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Chapter 020: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

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Chapter 20: Gaining New Insights:

After a quick cleanup, Ye Liuyun walked out of his room and encountered an unexpected person: Qu Yingmeng!

[Of course, Qu Yingmeng is nominally Zhao Shen’s wife. It’s not surprising she came along]

Initially, Zhao Shen wanted to make introductions, but as soon as Qu Yingmeng, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and smiled at Ye Liuyun, she said, “We meet again!”

“You know each other?” Zhao Shen asked curiously.

“We ran into each other before and chatted for a bit,” Qu Yingmeng replied nonchalantly, casually smoothing her hair with a grace.

Her current demeanor was that of a dignified and harmonious noblewoman.

[Tsk! No wonder they say women are natural actors! You weren’t this composed last night, madam!]

Ye Liuyun was somewhat impressed by her.

However, hearing this thought made Qu Yingmeng pause slightly, and she glanced at Ye Liuyun without showing any signs.

Little rascal!

“I see,” Zhao Shen nodded knowingly. Whether he truly believed it was another matter.

“Liuyun,” Zhao Shen addressed him, his strong aura of authority evident even without trying.

“I originally planned for Haoqian to gain experience for a few years before involving him in company matters. But I didn’t expect someone as talented as you to appear by his side!”

His tone was filled with admiration for Ye Liuyun.

“Tell me, what do you need? Don’t hesitate to ask!”

[Good grief, this old fox looks kind and approachable on the surface! But this is definitely a test! No wonder he’s the main villain, miles ahead of this simple-minded young master, Zhao Haoqian!]

Qu Yingmeng had intended to subtly remind Ye Liuyun, but seeing this, she realized it wasn’t necessary. This guy was more aware than anyone else, making her even more interested.

“I don’t have any special requests. The young master bought me a house and a car recently, and even raised my monthly salary to two million. I’m already very satisfied!” Ye Liuyun said and deliberately showed a greedy side.

“But if the boss is willing to give me another raise, I wouldn’t mind!”

“Hahaha!” Instead of getting angry, Zhao Shen laughed heartily at Ye Liuyun’s response. It was good for someone to have desires. If a person didn't want anything, that would be truly concerning.

“Not bad! It seems Haoqian indeed found a treasure. Don’t worry about your salary. Our Zhao family won’t mistreat anyone!”

“Thank you, Master!”

Hearing these words that seemed to praise him, Zhao Haoqian couldn't help but smile.

“Dad! Recently, I’ve been...”

He wanted to explain how hard he had been working recently, but—

“What about recently?” Zhao Shen’s calm gaze immediately silenced Zhao Haoqian, who shrank his head and quickly backed down.

“Nothing! Nothing!”

He waved his hands decisively and didn't dare to take another breath. This showed just how much Zhao Haoqian feared Zhao Shen.

“Humph!” Zhao Shen’s strictness was because he was his son. If not, how would he manage the inheritance in the future?


Soon, it was lunchtime. Family meals had many rules, but everyone sat separately like ignoring each other.

“Liuyun! Come and sit!”


Ye Liuyun had planned to leave, thinking of himself merely as a follower. But Zhao Shen’s invitation surprised him.

“With your talent, being just a follower is a waste. You’re Haoqian’s friend; join us!”

If he wanted to recruit someone, he needed to show respect.

[Good grief, if someone didn’t know better, they’d be completely fooled by him! What a master of handling subordinates! No wonder Qu Yingmeng can’t compete with Zhao Shen!]

Listening to Ye Liuyun’s thoughts, Qu Yingmeng couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows slightly. Compliment him if he must, but why belittle me?

“Thank you, Master!”

Ye Liuyun’s expression showed surprise, then delight, and finally a look of deep loyalty.

[My acting skills are top-notch! Tsk! If I joined the film industry, wouldn’t I easily win an award?]

He was outwardly serious, but secretly a narcissist with himself, almost making Qu Yingmeng laugh if she didn’t have strong self-control.

The conversation at the table was mostly casual talk. Zhao Shen had practically handed over the company’s daily operations to Qu Yingmeng.

However, for major decisions, Zhao Shen still had the final say. It appeared like he had given up power, but in reality, he was always in control.

“With Liuyun’s help, Haoqian might be ready to take over the company soon,” Zhao Shen said, smiling at Qu Yingmeng.

“You’ve worked hard managing the company all these years. You should rest after this.”

Was he suggesting she step down? Qu Yingmeng paused slightly while eating. When she looked up, her face was filled with smiles.

“Youngsters need to play more; it’s normal. I still have the energy to manage the company.”

She wasn’t going to yield so easily. One sentence wouldn’t make her step down. Not understanding the undertone, Zhao Haoqian nodded in agreement, still wanting to enjoy his youth.


But Zhao Shen’s stern look made Zhao Haoqian lower his head immediately, not daring to utter another word.

Zhao Shen wasn’t surprised by her reluctance. He emphasized, “Haoqian isn’t young anymore. The Zhao Group should eventually be led by a Zhao.”

This was a clear message to Qu Yingmeng that the Zhao Group would always belong to the Zhao family.


Qu Yingmeng said nothing more, though her face turned slightly grim.

[Wow! Such fierce battles! No wonder they say high-level discussions are bloodless confrontations!]

[I’ve really gained new insights today!]

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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