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Chapter 57: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 57: The Evil Gaze Awakening:

Three days later.

A magnificent and huge flying boat hovered above the Purple Cloud Peak.

The flying boat looked striking with flickering lights, and divine patterns shimmered.

On it, there were carved beams, tall painted palaces, pavilions, and towers beautifully constructed.

It was surrounded by immortal mist and looked like a miniature world of a fairy mountain.

This flying boat was specially built for Su Changyu by the Great Holy Sect as a reward.

After all, Su Changyu didn't lack pills or techniques. The Elders of the Great Holy Sect thought it through and decided to focus on matters of the face.

As for this flying boat, not to mention its value, just taking it out would elevate the Great Holy Sect above many other sects.

The disciples of the Great Holy Sect stared wide-eyed at the countless runes flashing on the flying boat, which then disappeared into the sky with a whoosh. That speed would even astound Saint Realm experts.

"This thing isn't bad, much better than the Su Family's," Su Changyu stood on the flying boat and looked into the distance with a smile.

Zhuge Wanqing also sighed, "This is a kind of attitude. Now that Young Master Su stands out among the younger generation of the Zhongtian Region, the actions of the Great Holy Sect indeed let other forces know not to provoke Young Master Su."

"Haha, if that's the case, then I might have less trouble," Su Changyu laughed heartily.

"But, Young Master Su seems to enjoy it," Zhuge Wanqing felt that Su Changyu seemed quite happy to have someone cause trouble for him.

Su Changyu smiled, "It depends on the situation. If someone comes to give me something, I naturally won't refuse. As for how they see me, I don't care."

For Su Changyu, not all trouble was a bad thing. If the Son of Heavenly Destiny came to give something, he naturally couldn't refuse.

Zhuge Wanqing smiled and said, "Young Master Su, if you're not in a hurry to go to Tianxing Cliff this time, you can go to the Fallen Cloud Ancient City first."

"Oh? Isn't that the territory of the Great Sword Sect?"

"Yes, the Fallen Cloud Ancient City is not far from Tianxing Cliff. Moreover, the Great Sword Sect and the Ancient Moon Sect have always been at odds. Before we set off, I calculated that the Young Master might have some opportunities in the Fallen Cloud Ancient City. Coincidentally, the Golden Gladiator Arena in the Fallen Cloud Ancient City is having a centennial celebration."

Su Changyu lightly smiled, "In that case, let's go to the Fallen Cloud Ancient City."

Zhuge Wanqing's divination techniques were quite impressive. Now that the plot had changed, Su Changyu's knowledge of the novel and its details wasn't very useful.

However, he could confirm that the Son of Heavenly Destiny in the Beiyang region had been trying to resurrect his lover.

The Beiyang Region was a land of many races, with countless ancient mountains, each housing various tribes whose strength wasn't inferior to that of sects and sacred grounds.

These powerful tribes hid among humans, and some even mingled with them.

According to the original novel, Tang Chuan's lover was a transformed jade rabbit. They fell in love when they were very young, and later, after encountering calamities, the heroine sacrificed herself. Tang Chuan's cultivation soared, and he sought methods to restore his beloved. Generally, sacrificing oneself burned the soul and was difficult to recover from. But for the Sons of Heavenly Destiny, this was obviously not a problem.

As long as a Son of Heavenly Destiny wanted to do something, even if there was only a one-in-a-billion chance for ordinary people, they could make it happen!

If not, how could they be called Sons of Heavenly Destiny?

In addition, in the original novel, Tang Chuan needed to restore his lover's body with the Source Fire, which was why he encountered Ye Yuan.

Interestingly, initially, Tang Chuan wanted to kill Ye Yuan to take his Source Fire but later found that he couldn't kill him. In the end, the two Sons of Heavenly Destinies became friends, and Tang Chuan helped Ye Yuan obtain the Chaos Annihilation Flame, while the latter helped him resurrect his lover.

In the end, everyone found happiness, except for Su Changyu, the poor villain of this world.

However, because this protagonist wasn't so likeable, there were many opinions from the readers.

A common phrase seen in the comments section was, 'Why are you also afraid of Blue Silver Wrap?'

Of course, this time was different.

He rose, and Ye Yuan fell; that was the change.

With this, what was there to fear about Blue Silver Wrap?

Looking at the gentle beauty beside him, Su Changyu couldn't help but smile.

He remembered that there were several outstanding supporting female characters in the novel.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Young Master Su?" Zhuge Wanqing blushed as Su Changyu stared at her.

Su Changyu held Zhuge Wanqing's hand. "Of course, because you're beautiful. How is the Zhuge family doing?"

Zhuge Wanqing lowered her head shyly, "After the Second Prince ascended the throne, he wiped out many forces, but he hasn't targeted the Zhuge family."

"That's good... the Zhuge family will be fine," Su Changyu smiled faintly.

"Hmm..." Zhuge Wanqing leaned lightly against him.

She felt so happy with Su Changyu by her side.

'Meng Yao, if only you had listened to my advice back then, you should be able to accompany the Young Master Su now."



The flying boat shone with runes as it streaked across the sky.

Inside Su Changyu's palace, he closed his eyes and focused.

He sensed strands of Dao rhymes flowing around him, and behind him, a terrifying figure gradually materialized.

Although this figure was unclear in appearance and bore a resemblance to Su Changyu, it had an even more frightening aura and emitted a chilling light.

Suddenly, an eye opened on the figure's head and the room darkened, as if all the light from outside was being sucked into the eye.


As the flying boat passed, fierce beasts in the mountains and forests seemed to cower in fear, even Xiao Jiu, who was dozing, was startled awake and chirped incessantly.

After about half an hour, Su Changyu stopped his cultivation, and the figure gradually faded away.

"Truly worthy of the Divine Dao technique, to be able to unleash my soul power to such an extent. Once I refine this body to perfection, even if a Heavenly Emperor-realm powerhouse comes, they might accidentally fall victim,"

Su Changyu smiled faintly.

His soul power had reached the level of a Heavenly Emperor-realm. Naturally, to fully utilise this advantage...

Just as this time, within the awakening of the Great Dao Bones, there was a technique related to utilizing soul power. It was called the 'Evil Gaze Awakening.'

Essentially, it cultivated a soul body that could be used in battle.

When its eyes opened, the heavens and earth lost their colour, and those with weak soul power would be instantly affected. Even if a Heavenly Emperor-realm powerhouse came, they would find it difficult to escape.

Although Su Changyu was proud, he wasn't arrogant.

No matter how strong his background, his personal strength must also rise; if not, he might easily be killed by the Son of Heavenly Destiny.

Now that he had just begun to master the Evil Gaze Awakening, he only needed to continue practising slowly.


A weak and tender voice came from the bed.

Su Changyu returned to his senses and saw the beauty on the bed, slowly getting up, propping herself up with her delicate jade arms.

Su Changyu said tenderly, "Did I startle you?"

Even though he had just set up a barrier, the power of the Evil Gaze Awakening was too strong, especially since it targeted the soul.

Naturally, Zhuge Wanqing, who was asleep, was also awake.

"Rest a little longer. I'll have Jiuling brew you some soup."

"It's alright, Young Master Su, "Zhuge Wanqing smiled sweetly.

She felt that there was no moment happier than this.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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