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Chapter 12: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

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Chapter 12: Did I Really Just Become the Emperor's Disciple?:

“Yes, I understand!” Su Xinyue finally relaxed and nodded after hearing Ling Ye’s words.

Next to her, Gu Shengyan glared at Su Xinyue with a look so dark it seemed she wanted to tear Su Xinyue apart. They could be smug for now, but who would be the true winner in the end?

Su Xinyue paid no attention to Gu Shengyan's changing expressions. The disciple recruitment event continued, and after it concluded, Ling Ye brought Su Xinyue and Ji Ziruo to Purple Moon Peak.

The Purple Moon Peak was the most spiritually abundant place in the entire Purple Moon Immortal Sect. The natural rock formations created a massive array that concentrated the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth. In such a treasured place, even if one did nothing but eat and drink all day, their cultivation would improve. If one worked hard and had exceptional talent, their progress would be even faster. Su Xinyue had very good talent, and with Ling Ye’s guidance, advancing three major realms in three years was not a difficult task.

Currently, she was at the ninth stage of the Spirit Fusion Realm. In three years, she could reach the Heavenly Awakening Realm, which would make her a powerful cultivator. With some luck, she could even reach the Divine Spirit Realm, which would place her among the top ten in the empire. Even the sect master Ji Ziruo was only at the peak of Divine Spirit Realm and ranked last among the top ten.

“You will live here from now on. Take this Soul Sword Technique and start practicing. If you have any questions or need anything, come to me,” Ling Ye said as he walked in the corridor of Purple Moon Peak. He handed Su Xinyue a scroll.

“Thank you, Master!” Su Xinyue took the scroll with her delicate hands. She then looked up at Ling Ye, “Master, I don’t know your name.”

Indeed, she had chosen him as her master because he was special and handsome, but she didn’t even know his name.

Ling Ye looked at Su Xinyue and said calmly, “Ling Ye.”

“Ling…” Su Xinyue was momentarily stunned. When she processed it, her face was filled with shock.

Ling Ye?! Wasn’t that the name of the emperor?

“Master, you…?” Su Xinyue stared wide-eyed at Ling Ye and quickly knelt down. “Greetings, Your Majesty!”

Oh my god, he was the emperor? Her master was actually the current emperor? No wonder even the sect master was so respectful to him!

How could he have such a special identity? And now she was his disciple?

Her mother would be ecstatic if she knew. This meant her family’s revival was within reach!

“Since we are master and disciple, there’s no need for such formalities. Stand up,” Ling Ye said calmly.

“Yes!” Su Xinyue quickly nodded and stood up. She didn’t dare look directly at Ling Ye anymore and could only sneak glances at him. Her heart was filled with excitement.

This extraordinary and handsome master was the emperor? How could she be so lucky?

As soon as she entered the inner sect, she received such a huge benefit. And how did the emperor know her? He had called her name specifically.

“I want you to reach the Divine Spirit Realm within three years and become one of the empire's top ten experts within five years to serve the empire,” Ling Ye said. “Before that, you need to settle your family affairs so you can focus on your cultivation.”

“This…” Su Xinyue furrowed her delicate brows. Her greatest wish was to help her mother and restore her family’s former glory. But family matters weren't something that could be resolved quickly. It might take her whole life to address them.

“Tomorrow, I will go home with you,” Ling Ye added.

Su Xinyue's face lit up with joy. Did this mean her master was going to help her with her family issues? If the emperor himself got involved, no problem would be unsolvable.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you…” Su Xinyue knelt again, but corrected herself. “Thank you, Master!”

“Stand up,” Ling Ye said with a wave of his hand. Su Xinyue's talent was rare and precious. She shouldn’t waste her potential on trivial family matters. As his disciple, she needed to fully develop her abilities to be of use. Moreover, Su Xinyue’s mother was reputed to be a great beauty in the region. It would be interesting to meet her.

“Yes!” Su Xinyue stood up, her face brimming with happiness. Once her family matters were resolved, she would focus on her cultivation, determined to become a reliable disciple to the emperor and a pillar of the empire.

-To be continued!

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