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Chapter 21: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 21: Su Xinyue's Mother... Is Quite Remarkable:

"Of course, you don't need to go overboard. As an official, you must ensure people trust you!" Ling Ye added.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I understand!" Lei Ying nodded again. If he favored the Su family too blatantly and directly oppressed the Zou family, it would indeed be difficult to gain public trust. So, he would handle it carefully.

"Stand up!" Ling Ye beckoned.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lei Ying stood up.

"Handle this matter quickly. I will stay in Lei Province for a day and await your results," Ling Ye said nonchalantly. Since he was here, he might as well stay for a day. After all, Su Xinyue's mother was quite remarkable! Now that he was here, he couldn’t possibly be just dealing with this small matter regarding the Su family.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will make sure everything is taken care of!" Lei Ying bowed deeply before leaving the hall.

Indeed, the emperor had personally graced them with his presence! He had even spoken directly! If Lei Ying didn't handle this matter properly, how could he continue in his role?

As soon as Lei Ying left, Su Wanxi quickly stood up and knelt down, "Your Majesty's grace is immeasurable!"

She had been worrying about the future of the Su family, thinking about how to get through the next three years, and whether the Su family had any future prospects. But then Ling Ye had descended from the heavens and resolved the issue at its core. With Ling Ye's personal intervention and support for the Su family, their future was secure. This was thanks to Ling Ye's favor and Heaven's blessing for the Su family.

Such immense kindness was indeed beyond repayment.

"Thank you, Master!" Su Xinyue also stepped forward and knelt down. Her greatest wish had always been to help her mother resolve family matters and restore the Su family to its former glory. 

For Ling Ye, this was just a matter of showing up and speaking a few words. It seemed simple! But for her and her mother, it was something they might never have achieved in a lifetime. Therefore, they were deeply grateful for Ling Ye's great kindness!

"No need for such formalities!" Ling Ye looked at the mother and daughter kneeling before him. "The Su family's troubles are now resolved, so Xinyue needn't worry every day. I will look after Xinyue, and you, Lady Su, needn't be concerned."

"Lady Su, leading the family alone must be tiring. From now on, you don't need to work so hard," Ling Ye added, looking at Su Wanxi.

Hearing Ling Ye's somewhat caring words, Su Wanxi slightly raised her head, and her beautiful eyes met Ling Ye's. She seemed to sense a different kind of emotion in his gaze but dared not make assumptions or wild guesses. After all, he was an emperor; how could a common woman like her understand his thoughts?

Would an emperor take an interest in a woman of her age? Hard to say!

"Compared to Your Majesty's concerns for the empire, my burdens are nothing," she said softly, bowing her head again.

As she bowed, her already ample cleavage was further exposed, casting beautiful shadows...

She didn't dare speculate about Ling Ye's intentions! But such a seemingly unintentional act couldn’t hurt, could it?

Of course, Ling Ye understood her subtle signals! This woman had some sense of his interest, but due to her status, she dared not make assumptions!

"In time... everything will get better," Ling Ye said, standing up. "The empire was once ravaged by war, but now... it is thriving, isn’t it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty's words are true!" Su Wanxi nodded gently.

She had always believed things would improve. But now, she felt a new kind of excitement. She wanted to make things even better! If she could get closer to Ling Ye, everything would be perfect.

But this was just a thought she dared not act on. If Ling Ye had no interest, any forwardness from her might only earn his disdain.

"I'll stay in the Su residence for a day. You don't mind, do you?" Ling Ye asked, looking at Su Wanxi.

"Your Majesty's presence honors our home. It’s a great honor!" Su Wanxi quickly said. "I will make the necessary arrangements immediately!"

Ling Ye nodded lightly.

Su Wanxi hurriedly arranged a place for Ling Ye to stay—a very suitable place! 

Right next to her own room! 

Ling Ye seemed interested in her, so she needed to clearly indicate her willingness.

Of course, these were just guesses, and she couldn’t make any assumptions! Whether it would work out would be seen tonight.


Meanwhile, Lei Ying had just returned to the City Lord’s Mansion and immediately summoned Zou Qihuang of the Zou family.

"You must return the southern territory of Lei Province to the Su family! From now on, the Zou family and the Su family will each control two regions and develop freely!" Lei Ying ordered Zou Qihuang directly. "Also, there must be no further conflicts with the Su family!"

Zou Qihuang was stunned. "Lord City Master, what do you mean by this?"

Return the southern region to the Su family?

What was going on? 

Didn’t he know the Zou family far outmatched the Su family?

"Do as I say!" Lei Ying said sternly. "The Su family, especially Su Wanxi... we must not offend them!"

Zou Qihuang was bewildered. "Lord City Master, what exactly has happened?"

Previously, Lei Ying had shown favor to the Zou family. 

Why the sudden switch to supporting the Su family? 

And saying they must not be offended?

Was there someone in Lei Province that even the City Master dared not offend?

-To be continued!

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