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Chapter 20: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 20: Maybe Su Wanxi Did Have a Relationship with His Majesty:

Meanwhile, at the City Lord's Mansion, Su Wanxi and Zou Qihuang had just left.

But suddenly, a servant reported, "City Lord, the Su family head sent a message: the Emperor is at the Su residence and summons you!"

Hearing this, Lei Ying's face changed dramatically. "The Emperor?" The Emperor was at the Su family’s residence? What kind of joke was this? How could the Emperor come here? And to the Su family?

In the Su residence, summoning him? Right now? How could this be possible? Could it be that the Emperor had some relationship with the Su family? Or was Su Wanxi deceiving him? But how could Su Wanxi possibly pose a threat to him? She was merely at the fifth stage of the Heavenly Awakening Realm, hardly a threat.

Lei Ying hurriedly gathered some servants and rushed to the Su residence. Better to believe it than not. If the Emperor truly summoned him and he didn’t go, he would be finished.


Lei Ying hurried to the Su residence and immediately entered the main hall.

As soon as he stepped inside, he saw Ling Ye.

Ling Ye was sitting in the main seat, while Su Xinyue was massaging his shoulders. Su Wanxi was seated to the side, quietly waiting.

Seeing Ling Ye, Lei Ying was shocked. It was really the Emperor? As the City Lord, Lei Ying frequently visited the imperial palace and knew what the Emperor looked like.

Lei Ying immediately knelt down. "Your subject greets Your Majesty. I did not know of Your Majesty’s presence. Please forgive me!"

This was astonishing!

The Emperor had indeed come! Moreover, he came to the Su family before even visiting the City Lord's Mansion? Could it be that the Su family really had some special relationship with the Emperor?

Kneeling, Lei Ying glanced at Su Xinyue and Ling Ye. Su Xinyue seemed very close to the Emperor, massaging his shoulders and all. Could it be...

A bold idea popped into Lei Ying’s mind.

Everyone knew Su Wanxi, the beauty of the Su family, had a daughter, but no one knew who the father was. Could it be... the Emperor? If that were true, then Su Xinyue was a princess!

Su Wanxi might be middle-aged, but she was still the most beautiful woman in Lei Province.

Perhaps she did have a relationship with the Emperor. If that were true, it would be extraordinary! The Su family would be invincible. The Emperor had come to the Su family today, could it be to question them?

If Su Wanxi had such a powerful backer, who would dare provoke her? Su Wanxi had just left the City Lord's Mansion, and the Emperor arrived right after. If the Emperor was here for Su Wanxi, Lei Ying would be in trouble.

"I heard that Lei Province originally had two major families of equal standing," Ling Ye began. "But in recent years, the Su family has declined, and the Zou family has been taking over. Now, the Su family is left with only one domain?"

Lei Ying's heart pounded. The Emperor was getting straight to the point. He was here to protect the Su family. Lei Ying bowed his head. "Indeed, but both families have been competing fairly. I do not interfere with the free development of local people."

He dared not admit any wrongdoing against the Su family, or his future would be bleak.

"Even so, for a woman to achieve this much is not easy," Ling Ye said calmly. This statement made his intentions clear. Fair competition or not, Ling Ye was here to support the Su family. At the very least, the Su family should reclaim what it had lost.

Hearing this, Lei Ying remained silent, while Su Wanxi’s eyes sparkled. It was the first time she felt someone was there to help, the first time she felt a man’s support. She was touched.

"Local powers shouldn't be monopolized," Ling Ye continued. "If this continues, aren't you afraid the City Lord's Mansion will be replaced?"

Lei Ying’s heart raced. That was indeed possible. If the Zou family continued to dominate, eventually it could surpass the City Lord’s Mansion, leading to a change in leadership. The Emperor’s words also carried a warning. If Lei Ying failed in his duties, the Emperor could easily replace him.

"Your Majesty is right! It was my blunder!" Lei Ying quickly responded.

"So, you know what to do," Ling Ye said, sipping his tea.

"Yes! I will have the Zou family return the southern domain to the Su family! From now on, the two families will be equal!" Lei Ying replied hastily.

Ling Ye smiled and nodded. "Furthermore, the Su family is currently at a disadvantage and needs support."

"I understand. The City Lord's Mansion will provide all necessary assistance to the Su family!" Lei Ying nodded. He wasn’t foolish. The Emperor was clearly favoring the Su family. From now on, whatever the Su family needed, he would ensure they got it.

-To be continued!

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