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Chapter 021: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 21: Borrowing Some Help from the Old Man:

Chu Mochen received a bottle of low-grade Potential Burst Pills from the luck-based lottery.

Counting the pills, he found ten in total.

He took out one and handed it to Ah Li, instructing him to find a way to give it to Liu Xiaotian.

Between Liu Xiaotian and Zhao Jie, Chu Mochen chose Liu Xiaotian because Zhao Jie was still in the hospital with a broken leg inflicted by Ye Yang. Otherwise, Chu Mochen would have sent them both.

Delivering the Potential Burst Pill to Liu Xiaotian without revealing his identity wasn’t difficult. Soon, Ah Li returned to report that the task was complete.

"Next, follow Liu Xiaotian. Make sure to film their fight and bring it to me," Chu Mochen instructed A Li. "Remember, don’t get exposed."

Ye Yang wasn’t a fool. If Ah Li were discovered, Ye Yang would surely suspect Chu Mochen, who wasn’t ready to reveal himself yet.

"Rest assured, young master, I will follow him from a distance without getting noticed."

Whenever Chu Mochen had them follow someone, they always kept their distance and never got caught. After Ah Li and Ah Hu left, Chu Mochen pondered.

"Ye Yang has seen Ah Li and Ah Hu. I need to send someone he doesn’t know. Even if they get discovered, he won’t know it’s my doing."

"I can go." Ji Moxue volunteered.

Ye Yang hadn’t met Ji Moxue yet, but Chu Mochen didn’t want to waste her talents on tracking Ye Yang.

"I’ll ask my grandfather to send someone."

Picking up his phone, Chu Mochen called his grandfather.

Although the Chu family wasn’t a martial arts family, over the years, his grandfather had trained several loyal martial artists. Most were only at the Bright Qi Realm, with a few reaching the Dark Qi Realm.

Once the call connected, the old man asked directly, "What do you need?"

"Straight to the point, aren’t you, old man?"

"Hmph, you only call me when you need something. Hurry up, don’t interrupt my tea."

"Cough, I want to borrow a helper, preferably someone at the peak of the Bright Qi Realm. If you can spare a Dark Qi Realm expert, I won’t mind."

"Dark Qi Realm,martial artists aren’t easy to send over, but if you’re in danger, I can arrange it." Grandpa Chu replied, showing his concern for his grandson.

If Chu Mochen were in danger, the Chu family’s martial artists would be dispatched without hesitation.

"It’s not dangerous, just need someone to run errands."

"Alright, you’re in Hangzhou, right? They’ll arrive this afternoon. Have you learned any martial arts from Ye Tianhua?"

"Grandpa, Ye Tianhua doesn’t want to teach me, but I’ve had another fortunate encounter. I don’t need his guidance. I’ll send you a document soon."

After hanging up, Chu Mochen translated the Nine Yang Divine Technique and sent it to his grandfather.

He was willing to share this skill with his family. The stronger the Chu family became, the stronger his influence would be. Besides, the Nine Yang Divine Technique wasn’t his only trump card.

"That old Ye Tianhua refuses to teach Mochen," Grandpa Chu thought angrily, his presence commanding respect. He looked at the Nine Yang Divine Technique document sent by Chu Mochen. Along with the cultivation method, Chu Mochen also provided detailed information about the skill.

"Mochen managed to obtain such a divine technique." Grandpa Chu exclaimed excitedly. "This technique is entirely different from typical martial arts. With the Nine Yang Divine Technique, the Chu family could become a martial arts family."

His excitement was understandable.

Although the Chu family was strong, having wealth and power, it had only risen in the last hundred years.

For long-term development, mere power and money weren’t enough.

Without power and strength, wealth could make them targets.

Historically, families that lasted through the ages were mostly martial arts families.

Born in a tumultuous era, Grandpa Chu valued martial strength highly.

If the Chu family produced a Crimson Qi Realm expert, they could prosper for two to three centuries. Advanced martial arts could also extend life, with Crimson Qi Realm experts living around 300 years.

"The Chu family has few descendants. I must urge Mochen to marry and have children soon." Grandpa Chu decided. He couldn’t pass such a divine technique to outsiders. Even the loyal martial artists trained by the Chu family wouldn’t receive it. Only direct family members would.

But with the Chu family’s lineage being so thin—Chu Mochen’s father was an only child, and Chu Mochen was his only son—it was urgent to secure the family’s future.

"Ah Fu, instruct everyone to collect ginseng, especially those over a hundred years old," Grandpa Chu ordered his butler.

Cultivating the Nine Yang Divine Technique could be aided by precious herbs, and older ones were even better. Even he could benefit from this.

The person Grandpa Chu sent arrived earlier than expected, showing up at noon instead of the afternoon.

"What’s your name?" Chu Mochen asked.

"Young master, my name is Lü Jin."

"Then I’ll call you Ah Jin. Take this; it will help you reach the Dark Qi Realm." Chu Mochen handed Ah Jin the last pill for advancing to the dark force.

Being chosen by his grandfather indicated his loyalty, so Chu Mochen trusted him. Ah Jin swallowed the pill without hesitation, breaking through to the initial stage of the dark force and healing his old injuries.

"Thank you, young master."

Ah Jin was moved and became fiercely loyal to Chu Mochen.

His loyalty to the Chu family was already high, and with Chu Mochen’s help, his devotion was complete.

"From now on, your job is to follow this person." Chu Mochen instructed, handing over a photo of Ye Yang.

Ah Jin nodded, asking no questions, which Chu Mochen appreciated.

"If you’re discovered, don’t engage him. Just leave."

Both were at the initial stage of the Dark Qi Realm, but Ah Jin wouldn’t be a match for Ye Yang. However, if he wanted to escape, Ye Yang couldn’t stop him.

Chu Mochen didn’t need Ah Jin to fight Ye Yang, just to follow him and report his movements.

-To be continued!

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