six years ago when Xiao Xuan, an ordinary member of the Xiao clan, began to show talent and make amazing moves. It was worth mentioning that not only did his cultivation speed up, but his temperament also changed a lot. He became extremely arrogant and ruthless.

"So he's reincarnated," Su Changyu thought to himself. Moreover, it was highly probable that it was a reincarnated demon emperor. This type of son of Heaven's destiny individual rises quickly in the early stages.

At this moment, Su Changyu contemplated the next plan while enjoying the feast prepared by the Bai Family.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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