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Chapter 56: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 56: The Tianxing Cliff

"Have you heard? Young Master Su defeated the Great Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son with a single blow!"

"This news has spread throughout the Zhongtian Region!"

"I heard that the Nine Spirit Palace was also..."

(Inside the Purple Cloud Peak)

Su Changyu returned to his room.

"Jiuling, I entrust Jiu'er to you," he instructed.

"Yes, Young Master."

Su Jiuling was very fond of this little sparrow.

Meanwhile, Zhuge Wanqing looked around the Purple Cloud Peak.

She wasn't from the Great Holy Sect and wasn't supposed to have followed Su Changyu back here.

But after experiencing Su Changyu's strength, Zhuge Wanqing decided to follow him!

Of course, if she were just a vase, her value would be greatly reduced. Fortunately, she was proficient in Heavenly Art, so she could be considered a useful vase, right?

"I wonder if the Imperial Family will come to inquire about Nie Mengyao's death after they find out... But with Nie Huang's character, he probably won't care too much." Zhuge Wanqing secretly thought to herself.

Indeed, the Imperial Family was ruthless, especially such an empire that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Nie Mengyao was just a seventh princess, and six more were above her. Who knew how many were below?

(In Su Changyu's room)

Su Changyu was cultivating.

This trip was incredibly rewarding.

"System, open the Destiny Chest."

[Congratulations to the host for increasing your luck. You obtained 1000 Villain points]

This was the Destiny Chest that Nie Mengyao dropped, and the contents were the same as Mu Qingning's.

Su Changyu didn't mind and continued opening the one Ye Yuan dropped.

[Congratulations to the host for increasing your luck. You obtained one Heavenly Dao fragment, one additional evolution for the physique and 2000 villain points]

"Tsk, the chest of the Son of Heaven's destiny is indeed impressive," Su Changyu smiled faintly.

The benefits of luck didn't need much explanation.

However, Su Changyu wasn't very clear about the Heavenly Dao fragment. It wasn't mentioned in the original novel.

However, when he had previously looked at physique evolution in the system store, each evolution once required 10,000 villain points, he decisively gave up.

"Now, I need to cultivate properly," Su Changyu slowly closed his eyes.

Cultivating meant calming down in the aftermath of this incident and improving oneself.

Moreover, he was determined to obtain the Chaos Destruction Flame soon.

In the original novel, Ye Yuan successfully entered the Heavenly Emperor Realm by merging the Source Fire and opening the Heavenly Path Fire.

So if Su Changyu could obtain the Chaos Destruction Flame and then merge it with the Su Family's Golden Emperor Celestial Flame, with the Swallowing Sky Scripture's ability, it might be possible to create a top-grade existence beyond all source fires.

However, the Holy Son of Beiyang Region was challenging to deal with.

Su Changyu remembered clearly that in the original novel, the author drew inspiration from a famous figure from a previous life but made significant adjustments.

[He was a super character who started on a whole level with the Son of Heaven's Destiny. It was completely different from the usual character settings who started from humble beginnings and grew step by step]

Of course, with his current background and strength, Su Changyu naturally didn't have to fear.

Same level as the Son of Heaven's Destiny? So, what? He already dealt with a protagonist!

"Let's evolve my physique once," Su Changyu was curious about what level it could reach after evolving the Invincible Path of Physique once.

(In the main hall of the sect)

Dao Tianweng sat in the hall, and his gaze swept calmly over the people inside.

"The Holy Son has returned."

"Liu Wuya, the Holy Son has killed the Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son, which has brought glory to our Great Holy Sect. We should reward him."

"Yes, I didn't expect the Holy Son to have such strength. Our Azura continent can finally hold its head high in this upcoming Ancient Battlefield!

"Haha, I still remember the smug faces of those guys from the Great Wilderness Dao Domain thousands of years ago. With the Holy Son here this time, our Azura continent will surely wipe away shame!"

When it came to the Ancient Battlefield, the elders present couldn't help but sigh.

Dao Tianweng nodded slightly, "It's good that the Holy Son has achieved such success with the Ancient Battlefield coming up. However, the Absolute Beginning Sect came with a vengeance this time. Second Elder, you should handle this matter, and it would be best to also inform the Su Family."

"Yes, Elder," Liu Wuya bowed.

"As for rewards... that brat is the Su Family's young master. He lacks nothing. Do any of you have any ideas?"

If it were anyone else, Dao Tianweng could casually reward them with some techniques or divine-grade treasures. But in front of Su Changyu, they really couldn't come up with anything worthwhile...

The elders in the room looked at each other.

'Sect Master, if even you can't think of a suitable reward, how could we think about it?!'

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

(In Purple Cloud Peak)

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure appeared in the tranquil mountain.


A sharp sound, like a sword being unsheathed, soared into the sky and pierced through the clouds, shrouding Purple Cloud Peak.

