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Chapter 58: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 58: Two Supporting Characters:

Another day passed.

The flying boat landed outside the Fallen Cloud Ancient City.

As endless brilliant lights dazzled and mighty waves of energy stirred up the dust on the ground, it was difficult for the cultivators entering the city to lift their gaze.

"Who's flying boat is this? It's so magnificent."

"Could it be from the Luo family?"

"Maybe, I heard that the Luo family from the extreme north has also arrived."

"Huh! That's..."

A commotion erupted, and then several figures flew out from the ancient city, stopping in front of the flying boat.

"Bai family greets the Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect." greeted a middle-aged man at the head, respectfully.


The onlookers were astonished.

"It's actually the Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect!"

"Wasn't he in the Zhongtian Region? How did he end up here?"

"It's rumored that the Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect is now undoubtedly the number one among the younger generation in the Zhongtian Region!"

"I think the Holy Son of the Ancient Moon Sect should be stronger."

The Great Holy Land, a behemoth from the Zhongtian region, was the subject of discussion among these cultivators, who could only look up to them.

On the flying ship, Su Changyu looked at the Bai family members who came to greet him.

He had not hidden his whereabouts along the way, and it was normal for the Bai family to know in advance.

He smiled faintly and said, "The Bai family is too polite. I'm just passing through, and I'll leave after a few days."

The head of the Bai family immediately said, "If the Holy Son doesn't mind, you can stay at the Bai family Mansion. With the Holy Son's presence, the Bai family will surely shine!"

Although the Bai family was powerful in the Zhongtian Region, compared to the Great Holy Sect, it was just second-rate. Having this opportunity to ingratiate themselves, the Bai family naturally wouldn't miss it.

Su Changyu smiled and agreed.

Under the gaze of a group of people, Su Changyu's group left the flying ship and arrived at the Bai family Mansion.

Stepping through the gate, the interior of the Bai Family Mansion was luxurious yet elegant, with high eaves protruding and floating lights adorning it.

Tall pavilions surrounded the cloud-covered mountains, and various arrays glittered, quite spectacular.

Of course, this scene couldn't compare to the flying Su Changyu had just arrived on, so naturally, he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Is the Holy Son here to attend the centennial event at the Golden Arena?" the head of the Bai family asked.

Su Changyu replied casually. "You could say that. I've heard that the event in the Fallen Cloud Ancient City is quite famous in the Beiyang Region."

The head of the Bai family enthusiastically explained, "Indeed, especially this time, the Great Sword Sect has put forward a Sacred-tier technique and countless treasures of heaven and earth as rewards. Whoever wins can obtain this divine technique and become famous worldwide."

"Is the Bai family also planning to participate?"

"To be honest, although we have the intention, I'm afraid we won't achieve much..."

As they walked and talked, two figures approached them.

One of them was a young lady dressed in white, with an exquisite appearance and a gentle temperament. Her eyes were like stars, and her eyebrows were like ink. Three thousand green strands flowed like a waterfall, and she walked with elegance and grace.

"Greetings, Father. Who is this...?" Bai Suyue's beautiful and curious eyes looked at Su Changyu.

The head of the Bai family smiled and said, "Suyan, come, quickly greet the Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect."

“The Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect?"

Bai Suyue's heart trembled.

She immediately bowed and greeted. "I'm Bai Suyue, I greet the Holy Son."

"Miss Bai is polite," Su Changyu used the system to check.


Name: Bai Suyue,

Bloodline Constitution: Profound Water physique

Destiny Level: Two Stars

Sure enough, it was the same as he remembered.

Bai Suyue was one of the supporting female characters who appeared in the Beiyang Region, and she was also one of the members of the protagonist's party!

However, Bai Suyue didn't like the protagonist, she just had a good relationship with the heroine.

Of course, the heroine wasn’t the Jade Rabbit by Tang Chuan's side, but the Holy Maiden of the Jade Lake Sect.

The Jade Lake Sect's Holy Maiden was interested in Tang Chuan, and in the later stages, after the Dance of Spirits was revived, she also became one of the protagonist's harem.

In the original novel, 'he' came to the Beiyang Region, licked the Jade Lake Sect's Holy Maiden all over the place, and then naturally became enemies with the protagonist.

But in Su Changyu's eyes, the Jade Lake Sect's Holy Maiden had a bit of a bitchy side. She looked cold and aloof, like a lofty saint, but she was venomous on the surface and secretly licked wildly, with a lot of psychological drama. She was far less likable than Bai Suyue.

The head of the Bai family also had insight and immediately said, "Suyan, Father still has important matters to attend to. You entertain the Son well for me."

"Yes, Father."

Bai Suyue led Su Changyu and the others inside.

