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Chapter 22: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 22: And Mother, What Are You Scheming?:

Lei Ying let out a long breath. Then, he slowly said, "That Su Wanxi has a powerful backer. I suspect her husband is the current emperor!"

"The... the emperor?" Zou Qihuang's face changed drastically. "That's... impossible, isn't it?"

Su Wanxi might be the most beautiful woman in Lei Province, but could she really be involved with the emperor? That kind of backing was simply too overwhelming!

"What's impossible about it? The emperor is currently at the Su residence!" Lei Ying said gravely. "I even suspect Su Xinyue's father is the emperor!"

"This..." Zou Qihuang was left speechless. The emperor had personally graced the Su family with his presence? Right now?

If what Lei Ying said was true, then what did that make Su Wanxi? An imperial concubine! And Su Xinyue a princess! This was a big deal! This mother and daughter weren't people they could afford to offend.

"Fortunately, I didn't agree to your plan to take action against the Su family. Otherwise, we might not be alive now!" Lei Ying glanced at Zou Qihuang.

Zou Qihuang came to his senses and quickly nodded, "Yes, City Lord, your foresight is admirable!"

Goodness, if Su Wanxi was really an imperial concubine and Su Xinyue a princess, any move against the Su family would surely incur the emperor's wrath. The emperor's anger would be unimaginable.

"So, you better do exactly as I said! From now on, don't provoke the Su family!" Lei Ying said firmly.

"Yes... yes! I understand!" Zou Qihuang nodded quickly. If the Su family was really connected to the emperor, they couldn't afford to offend them. Moreover, he needed to find a way to apologize properly. If Su Wanxi held a grudge, their future would be bleak.

"Also, regarding the relationship between His Majesty and the Su family, it's just my speculation. Don't make any conclusions or spread rumors!" Lei Ying added. Though he was confident in his guess, it was better not to speak recklessly.

"I understand!" Zou Qihuang nodded.

The duo then got to work immediately, returning the southern region of Lei Province to the Su family. They also provided manpower and resources to support the Su family in every way possible. Previously, Zou Qihuang had wanted to swallow up the Su family. But now, if the Su family wanted to swallow his Zou family, he would have no objections. After all, if Su Wanxi was truly an imperial concubine, siding with her would be beneficial.


Night fell, and Lei Province took on a different appearance from the day. The lights of ten thousand homes created a lively and bustling atmosphere, more vibrant and beautiful.

In Su Wanxi's room at the Su residence, she had just finished her bath and changed into a new outfit.

Underneath the semi-transparent veil, her already curvy figure was faintly visible. Like looking at a flower through the mist, it was incredibly alluring. Sitting at her makeup table, she lightly applied lipstick. She looked noble, elegant, mature, and beautiful.

She had been known as the most beautiful woman in Lei Province since she was young and had maintained that title to this day. However, no one had ever been close enough to experience her beauty, her gentleness, or her passion. After inheriting the position of the Su family head, she devoted most of her time and energy to the family. Later, after adopting a child, she had even less time for marriage prospects.

But she was still a woman. Alone, she had her own thoughts, especially in moments of helplessness when a woman's tender heart longed for a man's care and comfort. Now, she had encountered such a man—someone she might not be able to reach, but who genuinely cared for her. She didn't expect anything grand like becoming an imperial concubine or empress. She only wished to serve Ling Ye once. That would give her life more meaning.

She wanted to repay his kindness in the most primitive way. And this opportunity was rare. If she missed it, she might never have another chance.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Su Wanxi nodded with satisfaction. Then, she got up, carried the prepared tea, and left the room to find Ling Ye next door. She didn’t know Ling Ye’s true intentions, but trying wouldn’t hurt, would it?

However, as she stepped out of her room, she saw someone else also carrying tea, heading toward Ling Ye’s room—Su Xinyue!

"Mother?" Su Xinyue looked at her mother curiously, noting her thin, sheer dress and her unusual makeup. What was she planning?

"Xinyue?" Su Wanxi's eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Mother and daughter stood in the courtyard, each holding tea, facing each other. The atmosphere was somewhat strange.

"What are you doing here?" After a moment of silence, Su Wanxi spoke first.

"I... I brought some tea for Master!" Su Xinyue's face turned red.

"Tea?" Su Wanxi said sternly, "Do you think I don't know what you're plotting?"

"I..." Su Xinyue was speechless.

"You are his disciple. Stop thinking those improper thoughts!" Su Wanxi continued sternly.

"So what if I'm his disciple?" Su Xinyue pouted. "And you, Mother? What improper thoughts are you plotting? And dressed like this..."

"This..." Su Wanxi was also at a loss for words.

Goodness, since when did her daughter have the right to question her mother like this?

-To be continued!

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