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Chapter 020: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 20: Time to Give Him Something Really Tough:

To cultivate the Nine Yang Divine Technique to perfection, Chu Mochen needed to spend 150,000 villain points. He didn't have that many, so he could only gradually improve it.

Now, after exhausting his 18,000 villain points, he had only advanced the Nine Yang Divine Technique to the third level.

"Internal energy is truly fascinating." Chu Mochen thought inwardly.

He initially thought that the internal energy would be the same as the internal force cultivated by Dark Qi Realm martial artists, but they were different.

"Achieving perfection in the Nine Yang Divine Technique would at least grant me the power of Transforming Qi Realm." He thought.

In his world, martial artists' strength was quite high. Even with the Nine Yang Divine Technique perfected, it might not match up to the Crimson Qi Realm.

According to the novel, a Crimson Qi Realm martial artist could withstand small missiles, making them almost like an immortal on land, with destructive power that was terrifying and comparable to a moving strategic weapon.

Fortunately, such monsters were rare, mostly appearing later in the plotline.

Having cultivated the Nine Yang Divine Technique to the third level, Chu Mochen hadn't reached the Transforming Qi Realm, but he had become stronger. He should be invincible among those at the Dark Qi Realm now.

Meanwhile, a dramatic scene was unfolding at the Liu family residence.

Both Ye Yang and Liu Xiaotian, who had been detained, were released, as the Liu family intervened on their behalf.

"What happened? Tell me everything." Liu Cheng demanded, glaring angrily at Liu Xiaotian.

However, his anger was directed not at his son but at Ye Yang. Seeing his son beaten black and blue, Liu Cheng barely recognized him.

Liu Xiaotian was the only male heir of the Liu family's next generation, and Liu Cheng couldn't bear to lay a hand on him.

"Uncle Liu, this is actually a misunderstanding." Ye Yang quickly explained. He didn't know Liu Xiaotian was Liu Yuning's brother. If he had known, he wouldn't have been so ruthless.

"A misunderstanding? You beat my son like this, and you call it a misunderstanding?" Liu Cheng was furious.

"Alright, this matter shouldn't be Ye Yang's fault. Xiaotian, did you go looking for trouble with Ye Yang?" Liu Zhong interjected to mediate.

"Father, your grandson got beaten up, and you're taking the outsider's side?" Liu Cheng was genuinely dissatisfied. His father seemed to have lost his mind. Sure, Ye Yang was the disciple of his benefactor, but that didn't mean he should be treated so favorably.

"Exactly! Father is right. Grandpa, you're actually siding with an outsider." Liu Xiaotian agreed, feeling even more wronged and hating Ye Yang even more.

"Shut up! If you didn't fool around all day, would this have happened?" Liu Zhong reprimanded Liu Xiaotian.

"Hmph." Liu Xiaotian snorted, and glared at Ye Yang with hatred before running out.

He couldn't believe his usually doting grandfather was siding with an outsider. Liu Xiaotian felt deeply wronged.

"You've raised a fine son." Liu Zhong snapped at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng felt exhausted, and didn't want to argue with his somewhat delusional father. "Handle it however you want, old man."

Originally, he wanted to stand up for his son, but now he had no energy left. He knew his father would stop him anyway. He couldn't understand what kind of charm Ye Yang had to make his father hold him in such high regard.

"Grandpa Liu, I didn't know Xiaotian was your grandson. Otherwise, I would never have struck him."

"Ye Yang, I believe you wouldn't hit someone without reason. Xiaotian is spoiled. You need to guide him more in the future and teach him a thing or two."

"Grandpa Liu, I promise I'll take good care of him." Ye Yang assured, deciding not to hold a grudge against Liu Xiaotian. But if Liu Xiaotian dared to cause trouble again, Ye Yang would definitely give him a thorough 'lesson.'

"By the way, Ye Yang, try to avoid physical fights in the future." Liu Zhong advised.

Ye Yang nodded but didn't take it to heart.

If trouble came his way again, he would still use his fists, as he believed it was the best way to solve problems.

"How's your company coming along? Do you need any help?" Liu Zhong asked.

"No need, my company is doing well. We'll be able to release our products soon." Ye Yang replied awkwardly, politely declining Liu Zhong's offer. He had already taken money from Liu Zhong.

Asking for more help would make him seem incompetent. Ye Yang was proud and didn't want to be looked down upon.

"That's good. You should visit Yuqing more often. I heard you had a conflict with Chu Mochen?"

Hearing Liu Zhong mention Chu Mochen, Ye Yang's face darkened.

If Chu Mochen had helped him, he wouldn't have had to run around setting up his company on his own. And now, it still wasn't fully established.

"The Chu family is powerful. If you can reconcile with him, you should," Liu Zhong suggested.

"I understand, Grandpa Liu. I have to get back to my company's matters now." Ye Yang replied, not wanting to stay and listen to more of Liu Zhong's advice.

The idea of reconciling with Chu Mochen left a sour taste in his mouth.

Why should he yield to his junior, who couldn't even master medical skills?

With his master's connections, he didn't need Chu Mochen's help anyway.

[Ding! Liu Cheng harbors intense hatred for Ye Yang. Villain points: +2000]

[Ding! Liu Xiaotian feels jealousy and hatred toward Ye Yang. Villain points: +3000]

With 5000 villain points gained, Chu Mochen was momentarily stunned by the sudden notification but gladly accepted it.

The more villain points, the better.

Chu Mochen was in desperate need of villain points to upgrade the Nine Yang Divine Technique to perfection.

With its perfected traits, even facing Ye Tianhua, Chu Mochen believed he would not be afraid.

Once he reached that point, he could kill Ye Yang without hesitation, no longer fearing Ye Yang's master.

Killing Ye Yang would surely drive that old man crazy, making him go to war against the Chu family.

Without the strength to defeat Ye Tianhua, it was unwise to attempt to kill Ye Yang now.

"I need to find a way to harvest more villain points. Should I tell Ye Yang that I’ve put a green hat on him?" Chu Mochen mused, imagining how furious Ye Yang would be. Surely, the villain points would pour in then.

"All my previous schemes didn't cause Ye Yang substantial harm. It's time to give him something really tough." Chu Mochen decided.

He took out a bottle of low-grade Potential Burst Pills. These pills could give an ordinary person the strength of someone at the Dark Qi Realm but at the cost of dying shortly after.

Chu Mochen wouldn't use such dangerous pills on his own people.

The cost was too high.

But now, he had two perfect candidates in mind: Liu Xiaotian and Zhao Jie. Their hatred for Ye Yang was undeniable.

By using them to target Ye Yang, peak Dark Qi Realm strength would be enough to threaten him. Even if they failed to kill Ye Yang and died in the process, the blame would still fall on Ye Yang.
-To be continued!

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