After a while, they entered an ancient pavilion, which was situated in a courtyard with ancient charm. There were rockeries and winding waters, various spiritual herbs filled the garden, and it was extremely beautiful.

Xiao Jiu made a cheerful chirping sound and flew into the garden, flapping its wings and eating those spiritual herbs.

"Xiao Jiu, you can't do that." Su Jiuling quickly caught it.

"This is..."

Bai Suyue was puzzled. She had long noticed Xiao Jiu's presence. It had been standing on Su Changyu's shoulder sleeping just now, looking very obedient and cute, but how could a dignified Saint have an ordinary pet by his side?

Su Changyu smiled faintly, "Just a Nine Spirit Dark Sparrow."

Bai Suyue was astonished.

This small bird was actually a divine beast?

"Holy Son is truly blessed to be able to tame such a divine beast. It's admirable," Bai Suyue couldn't help but sigh.

She had naturally heard of Su Changyu's reputation, but the Beiyang Region was still full of talented individuals, with numerous geniuses.

After seeing Su Changyu in person, Bai Suyue felt differently.

This feeling was similar to what she felt with Tang Chuan.

He was different from Tang Chuan, who clearly was the 2nd stage of the Heavenly Saint Realm but always liked to hide it, and then revealed his identity at crucial moments, enjoying the sight of the other party's panic.

The duo chatted for a while.

Just then, a figure in purple suddenly strode in.

"Suyan, that annoying guy is here again, this time I must..."

The owner of the voice abruptly stopped, apparently not expecting there to be others in the courtyard.

Suya promptly explained, "Young Master Su, this is Jian Qinxin, the descendant of the secluded Jian family, and also my friend... Qinxin, this is the Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect, a distinguished guest of the Bai family."

Jian Qinxin was taken aback.

The Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect... she remembered, wasn't he the renowned genius from the Zhongtian Region?

"Greetings, Holy Son of the Great Holy Sect," Jian Qinxin said somewhat reservedly and bowed.

"No need to be formal, Miss Jian," Su Changyu waved his hand lightly and simultaneously assessed her with the system.

Name: Jian Qinxin

Bloodline Constitution: Innate Sword Physique

Destiny Grade: Two Stars

Sure enough, another supporting character.

According to Su Changyu's understanding, Jian Qinxin was the inheritor of the secluded Jian family from the extreme north.

With an innate sword physique, she possessed extraordinary talent in the way of the sword.

After meeting with Bai Suyue during her travels, she decided to stay here for the time being.

Because she wanted to participate in the Golden Arena, she temporarily joined the protagonist's team under Bai Suyue's influence. It was said that supporting females were matched with supporting males.

In the original novel, the protagonist had two male supporting characters, both vying for the affections of Bai Suyue and Jian Qinxin.

But because the male supporting characters were too 'disgusting', upon unanimous demand from the readers, both Bai Suyue and Jian Qinxin ultimately ended up single.

Actually, it was quite normal.

Supporting females usually didn't have much of a happy end.

"Qinxin, what brings you here?" Bai Suyue asked.

Jian Qinxin glanced at Su Changyu and seemed a bit hesitant.

Su Changyu smiled faintly, "Miss Jian, no need to worry, feel free to speak."

Jian Qinxin thought for a moment about what she wanted to say, and then her anger flared up again.

She gritted her teeth. "It's that annoying guy again! Suyan, I just returned from the arena, and that guy from the Xiao family picked up a fight with our Bai family. He's truly despicable, relying on his advanced cultivation to act recklessly. He's such a bully! Fortunately, you didn't agree to the marriage proposal from his family."

Bai Suyue sighed softly, "It's my fault. If it weren't for me, the Bai family wouldn't have gotten into this mess."

"It's not your fault; it's all that guy's fault!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Young Master Su, it's Xiao Xuan from the Xiao family in the Fallen Cloud Ancient City," Bai Suyue explained.

The Xiao family of the Fallen Cloud Ancient City was equivalent in strength and reputation to the Bai family, and they had been competing with each other for many years.

But recently, Xiao Xuan emerged.

Originally, he was ordinary in his childhood, but six years ago, he suddenly rose to prominence, and his cultivation skyrocketed at an unbelievable speed.

Later, he even joined the Great Sword Sect and became the inner core disciple of the sect master, a candidate for the next sect master of the Great Sword Sect.

Xiao Xuan took a fancy to Bai Suyue and came to propose to the Bai family half a year ago. He was rejected on the spot, and since then, the Xiao family had become even more aggressive in suppressing the Bai family.

"Xiao Yuan?" Su Changyu pondered slightly.

Surname Xiao, sudden rise to prominence, and involved with a supporting female.

Wasn't this the classic move of a rebirth or transmigration novels?

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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