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Chapter 023: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

Splendour Translations

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Chapter 23: Taking Care of the Madam?:

[Come to think of it, although Qu Yingmeng is Zhao Shen's wife in name, it's only in name!]

[They have no substantial relationship!]

[As for Zhao Haoqian, he is Zhao Shen's son and has no blood relation to Qu Yingmeng at all]

[Moreover, Qu Yingmeng is still a genuine v_irgin!]

[So, should I agree or not?]

At this moment, Ye Liuyun's thoughts were drifting far away.

One hand was controlling the steering wheel. His top-level driving skills kept the ride steady.

The other hand was resting on the back of Qu Yingmeng’s head.

Watching Qu Yingmeng busy herself, Ye Liuyun felt puzzled.

[So why did it turn out this way?]

It all felt a bit surreal.

Just then, Ye Liuyun's phone suddenly rang, and he answered it immediately.


The caller was Zhao Shen.

"Liuyun! Did Qu Yingmeng talk to you about anything?"

Still testing the waters, huh?

Glancing at Qu Yingmeng, who was busy with her head down, Ye Liuyun answered seriously.

"Yes! Madam just tried to recruit me to work for her! Ouch!"

[This is so exciting!]

"What’s wrong?"

Hearing Ye Liuyun's gasp, Zhao Shen was puzzled.

"Nothing, just been driving for a while, my hand cramped up!"

Saying this, he lightly patted Qu Yingmeng. Don't mess things up!

"Oh, I see! Haha! Liuyun, you’re still young. You need to exercise more!"

"Got it, Boss!"

Hearing Ye Liuyun's honest report, Zhao Shen was very pleased.

His generous offer of a whole street hadn't been in vain!


Nodding slightly, Zhao Shen said calmly, "No matter what conditions Qu Yingmeng offers you, I will double it!"

[Some things can't be doubled, though!]

"Do your job well. Keep an eye on Qu Yingmeng, and I’ll fulfill any request you have!"

"No problem, Master!"

Ye Liuyun agreed immediately.

[I guess what I'm doing now counts as keeping an eye on Madam!]



He couldn't take this!


After a while, the car slowly stopped.

Qu Yingmeng leaned against the driver's seat, breathing unsteadily.

She had never done something like this before, after all.

"Do you think I'm cheap?"

Sometimes, a woman's thoughts were very complex.


Ye Liuyun shook his head with a smile.

"You did very well, Madam!"

[I know whether you're cheap or not!]

[You've remained pure for so many years; if you were really cheap, you wouldn’t have lasted this long!]

These thoughts reassured Qu Yingmeng a lot.

"Madam, do you want to go again?"


[The Immortal Thief technique is awesome!]

[Perpetual energy chicken, check it out!】


Qu Yingmeng said nothing, just tidied her hair and gave Ye Liuyun an annoyed glance.

But eventually, she lowered her head again.


"By the way, when is the next plot development?"

[They say love is the tomb of heroes!]

After so many days of leisure, it was time to get serious!

Ye Liuyun was trying to recall the next plot development.

He planned to join in and seize the moment.

But before he could remember, his phone rang again!



Hearing the voice, Ye Liuyun was momentarily stunned.

[You Yu?]

He hadn't expected her to call!

Although Ye Liuyun had deleted her contact information, she had kept his.

"What's up?"

At that moment, in an expensive mansion filled with a girlish atmosphere, You Yu eagerly listened to the phone.

She couldn’t wait any longer!

You Yu wasn't a reserved or introverted person. Once she had set her sights on someone, she would fight for them!

Already having fallen behind once, she didn’t want to be left behind again.

"Do you have time tomorrow night? There's a racing event in our circle. Come with me!"

A group of rich brats, often with nothing better to do, would organize races frequently.


[I remember now, the novel mentioned You Yu as being really into racing!]

[That’s how she completely fell for the protagonist!]

[Wait! The protagonist? Racing!]

Upon hearing these keywords, Ye Liuyun realized something.

The upcoming plot was about this!

[I remember, this race was meant to showcase the protagonist!]

[I have to go!]

Since it was part of the plot, he had to participate!

With this in mind, Ye Liuyun didn't hesitate.

"No problem!"

"Great! I’ll pick you up then!"

You Yu was even happier to hear Ye Liuyun agree.

Even knowing he was doing it for the plot, she still felt elated.


After agreeing, Ye Liuyun hung up and mentioned it to Qu Yingmeng.

Through his thoughts, Qu Yingmeng knew Ye Liuyun was going to sign into the plot and had no objections.

If not for her busy work, Qu Yingmeng would have wanted to go with him!


"So You Yu is making a move too!"

As the first female lead, Yao Huaimeng understood through Ye Liuyun's thoughts that You Yu was starting to make her move!

"And I..."

When would she make her move?

Honestly, Yao Huaimeng had plans but didn't know how to proceed.

Having spent most of her time working, this ice queen had no idea how to attract a man!

"If I don’t know, then I’ll learn!"

Yao Huaimeng recalled searching the internet for advice.

The answers mostly suggested giving men some sweet rewards.

But upon seeing those suggestions, Yao Huaimeng had immediately closed the pages!

"What's this! Definitely not!"

She couldn't handle it!

It was eye-opening to see such things.

However, seeing You Yu take the initiative made Yao Huaimeng anxious.

"No matter what, I am the main female lead!"

With that thought, she couldn't afford to lag behind!

Determined, Yao Huaimeng picked up her phone and started searching again.

This time, even if it made her embarrassed, she was going to take it seriously!

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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    *slams laptop closed*


    *opens laptop a little*

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