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Chapter 3: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


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Chapter 3: The Girl’s Meaning to Live:

Gu Ling'er’s life had been dark since childhood.

When she was born, her mother died during childbirth due to Gu Ling'er's demonic physique.

Her father considered her as a misfortune and ignored her.

Later, her father took a concubine, who also considered her a thorn in her side.

Every day she endured beatings and scoldings, and sometimes she didn't even get enough to eat.

Finally, when her stepmother gave birth to a younger brother, Gu Ling'er's status plummeted even further.

Even the servants in the household mocked and ridiculed her daily, treating her as if she were invisible.

All of this culminated one night.

Amidst her stepmother's insults and beatings, Gu Ling'er's demonic nature erupted.

As if possessed, she slaughtered over thirty members of the Gu family.

At that moment, Gu Ling'er's heart completely died.

She plunged into an abyss of darkness, seeing no hope or light ever again.


Until today.



Gu Ling'er raised her head blankly, looking around. Confirming there was no one else around, a flicker of confusion appeared in her eyes.

She couldn’t understand why someone would speak to her here.

Moreover, she knew the person standing before her.

He was Xu Ze, the Holy Son of the Heavenly Dark Sect.

In the Heavenly Dark Sect, he was second only to Leng Youran in terms of authority.

Their statuses were worlds apart.

Why would he speak to her?

“If not you, who else is here?” Xu Ze raised an eyebrow and smiled. “So, do you want to cultivate?”

Gu Ling'er fell silent.

She lowered her head, and stood silently in front of Xu Ze. Neither responding nor leaving.

Xu Ze frowned.

This girl was even stranger than he had imagined.

“Why... me...”

Gu Ling'er lowered her head and asked faintly.

Her voice was so faint that Xu Ze wouldn’t have heard it if his hearing wasn't sharp.

Xu Ze found it amusing.

Could this girl have social anxiety?

“Why not you?” Xu Ze smiled gently.

He sensed that this girl had some psychological issues.

But it didn't matter; what mattered in cultivation was talent and aptitude.

Psychological issues weren't Xu Ze’s main concern.

Gu Ling'er slowly raised her head, her hollow eyes meeting Xu Ze’s.

It seemed like this was the first time in her life she had seen such gentle, kind eyes.

“Is it really possible... you... you don’t despise me?”

Gu Ling'er's voice trembled, as if she couldn’t believe it.

“Of course. Who could despise such a cute girl like you?”

“Even I, naturally, wouldn’t be an exception.”

Xu Ze believed that psychological issues were often related to a person's confidence.

For girls, low self-esteem was a significant problem.

Based on his limited experience from a past life, Xu Ze chose to treat this troubled girl gently.

He aimed to give her confidence and warmth.

His gentle tone and seemingly mesmerizing gaze were part of his approach.

Xu Ze believed that no girl could resist his smile!


Gu Ling'er's soul seemed to be struck.

She, trapped in the dark abyss, saw a beam of light piercing through, and entering her heart.

Her shattered, scarred heart seemed to revive from its emptiness.

Her hollow eyes gradually filled with light.

The already pretty girl now looked exceptionally beautiful and captivating because of the sparkle in her eyes!

Xu Ze's heart skipped a beat.

He took a deep breath and couldn’t deny that he felt a flutter in his heart just now.

Why was she so adorable?

Even Her eyes were sparkling with light.

This was too unfair!

“I’m willing, I’m willing!” Gu Ling'er cried eagerly as if afraid this light would slip away.

Seeing Gu Ling'er agree, Xu Ze sighed in relief.

“Good. Come to my palace tomorrow morning.”

“Remember, don’t tell anyone about this.”

“This is our little secret.”

Xu Ze smiled and gently tapped Gu Ling'er's nose.

This familiar gesture made Gu Ling'er's cheeks blush.

Her gaze toward Xu Ze changed subtly.

After playing the hero, Xu Ze turned and walked away, leaving behind an elegant silhouette.

However, Xu Ze didn’t notice.

Gu Ling'er stood there dazed, clutching her chest, feeling the warmth she had never felt before.

“The Holy Son... is such a gentle, good person... No wonder everyone likes him so much.”

“So, this feeling... is it what they call love...”

Love ...

This love felt so warm.

She didn’t want this feeling to disappear...

She wanted it forever... forever...

An indescribable obsession began to take root and grow wildly in Gu Ling'er's heart.

Even spreading uncontrollably, swiftly engulfing the girl’s mind.

In that moment, the girl seemed to have found the sole meaning to live.

She lowered her head and smiled faintly.

“HoLY soN...”


Xu Ze was unaware of what happened afterwards.

At that moment, he was in his palace, humming a tune as he prepared cultivation techniques for Gu Ling'er.

He had to admit, his 'psychological therapy' truly worked.

Using his past life's flirting skills combined with his extraordinary handsomeness, just a bit of effort resolved a girl's psychological issues.

With such talent, it would be a waste not to become a psychotherapist.

-To be continued!

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