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Chapter 7:

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 7: "How Could You Leave Me Alone to Live in This World?":

(Inside a luxurious room)

When Luo Xinli woke up, she was alone.

Ling Ye had already left.

The room was not empty!

The chairs, the bed, everything was adorned so exquisitely, so lavishly.

But in the stillness, Luo Xinli's heart felt so empty!

He was gone!

She didn’t even know his name. She didn’t know where to find him in the future! She didn’t even know where to visit his lonely grave.

The blanket was still on her, seemingly still holding the warmth of that man.

Luo Xinli slowly propped herself up, her delicate shoulders half-exposed.

She looked at the empty room and, for the first time, felt how unbearable loneliness could be.

So... helpless.

She gently leaned against the curtain by the bed, an inexplicable sadness filling her heart.

Ling Ye had left!

But she didn’t blame him for anything.

Ling Ye only had three days left, yet he gave one of those precious days to her.

She, of course, had given her precious first time to him.

She gave it to a man who was about to die.

She didn’t regret it because it was what she wanted.

But the unfortunate thing was... she still didn’t know Ling Ye's name.

She didn’t know who he truly was or where he came from.

Luo Xinli leaned against the bed, feeling an inexplicable urge to cry.

Because she knew that she would never see that man again, not even his body!

This was... a farewell forever!

At that moment, she suddenly noticed an ancient book placed by the bed.

She stared at it for a moment and then quickly picked it up.

On the cover were four large characters: "Three Extreme Sword Techniques!"

Did he leave this behind?

Luo Xinli immediately flipped through it.

In that instant, it was as if countless sword lights flashed in her clear eyes.

"What a terrifying sword technique!"

Luo Xinli was astonished.

She was known as the Sword Immortal, but when she saw this sword manual, she realized how insignificant she was.

She never expected that such profound and mysterious sword techniques existed in the world!

The Three Extreme Sword Techniques were divided into three stages: Extreme Entry, Extreme Break, and Extreme Void!

Learning each technique would undoubtedly elevate her to new heights!

Who was he, really? How could he possess such a divine manual?

Luo Xinli was totally surprised!

But after the surprise, she let out a bitter smile.

Ling Ye had left this sword manual, clearly hoping she could defeat Leng Youruo.

And then... live well.

Thinking of this, Luo Xinli couldn’t help but smile bitterly!

"Since you’ve left, how could you bear to leave me alone to live in this world?"

Ling Ye was a man destined to die.

And she was also destined to die.

Ling Ye left this sword manual, giving her a path to certain victory, a way to survive.

But now... did she have any will left to live alone in this world?

If she were to die in battle against Leng Youruo, wouldn’t that be the perfect way to reunite with Ling Ye in the afterlife?

That was her thought!

But Ling Ye had left behind this sword manual!

After a bitter smile, Luo Xinli put the sword manual aside.

She no longer had any attachments to this world.

With the one she had hoped to walk through life with now gone, what was the point of living?

She already had unparalleled martial arts and a reputation that shook the world.

What else was there to long for?

So, she decided... not to practice the sword manual!

She would simply face Leng Youruo, fight to the death, and perish together—it didn’t matter!

She then slowly got up, dressed, and left with grace!

But as she reached the door, she stopped!

After a moment of contemplation, she turned back and picked up the sword manual Ling Ye had left behind.

After all, this was a part of his heart. Even if she didn’t learn it, she should carry it with her.

This was the only memento he had left for her!

Moreover, if this was the final act of his life’s work, how could she allow it to end with her?

If she met someone worthy, she could ensure his sword techniques would be passed down for generations!

So, she kept it with her!

The mighty Yangtze River flows east, its waves sweeping away heroes.

Success and failure turn to nothing in the end.

All to naught!

Before death, one always feels that everything in this world ultimately amounts to nothing!

Ling Ye was no different!

He had once been a carefree figure in the world, even dreaming of replacing the emperor on the dragon throne, Yetianji.

But alas, his grand ambitions went unfulfilled!

Ling Ye wandered alone by the river, with only a jug of cheap wine as his companion!

What nonsense about extending life by three stars.

Ling Ye couldn’t figure it out, and he didn’t want to.

Why not live these last two days carefree and end this long dream?

"How much for your boat?"

Walking by the river, he suddenly asked a boatman.

"How much? Sir, this boat is my livelihood! If I sell it, how will I support my family?"

The boatman looked at him and then smiled, "If you need to cross the river, I can take you across. It’s still passable now, but with the weather being unpredictable, if a flood comes, even a royal dragon boat wouldn’t make it across!"

Ling Ye didn’t respond. Instead, he took out a silver note.

A thousand taels!
There was no deal in this world that couldn't be made, as long as the money was enough!

-To be continued!

Translator: TurtleWave


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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