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Chapter 46: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 46:

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Fortunately, as soon as she entered the bar, she quickly spotted her beloved little brother.

What was even luckier was that Zhang Mu was sitting there just fine, without any injuries.

Although Zhang Yuxin didn't know the specifics, she speculated that it might be due to the butterfly effect of her rebirth.

Watching Zhang Mu drinking there with a smug look on his face, Zhang Yuxin not only didn't feel the usual disgust but instead felt pain and affection in her heart.

Looking into Zhang Mu's eyes, she was filled with a sense of gratitude.

Because after living a second life, she had long understood that Zhang Mu wasn't the useless and selfish little brother she had thought him to be.

On the contrary, Zhang Mu's outstanding abilities meant that if she wanted to compete for the position of family head, she had absolutely no chance of success. After all, he was the legitimate first heir of the Zhang family.

But what did this little brother do after knowing she wanted to inherit the position of family head?

How did he act?

In order to ensure her smooth succession, he actually began to indulge himself! To conceal his extraordinary business skills, he began to indulge himself day and night, appearing dissolute and deg_enerate.

This was all done to make sure the family business passed smoothly to her!

This hidden intention made Zhang Yuxin, who had previously despised Zhang Mu and often spoke ill of him due to their competition for the position of the family head, feel extremely ashamed.

He must feel very uncomfortable going to places like bars and indulging himself like this just to hide his talent.

This noisy and decadent environment must be unbearable for him.

For a kind and intelligent person like him, it was like a white paper falling into an inkwell.

How could he endure it!

While reflecting on this, Zhang Yuxin's nails dug deeply into her palms.

Watching Zhang Mu, who seemed happy and thoroughly enjoyed this dissolute lifestyle, Zhang Yuxin's tears couldn't help but well up in her eyes.

After wiping away her tears, Zhang Yuxin looked back at Zhang Mu with determined eyes.

If it were her in her past life, seeing such playboy act, she definitely wouldn't have cared or even celebrated.

But in this life, she was different.

She wouldn't let her dearest little brother endure this silent pain.

She didn't want him to pretend to be such an irresponsible person.

But suddenly, she noticed a very dangerous woman beside Zhang Mu. This woman, Xie Ruolin, was actually a thorny dark rose.

In this life, she would never let these disgusting and wicked women hurt her most beloved little brother.

He was also the man she loved the most!

Zhang Yuxin quickly walked to the booth.

Seeing Zhang Mu and Xie Ruolin almost hugging each other, Zhang Yuxin's heart was filled with all kinds of bitterness and jealousy.

She was angry and sarcastic as she called out, "Xiao Mu, are you drinking?"

Hearing someone suddenly speak behind him, Zhang Mu naturally turned around. Then he saw a strange woman dressed in professional office attire who appeared at the bar.

It wouldn't be a big deal if it were just unusual attire.

After all, with a good figure and high looks, it could be playing cosplay or having some fun.

But this woman with a good figure and high looks wasn't someone else.

She was none other than his sister, Zhang Yuxin!

This puzzled Zhang Mu.

"Zhang Yuxin?!"

How could Zhang Yuxin appear here?!

It wasn't just Zhang Mu who was puzzled. Seeing Zhang Yuxin after feeding Zhang Mu the toast, Xie Ruolin, too, had a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Wasn't this the vicious elder sister of her little angel Zhang Mu?

Wasn't she a workaholic? What was she doing here at the bar?

She didn't remember her appearing at the bar in her past life.


(Advance chapters are available on Patreon!)

-To be continued!


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