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Chapter 6: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?


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Chapter 6: The Female Protagonist, Gu Shengyan:

“I... I can! Of course, I can!” Ji Ziruo said, somewhat flattered and shocked.

She had thought Ling Ye didn’t care about her at all. But now, Ling Ye wanted her to stay with him? This was a dream come true!

Her autumn-like eyes almost welled up with tears. She was so moved. The Emperor finally understood her feelings. He finally took an interest in her!

She vowed to take care of him so well that he wouldn’t want to leave her. She wanted to make him never forget her.

“From tonight, I’ll be staying at your place,” Ling Ye said, and retracted his hand.

“Mm! I understand!” Ji Ziruo nodded repeatedly. Then, she hesitated and said, “It’s just… I only have one room, one bed!”

As she spoke, a blush of surprisingly shyness appeared on her beautiful face. Indeed, her place only had one room, one bed. Though there were many training grounds and treasure rooms, there was only one sleeping place. The implication was clear—she wanted to share the bed with Ling Ye.

“Then arrange another room with an extra bed,” Ling Ye said calmly.

Ji Ziruo’s face fell in disappointment. So, even if they stayed together, they wouldn’t be sleeping together? This wasn't ideal.

“If I stay at your place, my disciple will naturally stay there too,” Ling Ye added.

Hearing this, Ji Ziruo’s face lit up with excitement again. So his disciple would sleep in one room, and he would sleep with her? The meaning was clear—he intended for them to share a room.

“Understood, I’ll arrange everything!” Ji Ziruo nodded eagerly. Tonight, she will get the man of her dreams. Finally, she could become his woman. She was overjoyed. If it weren’t for the many people around, she would have jumped for joy.

Meanwhile, disciples began to emerge from the portal in the area ahead.

The crowd’s attention shifted from Ling Ye and Ji Ziruo to the new arrivals. The first group of young disciples looked around curiously. This was the inner sect? It was much more splendid than the outer sect, and the spiritual Qi here was much richer. Training here would be vastly better than outside. Getting a good master was the most important thing after entering the inner sect.

Unfortunately, the disciples didn’t get to choose their masters. Only one could choose—a disciple who received the Purple Moon Immortal Token during the assessment. Who would be this year’s lucky one?

As the first batch of disciples exited, a second batch followed. This group was unique because, except for one girl, all were boys. The girl, appearing to be about eighteen or nineteen, was dressed simply and looked ordinary. Her strength was also the weakest among them.

This seemingly ordinary girl was none other than the protagonist, Gu Shengyan.

Ling Ye’s gaze immediately fell on her. Yes, she was the female protagonist in the original novel, ordinary in every way but possessing a mysterious charm. She had already attracted her first batch of admirers during the inner sect assessment. These people would inexplicably encounter her and develop ambiguous feelings.

The reason she obtained the Purple Moon Immortal Token was mostly thanks to the help of these men. Moreover, she had a trump card—a powerful being hidden within her, protecting her whenever her life was threatened. This being was a male would later regain consciousness and forge a new body.

Every male character connected to Gu Shengyan, and every beautiful female character was destined to be her stepping stone, a target to be outshined.

“Do you find her interesting?” Ji Ziruo suddenly asked. She had noticed Ling Ye’s gaze fixated on Gu Shengyan from the start.

Ling Ye retracted his gaze and smiled. Interesting? In the original novel, yes, he found her interesting. But now, he saw no allure in her at all.

-To be continued!

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