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Chapter 5: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?


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Chapter 5: Can’t You Stay With Me?:

“Of course, you’re welcome!” Ji Ziruo responded with a sweet smile. The emperor himself was visiting; how could she not welcome him? Moreover, she had feelings for Ling Ye and wished to see him every day.

She then took two steps forward, and under the astonished gazes of the surrounding elders and disciples, she approached Ling Ye. She bent slightly, almost kneeling.

After all, he was the emperor, and she dared not stand while speaking to him.

“What kind of disciple are you looking for?” she asked softly. “The most outstanding talents of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect are in the inner sect, and today happens to be the day we recruit new inner disciples…”

She began to introduce the sect to Ling Ye. The surrounding elders and disciples were all left speechless and shocked by this scene. They watched Ling Ye sitting in the sect master’s seat and Ji Ziruo crouching beside him, talking to him as if she were a mere maid.

Who was this man to make their esteemed sect master act so humbly? Throughout the entire Dayuan Dynasty, how many people could command such respect from their sect master?

Ling Ye didn’t pay attention to the astonished gazes around him. He focused on Ji Ziruo, who was crouched beside his seat. Her slight bend revealed a hint of a white cleavage, whether intentionally or not, he couldn’t tell. Regardless, Ling Ye enjoyed the view.

He lightly tapped the armrest of his chair with his fingers and said calmly, “I want… one of the new disciples entering the inner sect today!”

“I understand!” Ji Ziruo nodded. “Each year, there is one exceptional disciple who receives the Purple Moon Immortal Token.”

“Alright… I’ll choose myself later,” Ling Ye nodded. “I might stay at Purple Moon Immortal Sect for a while.”

“Yes! I will arrange the best place for you!” Ji Ziruo nodded gently.

“What is the best place in the Purple Moon Immortal Sect?” Ling Ye suddenly asked.

“Well…” Ji Ziruo thought for a moment, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. The best place was undoubtedly her own Purple Moon Peak, surrounded by abundant spiritual Qi and picturesque scenery, a true paradise. But what did Ling Ye mean by this? Did he want her to vacate it for him?

Ji Ziruo bit her lip and said, “It’s my Purple Moon Peak. I will vacate it for you.”

If it was Ling Ye’s request, she couldn’t refuse. Besides, she was willing to do it. She would give him anything he asked for. However, the idea of having to move out immediately saddened her a bit, as it made her feel that Ling Ye didn’t care about her.

“Vacate it?” Ling Ye looked at her and asked, “Where will you stay then?”

“I’ll find a place. There are many treasures within the Purple Moon Immortal Sect, no need to worry,” Ji Ziruo said, lowering her head slightly.

At that moment, as she lowered her head, Ling Ye’s hand, which had been tapping the armrest, reached out. With a simple movement, he could touch her face. Instead, he gently lifted her delicate chin. This sudden gesture made Ji Ziruo’s eyes widen, her face filled with astonishment.

What was His Majesty doing?

Also, the surrounding elders and disciples were equally stunned by Ling Ye’s action. They couldn’t believe he was treating their sect master in such a manner. This was their sect master, their goddess! And now, she appeared shy and docile in front of this man, being teased like a little girl?

Many disciples felt an intense jealousy, wishing they could punch Ling Ye, though most were envious that they couldn’t be in his place.

In the seating area, not far away, the Grand Elder watched, his eyebrows tightly furrowed, his gaze filled with hatred and darkness.

Everyone knew that the Grand Elder had long admired the sect master. Seeing the woman he loved act this way with another man was unbearable.

However, he knew he couldn’t provoke someone like Ling Ye. So, he swallowed his resentment and continued to watch Ling Ye and Ji Ziruo intently.

Ling Ye held Ji Ziruo’s chin, looked into her eyes and said calmly, “Can’t you stay with me?”

Ji Ziruo almost didn’t react at first. When she did, a look of incredible joy appeared on her flawless face.

Stay… with him?

Did he mean living together?

He actually wanted her to stay with him?

The implication of his words and actions was clear. Of course, she was willing!

This was what she had always dreamed of, living with the man she loved. The joy came so suddenly, it was almost overwhelming.

-To be continued!

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  1. I'm gonna need you to put your life aside and translate these faster. Kay, thx.

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