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Chapter 57: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


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Chapter 57: A Hostile Presence:

A man who was shameless to a certain extent might be considered 'scum' and that was something Xu Ze took great pride in.

His only asset in facing ten heroines now was using this ability and making a move quickly.

Well, they didn't know Xu Ze's identity as a reincarnator.

But Xu Ze already knew everything about them.

Xu Ze dared to invite four heroines at once without worrying about being rejected, and it was simply due to the power of one word: "Love!"

Actually, Xu Ze was betting that these four heroines would temporarily let go of the hatred from their past nine lives for him!

Sure enough, Xu Ze guessed right!

And, he succeeded!

These women's love for him outweighed their hatred for him!

Thinking this to himself, he finally wiped the cold sweat from his forehead without leaving a trace.

To be honest, Xu Ze was already prepared to be rejected by these women now.

Fortunately, his sweet words in his previous nine lives were effective!


Qu Qinghan felt a bit helpless.

She thought she could stroll around the Flower Festival alone with Xu Ze and spend some time together.

But unexpectedly, this scum actually invited so many people at once...

She bit into the peach candy Xu Ze gave her.

But soon, Qu Qinghan raised an eyebrow and surprise flashed in her eyes.

This candy was actually peach-flavored.

Qu Qinghan glanced at Xu Ze's profile.

Xu Ze kept his eyes straight ahead and looked at the road.

His face still showed the usual aloof indifference.

But, in this indifference, there was a sweetness that made Qu Qinghan's heart flutter.

He actually remembered what flavor she liked...

Qu Qinghan's eyes flickered.

Memories of her childhood and her time practicing with Xu Ze inevitably surfaced in her mind.

She recalled Xu Ze stealing the peaches planted by the Sect Master and being locked up in the confinement room.

A smile curved her lips involuntarily.

Hmm, this time, she decided to spare this scum's life...


To avoid causing a scene with the Holy Son and Holy Maiden descending the Holy Mountain together, Xu Ze and the others didn't enter the town along the way.

Instead, they leisurely strolled through the beautiful fields and mountains outside the town.

They planned to enter the town to watch the festivities when night fell.

However, it was precisely because of this that Xu Ze and the others didn't realize danger had silently descended.


"The apple candy in this town is amazing."

"Of course, our Holy Mountain candies and cakes are famous for their sweetness."

Ye Fan and Chen Bin walked jovially on the town's crowded streets.

Although both of them were single dogs, they weren't invited by any senior sisters or junior sisters to stroll around during the Flower Festival this time.

But still, these two men were carefree and enjoyed themselves.

Just as the duo decided to go to Zhengyang Tower in town to eat, drink, and listen to some music, a system prompt sounded in Ye Fan's ear.

[Ding! A hostile presence has been detected]

[Host, please be alert and proceed with caution]

Ye Fan froze for a moment.

This system, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly sounded at this moment.

"Senior Brother Chen, it seems like there's something wrong..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a figure dressed in a black cloak bumped into Ye Fan's shoulder and passed by him.

Ye Fan felt like he had hit a piece of steel and almost fell apart.

"Ouch... What's wrong with this person!"

Ye Fan rubbed his painful shoulder and looked at the figure in a black cloak, who was walking away with a surprised face.

"Huh? What's wrong, Junior Brother Ye?" Chen Bin turned his head in confusion and raised his eyebrows when he saw the black figure, "Oh? That person, from the figure, seems to be a woman."

"Can't a woman walk without looking at where she's going? Ouch, it hurts. Is this woman's shoulder made of iron?" Ye Fan moved his shoulder and gritted his teeth.

"Forget it, forget it. A real man doesn't compete with a woman. Let's go to Zhengyang Tower quickly to drink. If we're late, other senior brothers will take our seats."


Ye Fan looked displeased but could only let Chen Bin drag him towards Zhengyang Tower.


Under the black cloak, the woman walked expressionlessly amidst the bustling crowd.

She slowly raised her head.

Her eyes shone with red light as she looked at the Holy Mountain that towered over the clouds.

"Demon Lord, tens of thousands of Demon Abyss Evil Cultivators are ready. As long as you give the order, we will crush the Holy Land today!"

A message transmitted over thousands of miles rang in the woman's ears, causing her lips to curl into a cold smile.

Simultaneously, her eyes gradually turned extremely cold.


"Today, all disciples of the Holy Land will die without mercy!"

"Anyone who kills the Holy Maiden Qu Qinghan will be rewarded with 5,000 high-grade spirit stones!"

"Anyone who kills the Holy Son Xu Ze will be rewarded with 10,000 high-grade spirit stones!"


Dark clouds gradually covered the clear sky, turning the atmosphere gloomy.

In the distance, an endless evil aura descended like darkness and engulfed the entire Holy Mountain.

The woman finally took off her hood, revealing her stunning yet enchanting face.

"Xu Ze, I will repay what you owe me from previous lives in this life!"

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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