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Chapter 4: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


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Chapter 4: The Past the Girl Doesn't Want to Mention:

Xu Ze had no idea that his kindness had created a terrifying monster called a ‘Yandere.’ The desperate girl had clung to this lifeline of hope like it was her life-saving straw. To expect her to let go now was almost impossible.


The next day, at dawn, Xu Ze woke up feeling refreshed.

He washed and dressed with the help of his maid. When he opened the door, a familiar figure appeared before him.

Gu Ling'er was sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, her clothes soaked with dew, her bangs wet and clinging to her forehead.

“How long has she been here?” Xu Ze asked the maid beside him.

The maid respectfully replied, “She has been here since the first hour of the day, my lord. We tried to persuade her to leave, but she refused.”

The first hour of the day?

That was around five in the morning.

Xu Ze smacked his lips. He hadn't expected Gu Ling'er to arrive so early.

Although being personally instructed by the Holy Son was indeed an opportunity, there was no need to be so desperate.

“Holy Son!” Seeing Xu Ze, Gu Ling'er stood up excitedly. Her pale face exuded joy and excitement, even with a hint of redness.

“You didn’t need to come so early. At this time, you might as well go to the dining hall and have something to eat first,” Xu Ze said, frowning as he looked at the girl drenched in dew.

“It’s okay, Ling'er is not hungry!” Gu Ling'er shook her head vigorously, and said with a smile.


An untimely sound came from Gu Ling'er’s stomach. She blushed and clasped her hands in front of her chest, stammering, “No, no, it’s not like that, Holy Son. Maybe I ate too early, so I’m hungry again...”

Seeing her adorable appearance, Xu Ze couldn’t help but laugh.

“Xiao Lan, prepare two portions of breakfast, and bring one for her as well,” Xu Ze instructed the maid.

“...Holy Son, you want to share your meal with her?” The maid was slightly taken aback. After all, the food for the Holy Son was different from what the ordinary disciples ate. What right did this servant girl have to eat the same food as the Holy Son?

“Don’t ask questions, just do as I say.”

Xu Ze waved his hand, and dismissed the maid Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan pouted, shot a sideways glance at Gu Ling'er, and left.

Gu Ling'er sat nervously in front of Xu Ze, and occasionally sneaked glances at him.

“No need to be so tense. I’m not a monster who eats people,” Xu Ze said kindly when he saw her behavior.

“Yes, I understand, Holy Son!” Gu Ling'er nodded vigorously, her face serious.

Seeing this, Xu Ze couldn’t help but laugh again. This girl, who usually looked so gloomy, turned out to be quite interesting.

Gu Ling'er stared at him blankly, her pupils reflecting Xu Ze’s smile clearly, as if she wanted to imprint the image of this man deeply into her heart.


Soon, Xiao Lan returned with the food.

The Holy Son’s breakfast was lavish, a feast Gu Ling'er had never seen in her life. There were slices of spirit beast meat, rare treasures, soup noodles, and white jade egg custard—an array of fragrant, colorful dishes that made one’s mouth water.


Gu Ling'er’s stomach growled again. She blushed deeply and lowered her head, too embarrassed to look at Xu Ze.

Xu Ze smiled kindly and said, “It’s fine, eat quickly. It won’t taste as good if it gets cold.”

Though Xu Ze was the revered Holy Son, he was always gentle to his own people.

“Thank you, Holy Son...” Gu Ling'er picked up the soup noodles and took a bite. Her eyes lit up, and she began to eat voraciously.

Seeing her hurried manner, Xu Ze shook his head with a wry smile. His eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the scars on her arm beneath her sleeve. Though they had faded, it was clear they were from beatings.

Xu Ze frowned and asked, “What happened to your arm?”

Gu Ling'er froze. She quickly covered her arm and shook her head vigorously, “It’s nothing, Holy Son! These are old injuries from when I was a child...”

Her voice grew quieter, as if there was something painful she didn’t want to remember.

Seeing this, Xu Ze nodded gently and didn’t press further. Everyone has pasts they don’t want to recall; he had his, and so did others. Moreover, his current priority was to train Gu Ling'er to reach the first stage of the Transcendence realm. Other matters weren't his concern.


Meanwhile, in the Sect Master's chamber.

Leng Youran elegantly enjoyed her breakfast. Although she had reached the pinnacle of cultivation and no longer needed food, she still kept up the human habit of not missing a good meal.

“Sect Master, the Holy Son is instructing a servant girl in cultivation,” a shadowy figure reported quietly from beside Leng Youran.

“A servant girl?” Leng Youran’s eyes showed a hint of curiosity. “Didn’t he say yesterday that he wanted to focus on his own cultivation? Why is he now instructing a servant girl?”

“Who is this servant girl?”

“Her name is Gu Ling'er,” The shadowy figure answered respectfully.

“Gu Ling'er?” Leng Youran paused with her chopsticks, and a peculiar expression crossed her face.

-To be continued!

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