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Chapter 55: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 55: The Beiyang Region:

The Beiyang Region.

The Zhongtian region was the most powerful region within the Azuara continent.

If the Zhongtian region was the imperial capital, then the Beiyang Region was at least on par with a city like the Demon Capital.

Overall, the sects in the Beiyang Region weren't weaker than those in the Zhongtian region, so the cultivators here often compare the Beiyang region to the Zhongtian region.

Most people think the Beiyang Region was stronger, though.

But without a real comparison, who could be sure?

(The Beiyang Region, the Fallen Cloud Ancient City)

Inside the city, in an inn.

"Did you hear? The top team in our Golden Arena got wiped out!"

"Hiss! I remember the top team was backed by the Great Sword Sect. How could they lose?"

"Exactly, the Great Sword Sect is a world-famous top sect. Now everyone's curious about those people's backgrounds."

"What kind of people are they?"

"I don't know. It's a team of seven, but one person didn't participate, he's been holding a rabbit for some reason."

"Holding a rabbit? Could it be..."

The arena was a unique part of the Beiyang Region.

It was a place where individuals or teams fought, and the winners got rewards.

Within the entire Azura Continent, such arenas were only found in the Beiyang Region.

The Golden Arena in the Fallen Cloud Ancient City was one of the top arenas.

It was backed by the top sect, the Great Sword Sect, from which most of the top teams come.

In fact, this sect used this as a promotion to attract more people to join the sect.

Because winning glory in such places indicated a lot of things.

(Inside a luxurious restaurant)

At this moment, three men and three women sat in a private room.

The men were handsome, and the women were beautiful.

Among them, a blue-haired young man held a pure white rabbit in his arms and was constantly feeding it.

If someone saw this, they would be dumbfounded that the young man was actually feeding the rabbit with precious Heavenly and Earthly-grade materials!

A golden-haired man asked puzzledly, "Holy Son, you're feeding Wuling like this. Even if she has a strong physique, she can't digest so much, right?"

The blue-haired man chuckled lightly, "Don't worry, it's fine."

The woman in green beside him added, "Wuling is a transformed spiritual beast, she's been cultivating for who knows how many years, so this is nothing."

Her words made the blue-haired man frown: "I don't like anyone referring to her as 'transformed spiritual beast'. Don't say it again in the future. Ling'er sacrificed herself for me, and one day I'll resurrect her!"

The woman in green snorted lightly and wanted to say something more.

Sensing this, the golden-haired man tapped the fatty beside him, who immediately understood and changed the topic, "Haha! Speaking of which, those guys from the Great Sword Sect are really not that great today, and they dare to claim to be the number one in the Beiyang. It's really ridiculous."

The golden-haired youth also laughed, "That's how it is. Among the younger generation, there's no one who can surpass us. If the Holy Son takes action, let alone the Beiyang, it's hard to find an opponent in the entire Azura continent."

The fatty looked at the blue-haired youth and said obsequiously, "The Holy Son's strength is naturally strong, otherwise why would the Ancient Moon Holy Sect designate him as the Holy Son? Even our Holy Maiden is fond of the Holy Son."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold sword intent suddenly struck.

The fatty looked at the ice in front of him, his forehead dripping with cold sweat in fright.

"If you have nothing to say, then don't say it." The woman in green said coldly.

After speaking, she stood up and walked out of the room.

The golden-haired youth shook his head. "You... forget it, forget it. I heard the girls at the Drunken Immortal Tower are pretty good. Let's go check it out."

The fatty patted his chest, relieved. He then grinned and said in a low voice, "My Phoenix Bloodline is a bit hard to suppress right now. "Young Master, I want to do it threes*me this time!"

"Can you handle it?" The golden-haired youth shook his head. He then bowed to the blue-haired youth, "Holy Son, I'll go out with him."

"Go." The blue-haired youth waved his hand indifferently.

Obviously, he was the leader of this team.

The two remaining women looked at the golden-haired youth and the fatty with disgust.

They had no good feelings for these guys who always went to brothels for no reason.

But for the sake of the arena's winning streak record, they had to tag along with this' team.'

After all, whether to agree with it or not, the reputation of the Ancient Moon Sect was well-known, and Tang Chuan, as the Holy Son, was undoubtedly the top young expert among them. And the golden-haired youth and the fatty were quite powerful, plus the Holy Maiden of the Jade Lake Sect, they had never been defeated.

Not only that.

Tang Chuan's father was also the Ancient Moon Sect Master.

With unparalleled talent, Tang Chuan became the unquestioned leader of this team.

"Suya, let's go too." The woman in purple said.

She came from a hidden family in the Beiyang and formed this team with Tang Chuan and others for outdoor training.

But apart from the arena matches, she never went out with anyone else.

The woman named Suya wore a white robe and had a gentle temperament and a graceful demeanor.

She nodded gently and said to Tang Chuan, "Holy Son, I'll go with Qinxin first."

Tang Chuan nodded slightly.

Soon, the once lively private room was now only Tang Gong and the little rabbit.

He gently stroked the rabbit's fur and mumbled to himself, "Don't worry, Ling'er, I will definitely resurrect you, and then make those who hurt you pay the price."


The news of the emergence of the Nine Spirit Hall soon spread to all major forces.

As top forces from ancient times, the value of its inheritance was imaginable.

Especially the Nine Spirit Hall; this imperial treasure had made countless sects covet it.

Unfortunately, by the time these sects found out, Su Changyu had already returned to the Holy Sect with the Nine Spirit Hall.

Moreover, Su Changyu made too many incidents on his trip, first killing the Holy Son of the Absolute Holy Sect and then causing chaos in the Abyssal Demon Cave.

Also, the news of Nie Mengyao's death reached the Imperial Empire. Although Ye Yuan killed her, experts couldn't find many clues about this matter.

On the other hand, Su Chang had already returned to the Holy Sect.

Even if the Imperial Empire suspected something, they wouldn't personally come to arrest him for questioning.

When the flying boat covered in runes landed on the Purple Cloud Peak, it caused an uproar within the Holy Sect.

"The Holy Son is back!"

"Did you hear? The Holy Son actually defeated the Holy Son of the Absolute Holy Sect with one blow!"

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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