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Chapter 036: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 36: Shen Qingxin Becomes a Little Glutton:

The next day.

While Shen Qingxin was still asleep, Yun Bufan got up early.

He took out flour, milk, and other ingredients from the fridge and started working.

He wanted to test his Master Chef skills.

After all, he would need this weapon to deal with Qin Bing in the future.

An hour later, the final product was ready, and a very delicate and fragrant chiffon cake.

Just then, Shen Qingxin came downstairs after washing up.

Seeing Yun Bufan, her pretty face blushed.

Last night, she had given her first kiss in a moment of impulse. Would he think she was too silly?

As Shen Qingxin’s thoughts swirled, she was drawn by the rich aroma.

“What’s that smell?”

“So fragrant?”

Shen Qingxin walked into the kitchen, her delicate nose sniffing the air.

“Try this. I made it.”

Yun Bufan brought out the cake.

“You can make this?”

Shen Qingxin looked incredulous.

“No big deal. Try it first.”

Yun Bufan handed her a fork.

“I’ll just have a little. Eating too much dessert makes you gain weight.”

Shen Qingxin took a small bite and chewed. The milk flavor filled her mouth.

Her eyes visibly brightened.

It felt like her teeth and tongue were dancing on clouds.

Sweet but not greasy, the aroma filled her brain.

“So delicious!”

Shen Qingxin devoured the entire cake in one go.

“Sorry, did you have any?”

After swallowing the last bite ravenously, Shen Qingxin looked a bit guilty.

“No worries, if you like it, I can make more.”

Yun Bufan smiled.

Seeing Shen Qingxin’s reaction, he realized his Master Chef skills were indeed impressive.

He had turned this reserved goddess into a little glutton.

[Ding! System detects that Shen Qingxin’s affection points for the host have increased by 1000 points. You can choose to reduce Su Chen’s luck value or increase your own luck value]

The sudden mechanical voice delighted Yun Bufan.

It seemed making delicious food could also increase affection points.

If he frequently made delicacies for Shen Qingxin, he could soon become the child of fortune.

“Reduce Su Chen’s luck value.”

[Ding! Su Chen’s luck value has decreased by 1000 points, currently totaling 76000 points]

Yun Bufan turned to wash the dishes.

Shen Qingxin licked her lips, savoring the cake’s taste.

She wanted another piece. But wouldn’t that make her seem too greedy?

To maintain her image, she had to suppress the craving in her stomach.

“By the way, what are your plans for today?”

Yun Bufan asked Shen Qingxin.

“I want to go home to see Grandpa.”

Shen Qingxin replied, resting her chin on her hand.

Yun Bufan was about to speak when his phone suddenly rang.

It was his second uncle, Yun Biao.

This old schemer calling definitely meant trouble.

“Hello, Second Uncle. What’s up?”

Yun Bufan pressed the answer button.

“Bufan, what are you up to?”

Yun Biao asked cheerfully.

Yun Bufan casually replied, “Just got up, not much.”

“Why aren’t you coming to the company?”

“After all, you’ve inherited the Yun family now.” Yun Biao said politely.

Yun Bufan stretched. “I’m not really interested.”

Yun Biao clicked his tongue. “That won’t do. You need to familiarize yourself with the business.”

Yun Bufan said, “Alright, I’ll come by later.”

Putting down the phone, Yun Biao smirked, " Looks like Yun Bufan is still the same useless brat.”

He looked at the person opposite him.

“As long as our plan goes smoothly, he’ll definitely be kicked out of the board.”

Sitting opposite Yun Biao was the protagonist, Su Chen.

Su Chen had a sinister look on his face.

“By the way, I’ll give you a contact. She’s an underling of my senior sister.”

“She’s a professional corporate spy.”

“Place her by Yun Bufan’s side.”

“With her help, we’ll know Yun Bufan’s every move, and our plan will be foolproof.”

Yun Biao nodded. “Uncle Su, you’re meticulous. You’ll achieve great things.”

Su Chen felt a surge of pride.

With his senior sister’s help, he would definitely be unstoppable.


Yun Bufan was getting ready to go to the company.

Suddenly, a voice rang in his head—

[Ding! Villain task issued!]

[Shen Qingxin is about to encounter danger. Su Chen will be the hero to save her]

“The host needs to interrupt Su Chen and prevent Shen Qingxin from increasing her affection for him]

He paused.

Yun Bufan suddenly slapped his forehead.

He remembered!

In the original novel, Shen Qingxin went home to see her grandfather.

She happened to run into a group of debt collectors looking for her cousin.

Her cousin wasn’t there, so they took Shen Qingxin as a hostage.

At that time, Yun Bufan had already been crippled and had no relationship with Shen Qingxin.

In desperation, Shen Qingxin sought Su Chen’s help.

Su Chen heroically saved her.

Not only that, but due to this opportunity, Su Chen also met the underworld boss of Luo Cheng.

It was a double gain and skyrocketed his fortune.

But what puzzled Yun Bufan was that now Shen Qingxin and Su Chen weren't familiar.

She shouldn’t seek Su Chen’s help.

Why would Su Chen still have the chance to be the hero?

The situation was urgent, so there was no time to think. Yun Bufan immediately drove to pursue.

He soon arrived at Shen Mansion.

Yun Bufan didn’t get out of the car but observed from inside.

Shen Qingxin should already be in the house.

At this moment, Yun Bufan’s attention was drawn to a sneaky figure nearby.

He saw Su Chen peeking from behind a tree.

Wow, so he was stalking!

Yun Bufan couldn’t help but laugh.

The so-called child of fortune, the main character, was actually doing this.

But soon, he refocused his attention.

A black van pulled up at the entrance.

Then, five burly men got out, huddled together for a moment, and headed upstairs.

“It must be them.”

Yun Bufan continued to wait.

About ten minutes later, Shen Qingxin was brought out with her hands tied.

“Cash for the girl!”

“Guys, we’re getting our reward today, hehehe!”

The men left joyfully.

Soon, Su Chen emerged from behind the tree, and he was filled with excitement.

“Shen Qingxin is so beautiful!”

“She’s in trouble. If I save her…”

“She’ll definitely be grateful and offer herself to me.”

Thinking about this, Su Chen immediately followed them.

After everyone left, Yun Bufan trailed behind.

A few minutes later, he followed the van to an upscale club.

The Jin Hong Club.

According to the original plot, those guys wouldn’t harm Shen Qingxin.

They would just keep her locked up, waiting for Shen Zhuo to repay the money.
-To be continued!  

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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