In the courtyard, Xiao Jiu, who was sleeping, was startled. Her fur stood on end as she stared at the mansion where Su Changyu was.


A terrifying wave of Spiritual Qi suddenly swept over.

Old Li quickly took action to control the terrifying pressure, preventing Purple Cloud Peak from being overturned.

In the air, mysterious Dao runes emanated with flickering lights and caused everyone to feel frightened.

"What kind of cultivation is the young master practicing?" Old Li was greatly shocked as well.

Zhuge Wanqing was even more astonished and speechless. This was the first time she had seen such terrifying pressure. If she hadn't known that Su Changyu was practising inside, she would probably have thought it was an unknown godly expert was practising!

"Possessing such power at the Heavenly Saint Realm is truly astonishing."

Su Jiuming was used to it. Everything was normal for her as long as she thought of the words' young master is invincible'.

She patted the fluffy Xiao Jiu and told the little bird not to be too surprised.

Such a scene lasted for half a day before finally subsiding.

And then another half a month passed.

Inside the room.

Su Changyu slowly opened his eyes and exhaled deeply.

"Phew~ I finally absorbed the complete Great Dao Bone upgrade."

At this moment, Su Changyu's skin was smooth like jade, and his originally handsome face was even more refined. His face resembled the perfect work of a creator, exuding a transcendent and ethereal temperament, like an exiled immortal.

Inside his body, countless mysterious runes were inscribed on his bones.

Each bone contained a Dao divine ability.

However, this time, only a few were activated during evolution.

Su Changyu suspected that if he continued to evolve the Dao, he could evolve it within his body, with each bone containing the power of the Great Dao!

"Regardless of those divine abilities, my physique has increased by at least tenfold after the evolution of the Great Dao Bone."

With his physique enhanced tenfold and coupled with the Dao divine abilities, he could easily unleash a hundredfold increase in combat power!


Host: Su Changyu

Bloodline: Great Dao Bone (first evolution)

Cultivation level: First stage of the Creational Realm

Technique: Heaven Swallowing Technique (9th level)

Additional attributes: Sword Skill of Absolute Beginning, Great Sun Burning Skill, Qiankun Hand, Six Heavenly Palm

Luck: Golden

(From low to high are black, red, grey, white, green, orange, purple, gold, and red)

Villain Points: 0

Halo: Heaven's destiny, which allows the host to ignore the backlash of the son of luck

Items: Blue Lotus Fire, Nine Spirt Fire, Fragment of Heavenly Dao x1


"These villain points are really not enough."

During his closed-door cultivation, he spent all his villain points raising his cultivation base to the Creational Realm.

The higher the cultivation, the more villain points were consumed.

This was mainly because of his solid foundation. With the first evolution of the Great Dao Bone, no one on the Azura Continent had a physique stronger than him.

However, with a solid foundation comes great strength.

Now, Su Changyu was invincible to the Heavenly Saint Realm while others were just casual.

He could fight above the Heavenly Saint Realm as long as it wasn't at the level of a Heavenly Emperor Realm.

The Heavenly Saint Realm was the watershed for cultivators. Those below were mere ants, and this wasn't just talk.

Su Changyu rested for a moment and then walked out of the house.

"Young Master Su." Seeing Su Changyu coming out of seclusion, Su Jiuling immediately greeted him.

"Chirp chirp~"

Xiao Jiu flapped its wings, flew over, and landed on Su Changyu's shoulder.

"Congratulations to the young master for making a breakthrough," Zhuge Wanqing walked over gracefully.

Su Changyu smiled faintly. "Has anything happened recently?"

Su Jiuling said, "The Clan master sent someone to inquire about the young master's affairs. Old Li exchanged words with them. In addition, the Holy Sect sent some things. Elder Lu said it was a reward."

She took out a storage ring, and Su Changyu glanced at it.

Inside, there were mountains of spirit stones and countless treasures.

However, he had no interest and casually gave it to Jiuming.

"What news is there from the Beiyang Region?" Su Changyu was more concerned about this.

Zhuge Wanqing said, "I deduced that the place the young master wants to go is near Tianxing Cliff. However, that place is within the territory of the Ancient Moon Sect. If the young master goes, it's best to inform them."

The Ancient Moon Sect was incredibly powerful.

"Is it related to that?" Su Changyu shook his head inwardly.

Was this the predetermined fate of a major villain meeting the Son of Heaven's Destiny?

According to the original novel, he licked his wounds all the way to the Beiyang Region and was eventually driven away by the Son of Heaven's Destiny of the Beiyang Region, which was allied with Ye Yuan.

But this time, it was different.

Ye Yuan was dead, and that Third Young Master, what does he have to fear?

"Jiuming, prepare."

"Young Master Su, are we going to..."

Su Changyu smiled indifferently. "Naturally, Tianxing Cliff."

{T/N: The bird name is Xiao Jiu (Little Nine)}

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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