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Chapter 62: The Villain Marries Supporting Characters, And The Heroines Regret It!


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Chapter 62: Bing Yao, You're Back?:

This world was like a pyramid. The higher up one was, the more control they held. If one was unwilling, they could only find a way to climb up from below.

"Young Master, look, those are the sects and clans participating in the competition." Bai Suyue pointed to the crowd in the distance.

Participating in the competition wasn't necessarily for rewards; it seemed more like a ceremony to compete for glory.

It was said to have been started by an Emperor a million years ago and later spread throughout the Beiyang continent.

But Su Changyu always felt a sense of deja vu, as if he were watching an underground arena, except the participants were powerful cultivators.

He even saw top sects like the Great Sword Sect among the crowd.

"Interesting." Su Changyu rubbed his chin and smiled.

Surely, this kind of situation is unseen on the Zhongtian Continent.

Hidden families and sects prefer to maintain a sense of mystery in the minds of people because mystery creates respect.

"Young Master is right, but the geniuses of the major sects won't participate. Like our Bai family, those participating in the Golden Arena are ordinary disciples. It's more like... hmm, a tradition, a way of training that has existed since childhood." Bai Suyue seemed accustomed to it.

In plain terms, it was just a tradition.

Su Changyu looked around, not really thinking of entering to watch the battle.

He was just here to see what kind of event it was. Now that he had seen it, he felt less comfortable than at the Hundred Sects Competition in Dongling.

Perhaps this was the result of changing moods and identities. If it had been before, he would have loved to join in the fun.

At this moment, a servant from the Bai family came over and whispered something to Bai Suyue.

"Young Master." Bai Suyue suddenly said, "I heard that some of the talents in Fallen Cloud Ancient City also want to meet you. Would you like to see them?"

"Oh?" Su Changyu nodded slightly. "Since I have nothing else to do, let's meet."

The Gathering Immortal Pavilion.

A gathering place for talents to meet and exchange opinions in the city.

The pavilion towered a hundred meters high, overlooking the ancient city's scenery and bustling streets.

Su Changyu stood on the high platform, his hands behind his back. The feeling of looking down on others from above made him feel very comfortable. Perhaps he was a born villain by nature.

"Young Master, they have arrived." Bai Suyue walked over and said.

A group of young men and women came in.

"We greet the Holy Son."

These people were about the same age as Su Changyu. The men were handsome, and the women were beautiful. Their accomplishments were often praised and admired by others in Fallen Cloud Ancient City as well as the Beiyang Continent.

But at this moment, standing in front of Su Changyu, they all bowed their heads respectfully.

Although they didn't know whether Su Changyu had really killed the Absolute Beginning Sect's Holy Son, it was certain that he had, and as the Great Holy Sect's Holy Son plus the young master of the Ancient Su Family, just these two identities alone, like nine towering mountains, pressed down on them, making them breathless.

Su Changyu nodded indifferently. "There's no need for so much formality."

"Holy Son, I am Gong Sunli." A young man cupped his hands and said respectfully.

Seeing this, the others also introduced themselves.

"Holy Son, I'm Xiao Ting."

"Holy Son..."

Looking at the eager young talents, Bai Suyue felt a little trance-like, as if she had seen the scene when the Holy Son of the Ancient Moon sect was present.

There was no way. Although those people from the big families were proud in front of outsiders, when facing forces stronger than themselves, they had to bow and flatter just like them.

This was the current situation of layer upon layer in the pyramid.

Even those heavenly geniuses, whose fame in the ancient city wasn't much greater than Bai Suyue's and who were regarded as 'gods' in mortal eyes, were now lowering their heads and speaking with flattering intentions in front of Su Changyu.

If Su Changyu evaluated them, it would be one word: bootlickers!

Who said women couldn't be bootlickers?

"Your Excellencies have good taste."

A cold voice came from the pavilion entrance at the same time, accompanied by indifference.

Everyone turned around, only to see Bing Yao and Jian Qin Xin walking up from below.

"Bing Yao, you're back?" Bai Suyue exclaimed.

"If I don't come back, I'm afraid that you might be deceived by some people with ulterior motives." Bing Yao stopped in front of Su Changyu and said sharply.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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