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Chapter 024: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System

Splendour Translations

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Chapter 24: A New Female Lead:

The next evening.

Ye Liuyun sat in You Yu's sports car and arrived at the racing venue.

Upon arrival, dozens of flashy and expensive sports cars were already parked there.

In fact, compared to these cars, You Yu's sports car seemed quite ordinary.

"You Yu!"

Seeing You Yu arrive, several people greeted her.

These were You Yu's friends from this circle.

"Liuyun! Let's go over together!"


For Ye Liuyun, he was here just to sign-in.

He didn't say much and looked around, but he didn't see the protagonist, Long Tian.

"Wow, he's so handsome! Is he your boyfriend, You Yu?"

Seeing Ye Liuyun walking beside You Yu, those people couldn't help but tease.

"We saw you getting out of the same car, so don't try to deny it!"

"I'm not denying it!"

You Yu wasn't the type to shy away from anything.

Faced with such teasing, You Yu directly linked arms with Ye Liuyun and said boldly,

"This is my boyfriend, so what!"

After speaking, You Yu looked at Ye Liuyun worriedly, afraid he might be upset by her presumptuous claim.


However, Ye Liuyun just looked at You Yu strangely without refuting anything.

He let You Yu hold his arm, as it felt rather pleasant!


Seeing Ye Liuyun not refute, You Yu smiled even more happily.


However, this scene left You Yu's rich friends dumbfounded.

What was happening? Was she pursuing him?

It was obvious to everyone that You Yu was chasing after Ye Liuyun!

Being in the same circle, they knew each other well.

Although You Yu's sports car wasn't very expensive, it was only because her family feared she might drive too fast and get into an accident, so they only allowed her to have such a car.

Otherwise, with You Yu's family wealth, they were top-tier in this circle.

"Brother, which family are you from?"

Not recognizing him and fearing to offend the wrong person, they asked cautiously.


Ye Liuyun didn't think much of the question.

He shrugged and said nonchalantly,

"I have no special background, I'm just a bodyguard! Recently, I've been working as a spy and a driver!"

It seemed like a job change.


What kind of answer is that!

You Yu's friends were baffled and confused.

"We'll tell you this!"

At this moment, You Yu like protecting her cub, stood in front of Ye Liuyun and warned her friends,

"Liuyun is not from a wealthy family, but if you dare to bully him, I will not let you off!"

Her serious expression made everyone realize she wasn't joking.

"Of course not!"

After a moment of silence, one of them said, "Since he's You Yu's friend, he's our friend too! How could we bully him!"

"Exactly! Exactly!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

In reality, none of them believed Ye Liuyun was from an ordinary family.

How could someone from an ordinary family remain so calm in such a place?

If he were just a freeloader, he would show some emotional fluctuation seeing so many sports cars.

But Ye Liuyun remained calm the entire time, just looking around as if searching for something, without any envy, guilt, or fear.

Could he be from an ordinary family?

No one believed it!

Overall, the conversation went well.

Ye Liuyun didn't encounter any arrogant rich kid trying to provoke him for showing off!

[Tsk! No rich kid came to pick a fight with me!]

[Well, I'm definitely not the protagonist, after all!]

These thoughts almost made You Yu laugh out loud.

They were just rich kids, not brainless idiots.

Why would they go out of their way to cause trouble?


Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!

At this moment, an engine's roar attracted everyone's attention!

Then, a very expensive-looking sports car drove in!

The car door opened, and the person who got out was none other than the protagonist, Long Tian!

[Finally, he appears!]

It was worth the wait!

As expected, the protagonist's entrance was always attention-grabbing.


You Yu's rich friends were all amazed.

Of course, they weren't surprised by Long Tian himself, but by his sports car.

"That seems to be a limited edition!"

"Yes, judging by the engine sound, it seems modified too!"

"Wow! Who is this guy!"

Since they were all racing enthusiasts, they knew a lot about sports cars.

"Tch! He's just an annoying guy!"

You Yu didn't think much of it and said directly, "Uh!"

Her words left the previously amazed people in a daze.

It was obvious that You Yu knew him and their relationship wasn't good!


"Brother Tian! You're so cool!"

At this moment, a young man got out of the passenger seat and looked at Long Tian with admiration!

"Of course!"

Long Tian enjoyed the admiration.

He raised his hand with a look of arrogance and confidence.

"No one in the world can surpass me in racing skills!"

The same old arrogance!

However, the young man's admiration for Long Tian made Ye Liuyun raise an eyebrow.

He seemed familiar!

At this moment, another car arrived, not a sports car, but a Jeep!

It looked very rugged.

However, the person who got out of the Jeep was a very delicate-looking girl!

With a cold tone, the girl said to the young man beside Long Tian, "Tang Ming! How many times have I told you, racing is dangerous, it's not suitable for you!"


It was clear Tang Ming was very afraid of this girl!

And when Long Tian saw the girl's delicate face, his eyes flashed with lust!

He quickly hid it and said casually, "Gu Lan, Xiao Ming always stays at home. He needs to come out and relax occasionally!"

"We're not that familiar, call me Tang Gulan!"

She didn't speak politely at all!

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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