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Chapter 016: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 16: Ye Yang's Rage:

After leaving the police station, they went to Hangcheng's most famous private restaurant, where Liu Zhong had invited them to dispel Ye Yang's bad luck.

The private restaurant might not have the grandeur of a five-star restaurant, but in terms of cuisine, it was the best in Hangcheng. The dishes were exquisite, absolutely top-notch, and though expensive, their taste surpassed that of many big restaurants.

"Junior Brother, Grandpa Liu said he couldn't reach you yesterday. What happened?" Ye Yang asked, his face showing a hint of dissatisfaction as he looked at Chu Mochen.

Chu Mochen glanced at Liu Zhong with a faint smile, while Liu Zhong appeared oblivious to Chu Mochen's look.

However, Liu Cheng felt a shiver in his heart, his eyes showing a mix of sharpness and anger when he looked at Ye Yang.

After all, this remark directly offended Chu Mochen.

Was his father intentionally causing trouble for the family?

Liu Cheng thought his father was getting more muddled with age.

"Senior Brother, I also have my own matters to attend to. When I'm busy, I usually turn off my phone." Chu Mochen replied calmly.

"Yes, yes, that's right. Mochen, as the heir of the Chu family, must be very busy." Liu Cheng said, trying to smooth things over to avoid angering Chu Mochen.

Already, the termination of the partnership with the Zhao family was a significant blow to the Liu family. If they offended the Chu family as well, it wouldn't take long for news of the Liu family's downfall to spread, drawing in predators eager to seize the opportunity and curry favor with the Chu family.

"I'm hungry. Let's sit down and eat. Waiter, please bring the menu." Chu Mochen said coolly.

At that moment, Chu Mochen exuded an undeniable aura of authority, making even Ye Yang feel slightly breathless.

Liu Zhong's eyelids twitched, while Liu Cheng could only smile wryly.

Liu Xueli's big eyes stared at Chu Mochen, finally understanding the meaning of commanding respect without showing anger.

"Yuning, sit next to Ye Yang." Liu Zhong said, clearing his throat to break the awkward atmosphere and looking at Liu Yuning, who was sitting far from Ye Yang.

Liu Yuning stood up but didn't sit next to Ye Yang as instructed. Instead, she sat beside Chu Mochen.

Seeing this, Liu Zhong trembled with anger, while Ye Yang was furious, consumed by jealousy. His fiancée preferred to sit next to another man rather than him.

[Ding! The protagonist is burning with rage and jealousy. Villain points +3000]

Though the points weren't much, Chu Mochen wasn't picky, knowing that small amounts would add up.

Was Ye Yang already this angry?

There hadn't even been any intimate actions yet. If Ye Yang knew that Liu Yuning had been completely 'eaten' by Chu Mochen, would he die of anger?

Thinking this, Chu Mochen's face revealed amusement.

Well, Liu Yuning sitting beside him certainly wasn't out of affection but likely to sow discord between him and Ye Yang. In her eyes, both men were villains, and it would be best if they fought each other.

"You were really handsome just now." Liu Xueli said softly to Chu Mochen as she sat down next to him.

"Do you like it?" Chu Mochen asked, causing Liu Xueli to blush slightly.

Many boys pursued her at school, but she didn't fancy any of them.

However, since meeting Chu Mochen, she had been attracted to his looks and now even more so to his commanding aura.

If she merely liked him before, she was starting to fall for him now.

[Ding! The protagonist's anger rises. Villain points +2000]

Hearing the system prompt, Chu Mochen thought Ye Yang was indeed a typical lecherous man.

Seeing him close to Liu Xueli had increased Ye Yang's anger. Clearly, Ye Yang had his eyes on Liu Xueli too.

Though her figure wasn't as impressive, her looks were on par with Liu Yuning, and Liu Xueli was indeed one of the main female leads.

Seeing Chu Mochen close to Liu Xueli, Liu Cheng smiled.

If they got together, it would be beneficial for the Liu family. Despite their four-year age difference, that wasn't an issue.

Liu Yuning clenched her chopsticks, feeling uncomfortable seeing Chu Mochen and Liu Xueli talking closely. Although she hated Chu Mochen, the intimacy they had shared couldn't be ignored.

"Ye Yang, I think you should hold an engagement banquet with Yuning soon and officially get engaged. Then you can get married right after." Liu Zhong said kindly to Ye Yang.

"I will follow Grandpa Liu's wishes." Ye Yang replied with a hint of delight. He hadn't expected Liu Zhong to bring up the engagement, and he had no reason to oppose it.

"I don't agree. You've never treated me well, so why should you decide my life? What right do you have?" Liu Yuning stood up, slapping the table and glaring coldly at Liu Zhong.

Liu Zhong was heavily biased toward men. He had never treated Liu Yuning or Liu Xueli well. When Liu Yuning wanted to start a business, she had to rely on her father's support to get a million yuan from the Liu family, which she later repaid with interest.

It was her father and her late mother who raised her, not Liu Zhong. So why should he decide on her marriage?


Chu Mochen, seeing Liu Zhong slam the table in anger, calmly said, "If you don't want to eat, you can go outside and slam the table. Are you trying to show off to me here?"

Chu Mochen's words made Liu Zhong's face darken, leaving him in an awkward position.

Liu Yuning felt satisfied seeing this and glanced at Chu Mochen.

Was this man helping her?

"Father, let's just eat and not discuss other matters today." Liu Cheng said, holding Liu Zhong down.

"Junior Brother."

Ye Yang couldn't contain his anger anymore and stood up, glaring at Chu Mochen.

"Senior Brother, what do you need? Let's eat. The food will get cold." Chu Mochen replied nonchalantly, taking a piece of fish and placing it in Liu Xueli's bowl. "The food here is delicious. We should come more often."

"Thank you." Liu Xueli said happily, accepting the food and then peeling a shrimp to put in Chu Mochen's plate.

"Junior Brother, your attitude towards Grandpa Liu was too much. Apologize now." Ye Yang demanded. He had to flatter Liu Zhong while Chu Mochen could disregard him, making Ye Yang feel inferior. Coupled with his anger over Liu Yuning sitting next to Chu Mochen, Ye Yang exploded.

"Oh, Senior Brother wants me to apologize?" Chu Mochen smiled faintly and then turned to Liu Zhong.

"Since my Senior Brother asked, I can't refuse. If I've offended you earlier, I hope Grandpa Liu won't hold it against me."

Liu Zhong's heart skipped a beat as he looked into Chu Mochen's eyes, sensing danger.

"No problem. I was too impulsive. I should apologize. I will punish myself with a drink." Liu Zhong said, taking a sip of his wine.

"Grandpa Liu, you're too kind. I feel embarrassed. But since I have to drive, I'll toast you with tea instead." Chu Mochen said, lifting his teacup.

The atmosphere gradually became more harmonious.

Liu Zhong realized that offending Chu Mochen wasn't wise.

He couldn't just treat him as a junior because he was Ye Yang's Junior Brother.

As the heir of the Chu family, Chu Mochen represented the family's reputation.

If Liu Zhong hadn't softened, the Liu family's bankruptcy might soon be in the news.

-To be continued!

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