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Chapter 021: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

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Chapter 21: Giving Away an Entire Street! So Extravagant!:

The previously agitated atmosphere began to calm down after Ye Liuyun's thoughts.

That's right, she couldn't outmatch Zhao Shen by herself. But she wasn't without allies!

"By the way! I'm currently short on people!"

"Short on people?" Zhao Shen was puzzled by this sudden statement.

"Yes!" Qu Yingmeng didn't care much about his confusion and turned her gaze to Ye Liuyun, who was not far away.

"I think Liuyun is quite capable. Why not let him join me?"

"No way!" The one who objected wasn't Zhao Shen, but Zhao Haoqian. After all, Zhao Haoqian wasn't stupid and was well aware of Ye Liuyun's abilities. Such a talent should definitely stay by his side!

"Don't overthink it. I just want Liuyun to be my driver, driving me around daily. Most of the time, he will still be with you."

"Oh, I see!" Zhao Haoqian immediately sat back down and felt relieved.

Qu Yingmeng noticed Ye Liuyun's gaze and deliberately raised her eyebrows.

[This temptress!]

[Being your driver? Could this be a trap? But if it's about driving you around, I wouldn't mind at all!]

Ye Liuyun's thoughts were already running wild, making Qu Yingmeng blush and lower her head to hide her reaction.

What a naughty guy!


Zhao Shen didn't know about all these undercurrents. Seeing his son resume eating, he gave him a disapproving look.

He hadn't expected Qu Yingmeng to want to recruit Ye Liuyun. Did she see his potential?

"Aren't you supposed to have Ah Cai? Why do you suddenly need more people?"

Zhao Shen knew Ah Cai was Qu Yingmeng's trusted aide who handled many of her affairs. Otherwise, he wouldn't have tried to buy Ah Cai off secretly.

"You mean Ah Cai?" Qu Yingmeng smiled at this.

"Ah Cai was recently hit by a car while crossing the street and is still in the hospital."

"..." Zhao Shen fell silent.

[A car accident? What is this? Has the plot changed again?]

Ah Cai might not be a key character, but he played an important role. And now he was gone?

"So that's it. That's really unfortunate!" Zhao Shen spoke again, expressing regret, though his eyes toward Qu Yingmeng held a different meaning.

Could it be that she realized Ah Cai was bought off? Zhao Shen didn't believe the car accident story at all. It was unexpected, but as the head of a multi-billion-dollar business empire, he wouldn't let this disturb his composure too much.

"In that case, let Liuyun drive for you. But most of the time, he should stay with Haoqian."

Eventually, Zhao Shen agreed.

"Liuyun, what do you think?" He even asked for Ye Liuyun's opinion.

"Uh, I don't mind!" After all, he was just an employee, as long as he was paid well.

"Good!" Zhao Shen nodded with a smile, seemingly unconcerned about the arrangement. After a few more bites, he put down his spoon.

"I'll go read in the study. Liuyun, come by after you finish eating. I have something to discuss with you."

His manner seemed like an elder wanting to have a chat with a younger family member.

[So there's still a scheme, huh!]

Ye Liuyun guessed but nodded anyway.

"Okay, Master!"

No matter how villainous he was, Ye Liuyun wasn't afraid!

After Zhao Shen left, the atmosphere noticeably improved. Zhao Haoqian finished eating quickly and happily left, leaving only Ye Liuyun and Qu Yingmeng.

Ye Liuyun noticed Qu Yingmeng looking at him but didn't seem to want to say anything.

[Is there surveillance?]

Hearing this, Qu Yingmeng smiled slightly and appreciated Ye Liuyun's sharpness.

Soon, Ye Liuyun put down his spoon and headed toward the study.


In the study room, Zhao Shen was calmly watching the surveillance footage on his computer, curious about the interactions between Ye Liuyun and Qu Yingmeng. But from what he saw, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Hearing the knock, Zhao Shen turned off the computer and put on a smile.

"Come in!"


It was Ye Liuyun.

"I admire you, Ye Liuyun!" Zhao Shen said straightforwardly.

"Would you be willing to work for me?"

With Ye Liuyun's intelligence, Zhao Shen expected him to understand the implication.

"If you're willing, there's a commercial street under Zhao Group's name. It's quite profitable. I'll give it to you!"


[Whoa! This is the villain? Awesome! While others give money, you give away an entire commercial street! Extravagant! So extravagant!]

On the other hand, Qu Yingmeng didn't expect Zhao Shen to make such a big offer. But it didn't matter. She was interested in seeing what schemes were at play.


Ye Liuyun was momentarily stunned but quickly responded without hesitation.

"Master, whatever you need, just command me!"

"Excellent!" Zhao Shen nodded with satisfaction.

Before getting to the main business, Zhao Shen asked a question.

"How did you meet Qu Yingmeng before?"

He wanted to see if Ye Liuyun would disclose everything.

[Asking about Qu Yingmeng?]

Qu Yingmeng also paid close attention, realizing it was related to her.

Ye Liuyun answered naturally, "We met at the bar last night and chatted a bit."

"The bar?" Zhao Shen frowned.

"Was she alone?"


To Zhao Shen, although marrying Qu Yingmeng was a cover for his health issues, she was still his nominal wife. He had been looking for ways to treat himself, hoping for a chance in the future. If Qu Yingmeng had any relations with another man, it would be a disgrace to him.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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