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Made-Up Martial Arts, Have You Really Mastered Them, Disciple? - Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Immersing Oneself Wholeheartedly in the Martial Dao:

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(25Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

Li Xuan contemplated whether to make two more lines of Qi and Blood Realm techniques to replace those four lines, so that Xu Yan could comprehend them through mental visualization and insight.

"If they can be linked with the Qi and Blood Realm, it would be convenient for my disciple to mentally visualize them and comprehend their true martial essence."

However, those four lines of techniques had already been passed on. Did he really have to find another reason to tell Xu Yan that those four lines of techniques were not suitable for him, so they needed to be replaced with another set?

If so, wouldn't it seem like he, the hidden master, lacked an understanding of his disciple's talent?

"Or should I wait a little longer? If Xu Yan can't mentally visualize them and comprehend the true martial essence, and comes to me for guidance, I'll give him the new techniques."

"But then, wouldn't this potentially hurt my disciple's confidence?"

Li Xuan sighed inwardly; this disciple was really hard to teach.

Suddenly, a faint golden light appeared in his mind.

"Your disciple has comprehended the techniques you made-up and grasped the true martial essence from them. You have obtained Qi and Blood Realm cultivation techniques, and your strength has increased."

In that instant, in Li Xuan's mind, Qi and Blood Realm cultivation techniques emerged, and his own Qi and blood doubled in that moment.


Li Xuan widened his eyes, filled with excitement. "My foolish disciple is truly remarkable. He can grasp the true martial essence from this? These Qi and Blood Realm cultivation techniques may not be directly related to the techniques, but they're still far from it."

"Goodness, what kind of mind does he have? How did he comprehend and grasp this set of true martial cultivation techniques?"

It was unbelievable.

This disciple was truly extraordinary.

The second response from the golden finger further enhanced his strength.

However, after the response, the golden finger disappeared again, as if it had never existed.

"It seems that the golden finger only appears after my disciple successfully cultivates the techniques I made."

Li Xuan pondered.

Of course, whether the golden finger had other directions to explore remains to be seen.

For now, the priority was to teach Xu Yan well, let him continue to strengthen his strength, and cultivate diligently.


"Disciple, it's commendable that you comprehended the techniques within this time frame. Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and cultivate diligently."

Li Xuan, with a leisurely pace, approached Xu Yan.

As if he could see through his disciple at a glance, he spoke with a hint of satisfaction.

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Yan sighed inwardly, 'Master's insight is as bright as a torch. I just comprehended the techniques, and he saw through me at a glance!'

"Disciple, is your determination in the Martial Dao firm?"

Li Xuan asked solemnly.

"Master, my determination in the Martial Dao is as solid as a rock!"

Xu Yan's gaze was resolute.

"Do you ever think about women?"

"Disciple has no thoughts of women in his heart!"

"Good! Very good! With disciple's determination in the Martial Dao, you will surely reach the pinnacle of the Martial Dao in the future!"

Li Xuan exclaimed with joy.

A good disciple should immerse himself wholeheartedly in the Martial Dao and not be distracted by the thoughts of women, as only the Martial Dao was the right path!

'I rely on you entirely, my disciple!'

Li Xuan felt very pleased with his disciple's determination in the Martial Dao.

Since comprehending the Qi and Blood Realm techniques, Xu Yan's strength has increased steadily. Although he was still far from reaching the peak of the Qi and Blood Realm, he had made significant progress in just half a month. Xu Yan's Qi and blood reached ten feet!


"Master, disciple has been away from home for too long. I want to go home and visit my parents."

One day, Xu Yan realized that he had been away from home for too long, and his parents must be worried. So, he respectfully spoke up.

"Sure, go ahead!"

Li Xuan nodded.

But in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a sense of lamentation. He had been in this remote village for so long since his arrival; it was almost time to leave this desolate place.

He wanted to go and see the customs of this world, the scenery of Qi Kingdom, experience the elegance of the rivers and lakes of Qi Kingdom. At the same time, see if it's true, as Xu Yan said, that martial prowess was so low.

Xu Yan, who had just entered the Qi and Blood Realm, could easily kill a top expert of the martial world with a single breath. Will he who had reached the peak of the Qi and Blood Realm kill them with just a glance? Was martial prowess in this world really so low?

Li Xuan recalled the fire-maned wolf that Xu Yan fought against. From this, it could be seen that the martial prowess in this world should not be so low.

Perhaps Xu Yan's identity and background couldn't uncover some secrets?

After watching Xu Yan leave, Li Xuan returned leisurely with his hands behind his back.

The next time Xu Yan returned, it would be time to leave this place. Moving house, such a laborious work, should naturally be left to the disciple to handle.


In Donghe County, the hot topic on the streets and alleys in recent days was about the first wealthy family, the Xu family, and a batch of goods being robbed by mountain bandits.

"Where did these mountain bandits come from? How dare they rob the goods of the Xu family?"

"The young master of the Xu family was just dumped. The prestige of the Xu family plummeted, so they became a target?"

"The young master of the richest family, although rejected, the Xu family has a powerful backer behind them, the current Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Personnel."

The prominent figures in Donghe County were discussing this matter privately.

In the reception hall of the Xu family, Xu Junhe sat solemnly at the top, looking at the people below and said, "Where did the bandits come from? This batch of goods must be delivered as agreed, otherwise, we'll need to bear three times the compensation!"

"Head Guard Chen Biao, Master Wang, you two, will personally escort the goods to Jin'an this time, and ensure that the goods are delivered as agreed."

Xu Junhe looked at the two burly men below.

"Boss can rest assured, we will definitely deliver the goods as agreed. As for the bandits, we have our own way to deal with them."

Head Guard Chen Biao gestured with his hand.

After arranging everything, Xu Junhe let them leave.

Whether it was Head Guard Chen Biao or Master Wang, they were both top experts in the martial world who cultivated inner Qi.

With these two men in action, this batch of goods should be delivered as agreed.

However, thinking of the buyer of these goods, Xu Junhe had some hidden worries.

He could become the richest man in Donghe County, and even married the daughter of the former governor of Donghe County, who was now an official in the Ministry of Personnel. He was not an ordinary person.

These goods being robbed by mountain bandits, and his unsuccessful attempt to seek assistance from the General's Mansion, made him realize that he was being targeted.

And this force targeting him came from the imperial city of Qi Kingdom, Jin'an!

Realizing the severity of the situation, he decisively used his two major forces to ensure that the goods were delivered, so as not to give the enemy an excuse to attack.

"I hope it's not what I think it is."

Xu Junhe sighed inwardly.

Back in the backyard, Madam Xu said with a worried expression, "Husband, our son has been away from home for a long time. What if something happens?"

"Wife, rest assured, our son will be fine."

Xu Junhe had a headache. Their foolish son was not easy to deal with. It had been three months since he left, and there was no news.

What he was most worried about now was that their foolish son had been taken hostage by someone. That would be fatal!

While Xu Junhe worried about his son, Xu Yan rode horseback, traveling on the main road, returning to Donghe County.

"The foolish son of the Xu Junhe family? Heh, I found you!"

A sinister voice suddenly sounded, and two figures blocked Xu Yan's path.


-To be continued!

(25+ Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

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