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Chapter 005: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System


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Chapter 5: Well Done, Foolish Young Master:

Yao Huaimeng's words successfully drew everyone's attention and gradually calmed Long Tian, who had been ready for commit murder.

"That's enough. This is the company entrance, not an arena. Long Tian, you're just a security guard here. If you don't want trouble, then leave!"

Yao Huaimeng's tone was harsh, but the more coldly she acted, the more Long Tian felt compelled to conquer her.

Such beauty should belong to him.

[Oh! She's afraid Long Tian might get hurt, so she stopped him!]

But Ye Liuyun had a different perspective. He thought Yao Huaimeng believed Long Tian wasn't his match, hence she intervened.

[You're overthinking it. If things escalated, I'd have to flee!]

Even if Long Tian was serious now, he knew he wasn't a match—at least not at the moment.

[According to the novel, Yao Huaimeng is already smitten with Long Tian!]

[Tsk! The licking dog female lead is making her debut!]


This guy! What's he thinking? She wasn't some licking dog!

Yao Huaimeng's defenses were starting to crack!

As CEO, Yao Huaimeng was direct and decisive.

She walked over. "What's your name?"


Ye Liuyun looked at Yao Huaimeng approaching, puzzled. He put on a serious face. "Miss Yao, I'm the young master's bodyguard, Ye Liuyun."

"Just now, you..." Yao Huaimeng wanted to ask directly about Ye Liuyun's thoughts but felt a sudden, terrifying sense of danger, stopping her from saying anything about it.

She couldn't say? Yet, that only confirmed to Yao Huaimeng that those thoughts belonged to Ye Liuyun. And this, too, was part of the novel's world.

"Miss Yao?" Why did she stop mid-sentence? Ye Liuyun was puzzled.

[Is she threatening me?]

It sure sounded like a threat.

[Of course, as the protagonist's licking dog, she'd naturally come over to threaten me after she saw I hit Long Tian!]

[Tsk! These licking dogs so shameless!]


As Yao Huaimeng turned to leave, she almost stumbled. What's he thinking? She wasn't some licking dog!

But Ye Liuyun and Long Tian had similar thoughts.

"Is she threatening me to protect me from harm?" Long Tian grinned strangely. "Woman, you've caught my attention."

Meanwhile, Ye Liuyun and the others returned to Zhao Haoguan's mansion.

"You did well, Ye Liuyun," Zhao Haoguan said, satisfied. He hadn't realized he had such a skilled person around.

"From now on, your salary is increased from a hundred thousand to half a million!"

"Thank you, young master!" Zhao Haoguan then addressed the other bodyguards. "No need to feel resentful. As long as you perform well, the Zhao family won't mistreat you!"

Although these guards had performed poorly earlier, Zhao Haoguan was in a good mood and didn't want to dwell on it.

In fact, the guards weren't jealous of Ye Liuyun's raise. They were just worried about getting fired for their poor performance.

"Now go!" Zhao Haoguan waved them off. "Oh, and Liuyun, stay."

Once they were alone, Zhao Haoguan motioned for Ye Liuyun to sit beside him. "Why stand? Sit down!"

He really treated Ye Liuyun like his right-hand man! Ye Liuyun wasn't shy either.

"Thank you, young master!" Ye Liuyun took a seat.

Leather sofas felt different!

"Liuyun, your idea today was great. Sending flowers indeed made Huaimeng happy!"

Zhao Haoguan thought Yao Huaimeng smiled upon seeing his flowers.

"Flowers are secondary. What's important is the young master's unwavering commitment!"

Ye Liuyun had a knack for saying the right things.

"Exactly!" Zhao Haoguan was filled with confidence from just one sentence.

"I'll make sure Huaimeng sees my commitment. Then she'll surely fall for me!"


No wonder he was the foolish villain. He stuck to it while the protagonist raced ahead.

"Oh, and..." Zhao Haoguan remembered why he kept Ye Liuyun. "Huaimeng's grandfather's birthday is coming up. What kind of gift do you think I should get him?"

"Birthday?" Ye Liuyun remembered this was the second plot point. It was also crucial for Long Tian's entry into the elite circle of billionaires.

Zhao Haoguan trusted Ye Liuyun's opinion even on the matter of the birthday gift.

"Since the old man's getting on in years, he might not care much for valuable things anymore."

Yao Huaimeng's grandfather wasn't as rich as Zhao Haoguan, but he had around a billion assets, enough not to worry about money.

"You could buy some potted plants or unique trinkets. I believe they'll have a good impression!"

Ye Liuyun wasn't entirely sure, but he gave his opinion anyway.

After hearing Ye Liuyun's suggestion, Zhao Haoguan didn't doubt it at all. He nodded in realization.

"So that's it!" No wonder his past gifts had gone unnoticed. He hadn't given the right ones!

"Thank goodness for you, Liuyun. From now on, stick by my side!"

"Okay!" This also made it easier for Ye Liuyun to participate in the plot and claim rewards!

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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