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Chapter 4: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?


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Chapter 4: The Sect Master, Ji Ziruo:

No one present had ever seen Ling Ye before and didn’t know who he was.

Being in a secluded sect deep in the mountains, everyone was raised and instructed within the sect, and the elders rarely left, having never met the emperor. So, they naturally didn't recognize him.

Watching Ling Ye, who sat in the sect master's seat, the twelve surrounding elders frowned.

Who was this person?

How could he directly enter the inner sect of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect?

He hadn’t broken through their barriers; he must possess the inherent right to come and go as he pleased.

His arrival had gone unnoticed, and his cultivation base was unfathomable to the elders, who were the sect's most powerful individuals. To them, he was like a black hole, impossible to gauge.

Who was he? A friend of the sect master, perhaps?

He must be; otherwise, how could he have the right to freely enter the inner sect?

Still, sitting directly on the sect master’s seat seemed quite disrespectful.

The elders remained silent, assuming he was indeed a friend of the sect master and not daring to slight him.

Around them, the inner disciples were also confused and surprised.

“Who is this person?”

“Could he be the sect master? But he's a man!”

“I’ve always dreamed of meeting the goddess sect master, but she’s a man?”

“The one we’ve wanted to serve and even warm their bed is actually a man?”

“Shut up! He isn’t the sect master! I’ve seen her before. She’s a stunningly beautiful woman, not him!”

“If not, then why is he sitting in the sect master’s seat?”

“Maybe he’s an esteemed guest of the sect?”

“But he’s incredibly handsome and exudes such power!”

“A true unparalleled handsome!”

“Well, I wouldn’t mind a man like him...”

“He’s exactly my type, a handsome man.”

“Could he be a hidden elder of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect?”

“If I knew there was such a handsome elder here, I wouldn’t have chosen anyone else!”

“There’s something special about him. His aura is both commanding and elegant, noble and aloof. Just sitting there, he exudes an invisible charm!”

“Shut up, you infatuated girls. If I sat in the sect master’s seat, I’d be just as imposing!”

“Yes, right! You’d look like a coward sitting there!”

“Jealous of his looks, aren’t you?”

“But who is he, really?”

The young disciples of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect were buzzing with curiosity. Who was this stunning man?

Just then, from the depths of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect, a slender figure in a light purple dress appeared, landing gracefully in front of Ling Ye. The robe covered her shapely figure, and her breathtaking beauty left everyone in awe. This was Ji Ziruo, the sect master of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect!

“The sect master! It’s the sect master!”

“Wow, she’s exactly as I imagined!”

“A true celestial beauty!”

“Finally, we see the legendary sect master in person. I’m moved to tears...”

“I didn’t expect the sect master to appear this year. Is there a special reason?”

“Is there someone special among the disciples entering the inner sect this year?”

“Are you stupid? Isn’t it obvious? She came out because of that noble, handsome man!”

“Who is he to make the sect master show up in person?”

The crowd was abuzz with speculation. Who was this noble man in black robes who deserved the personal appearance of their goddess-like sect master?

Upon arriving, Ji Ziruo turned her beautiful eyes to Ling Ye, almost calling him “Your Majesty...”

It almost came out, but as she noticed Ling Ye's gaze, she instead asked, “Why are you here?”

Her gaze revealed deep affection, a look that appeared only before someone dear to her. She's normally an exalted figure, but only in front of Ling Ye did she show such a girly side.

She had sensed his arrival immediately, which was why she showed up. Normally, she wouldn’t bother with the inner sect’s disciple recruitment.

“I was bored, so I came to take a disciple,” Ling Ye replied with a casual smile.

“Take a disciple?” Ji Ziruo was curious. A ruling emperor came to the Purple Moon Immortal Sect to take a disciple? Was he that idle?

“I'm not welcome?” Ling Ye looked at her. This top-tier beauty of the Purple Immortal Sect, who in the future would become one of the stepping stones for the heroine, Gu Shengyan. The reason was simple: anyone who liked Ling Ye would eventually become a target for Gu Shengyan, just in varying degrees.

-To be continued!

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