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Chapter 8:

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 8: The Tianyou Demon Sect Base:

When the boatman saw the silver note, he was stunned.

In his entire life, he had never seen so much money!

Ling Ye leaped onto the boat in a single bound and shoved the silver note into the boatman’s hands. “The boat is mine now!”

The boatman was dumbfounded.

“T-this... all for me?”

His hands trembled as he held the silver note. His eyes filled with excitement as he looked at Ling Ye.

This was equal to one thousand taels of silver!

This old, battered boat wasn’t worth that much!

“Yes, it’s all for you. Take care of your family.” Ling Ye said with a smile, then sat down directly on the small boat.

“Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!”

The boatman was so excited that he repeatedly bowed. “The boat is yours from now on. Even the raincoat on it is yours—all yours!”

With that, he hurriedly turned and headed back to shore, afraid that Ling Ye might change his mind.

A thousand taels! A thousand taels!

When had he ever seen so much money?

This amount was enough for his poor family to live comfortably for the rest of their lives!

Ling Ye said nothing more. He just sat on the boat.

With a casual wave of his hand, he sent a burst of energy into the boat.

The little boat, with no one rowing, began to drift straight into the great river.

“Hey, sir, be careful! Get ashore quickly! The weather might bring a flood soon!” The boatman called out from the shore.

He had been in this line of work for a long time, and he could tell that a heavy rain was likely to come that night.

But Ling Ye acted as if he hadn’t heard, simply lying on the small boat.

It seemed he didn’t care even if a flood did come!

A man, a jug of wine, a small boat!

Once the little boat entered the river, Ling Ye withdrew his energy.

He laid in the boat, letting it drift along with the current...

As he drank, he smiled bitterly.

He wasn't someone who wanted to die—he was at the prime of his life.

But in the end, he still had to die!

In his pursuit of higher martial arts and greater realms, he had killed himself!

How ridiculous!

Ling Ye suddenly thought of Luo Xinli and then laughed again.

The child of destiny was indeed the child of destiny!

She was pure, yet she met him and gave herself to him!

So, he couldn’t bear to leave her empty-handed and left her the Three Extreme Sword Techniques to lend her a helping hand!

It seemed the child of destiny never was meant to die!

At the critical moment, she always found a way to survive.

"I suppose... I am Luo Xinli’s final miracle!"

He only hoped that she wouldn’t become too powerful in her martial arts, reaching the highest level, only to want to make a breakthrough even further and end up sacrificing herself like he did!

With a chuckle, Ling Ye took a few more gulps of wine.

There were only two days left.

He would live these last two days as freely as possible!

Came into the world carefree, and would leave it the same way!

Ling Ye lay on the small boat and slowly closed his eyes.

A little tipsy, he fell asleep.

Truly, he was going wherever the current took him.

Even if the great waves swallowed him, he wouldn’t mind!

Yet, somehow, the waves seemed to have a mind of their own and couldn’t take his life.

The little boat, on the vast river, passed through empty valleys and riverside homes, drifting eastward!

Always safe!

Finally, it merged with the sea!

That night, as expected, heavy rain fell.

Lightning flashed, thunder roared, and the rain came down in torrents.

Thunder tore through the darkness...

On the boundless sea, the waves were raging, towering up to unimaginable heights!

The heavens and the sea trembled!

And amidst the raging waves, Ling Ye’s little boat was never submerged.

It just kept drifting...

Although sometimes it was lifted several feet high by the waves, it always landed steadily back on the sea’s surface.

That little boat seemed as though it would never sink!

No matter how violent the waves were, they couldn’t drown or tear it apart!

No matter how fierce the sea fought, it couldn’t overcome that little boat!

Finally, the rain stopped.

The furious sea seemed to have conceded, gradually calming down.

The night sky suddenly cleared, revealing a sky full of stars.

The starry sky reflected on the sea, making it look like Ling Ye’s little boat was sailing through a sea of stars.

Beautiful and magnificent.

By this time, Ling Ye had woken up and shook his empty wine jug.

The wine was gone!

He smiled lightly, thinking he should have brought more wine.

Just then, as he worried about having nothing to drink, an island suddenly appeared on the vast sea ahead.

An island filled with bright lights!

“Is this...”

He looked at the distant island, then suddenly squinted slightly!

“Tianyou Island?”

The only thing that came to his mind was that it had to be the Tianyou Demon Sect base!

The Tianyou Demon Sect was the largest demon sect in the world today.

With three hundred and sixty-five branch locations spread across the world, no one knew their exact locations.

Besides the three hundred and sixty-five branches, there was a headquarters overseas, even more secretive.

But, he never expected to stumble upon this place by sheer luck.

-To be continued!

Translator: TurtleWave


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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