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Chapter 17

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 17: Princess Ye Lin of the Mysterious Jade Empire:

The existence of the martial world posed a significant threat to the empire!

The martial world was filled with experts and numerous powerful factions.

As long as the martial world remained, how could the people be weakened?

To the court, the unruly heroes of the martial world were beyond control—a primary target for suppression.

Thus, the court issued the Ban on Martial Arts, intending to eradicate all factions and eliminate all masters within the martial world. The main target, of course, was the Tianyou Sect—the demonic sect that had always opposed the court!

But unfortunately, the very night the Ban on Martial Arts was issued, someone attempted to assassinate the emperor! Under such pressure, the court had no choice but to retract the decree.

Though the mysterious black-clad assassin perished, he became a hero in the hearts of many within the martial world, for he had single-handedly shown the court that the martial world could not be suppressed!

No one knew the identity of the black-clad assassin, and the court never revealed his background. Some speculated that he was from the Tianyou Sect, but the sect denied this.

If the Tianyou Sect truly had such a formidable figure, the court might not have been able to withstand them.

The court had its reasons for not disclosing the assassin’s identity, reasons known only to the emperor and the Twelve Stars of Tianwu.

The truth was… the assassin was never captured and never died!

Despite the emperor leading the Twelve Stars of Tianwu in person, they couldn’t apprehend the black-clad assassin. Only his sword was left behind!

To intimidate the world, the court used the sword as evidence, falsely claiming that the assassin had been defeated.

Three years had passed since then, and the emperor still hadn’t discovered the assassin’s true identity.

In the entire world, only one person knew who the assassin was. And that person was… Ling Ye!


(The Imperial Capital, Tianwu City)

(Inside the Imperial Palace)

Heavy rain poured down, accompanied by thunder and lightning!

“The weather has been… quite bad lately.” A tall, robust middle-aged man in a dragon robe stood by the pavilion near the lake in the imperial garden, hands clasped behind his back. This man was the current emperor of the Mysterious Jade Empire, Ye Tianji!

He gazed at the torrential rain with a troubled expression.

The weather indeed wasn’t good—much like his health, which was also deteriorating.

He was gravely ill and fully aware that his life was nearing its end.

He knew, as early as three years ago, that he didn’t have long to live. Now, it was uncertain whether he could survive another three years.

He pondered deeply about who should inherit the future of the Mysterious Jade Empire. The empire had two princes: the eldest, Ye Wushi, and the younger, Ye Wuchen. In addition to the two princes, there was also a princess, Ye Lin!

Ye Lin was older than Ye Wushi, making her the elder sister of both princes.

Both Ye Wushi and Ye Wuchen were extraordinarily capable, possessing both virtue and talent.

So, who should inherit the throne?

Ye Tianji fell into deep thought.

After a while, he slowly said, “Summon the princess and the two princes.”


The grand hall was empty—completely deserted.

Even the guards and palace maids had been dismissed. Only Ye Tianji sat on the dragon throne, quietly waiting. Then, three figures entered from outside.

Leading them was a tall, upright figure with a resolute, handsome face and a calm, intense gaze that exuded a commanding presence. This was the eldest prince, Ye Wushi!

Next came a man dressed in plain white, exuding a refined, gentle, and immaculate aura.

His gentle demeanor was in stark contrast to Ye Wushi's intense and fiery temperament. This refined and elegant figure was naturally the younger prince, Ye Wuchen!

Following behind Ye Wushi and Ye Wuchen was a tall, stunningly beautiful woman dressed in a light golden silk gown that accentuated her graceful figure.

Her every movement radiated innate nobility and elegance, with a touch of alluring charm.

She also had a pair of unique golden eyes, adding to her regal and mysterious aura. Of course, this woman was the princess of the Night Mysterious Dynasty and the elder sister of the two princes—Ye Lin!

“Greetings, Father!”

The three knelt in unison as they entered. They had brought no attendants, appearing alone before the emperor. The four of them were the only ones present in the grand hall.

“Rise.” Ye Tianji said softly from the dragon throne.

“Thank you, Father.” The three replied in unison as they stood.

“I summoned the three of you here today to discuss a significant matter.” Ye Tianji's voice echoed through the hall.

There was an inexplicable weariness and an aged tone to his words that made the three siblings feel a wave of unease.

All the guards and palace maids were absent from the hall—only the three of them were summoned. This could only mean that something of great importance was about to be revealed.

“I… don't have much time left.” Ye Tianji said, breaking the silence.

His words struck like a bolt of lightning, causing the expressions of Ye Lin, Ye Wushi, and Ye Wuchen to change dramatically!

T/N: Thanks for reading!


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