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Chapter 52: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


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Chapter 52: Follow your Heart:

[Host, Congratulations on unlocking the mystery of the tenth reincarnation plot!]

As the deafening sound rang out in his mind, a system interface suddenly popped up in front of Xu Ze.

The system panel, which originally only displayed 'ten,' now shows text.

"System?" Xu Ze was surprised.

In the previous nine reincarnations, he had never seen the system appear automatically.

Every time he accessed the system, it was to confirm which reincarnation he was in.

It could be said that this system, apart from assigning him a task, was useless.

But unexpectedly, now it... was responsive!

"What's going on? System, is this your doing?" Xu Ze asked hurriedly.

[Host, this System is the Reincarnation Plot System. Once you complete the plot of the tenth reincarnation, you can lift the world's restrictions and become the Higher being]

"I already know all this..." Xu Ze frowned.

He certainly knew all this.

If it weren't becoming the Higher being, how could he tirelessly go through the plots over and over again?

[Please complete the final redemption for yourself]

"Final redemption?" Xu Ze looked puzzled.

What did it mean by final redemption?

(T/N: redemption means the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.)

"No, are you suggesting that the reason this reincarnation has gotten harder is because I completed the previous nine reincarnations too well?"

Xu Ze felt something was amiss, feeling somewhat annoyed.

[If the Host's previous nine reincarnations weren't completed perfectly, the difficulty of this reincarnation would be a thousand times greater than it is now]

A thousand times?

Xu Ze was stunned.

The current plot was already difficult enough. Was the system telling him that if the plots of the previous nine reincarnations weren't completed perfectly, the difficulty of this reincarnation would be a thousand times greater than it was now?

Thinking so, Xu Ze felt a chill run down his spine.

Fortunately, he had done nothing outrageous in the previous nine reincarnations. Everything had been completed according to the plot, honestly and obediently.

"However, System, why didn't you inform me about this earlier?" Xu Ze felt a headache coming on.

If these ten heroines really regained the memories of the previous nine lives, then he might really be in danger.

You see, when they were abandoned back then, their hatred toward him was real!

[Host, the system has no comment]

[Please complete the redemption successfully]

[Host, you only need to follow your heart and complete this reincarnation to fulfill the mission]

[Please work hard]

With that, the system's voice faded away.

Xu Ze fell silent.

Follow his heart?

Did he no longer need to continue the mission in this reincarnation?

Even after the system's voice disappeared completely, Xu Ze remained motionless for a moment. Then, he sighed helplessly.

He glanced at Jing Xiaoxuan, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and a sense of guilt welled up in his heart.

"I didn't expect... that you all awakened memories from the previous nine lives."

"I was always fixated on the original plot, but I didn't realize that you all... in this reincarnation..."

Xu Ze reached out his hand and gently stroked Jing Xiaoxuan's cheek. Memories of scenes between him and the various heroines from the previous nine incarnations flooded his mind.

He sighed deeply.

"Redemption, huh..."

"I, Xu Ze, owe you all from the previous nine lives, and I will make it up to you in this life."

"I swear..."

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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