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Chapter 53: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


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Chapter 53: Sweet Lies:


When Jing Xiaoxuan woke up from her sleep, her hazy eyes filled with confusion and bewilderment.

"I... How did I fall asleep?"


In a familiar room, amidst familiar furnishings, Jing Xiaoxuan sat up abruptly from the bed. Her face was full of astonishment.

"Wait a minute! This is the Holy Son's chamber!"

"Right, last night... last night..."

Jing Xiaoxuan subconsciously touched her clothes, sensing something amiss.

Lowering her head, she discovered that her wet clothes from the last night had been replaced with light, soft undergarments at some point.

She felt warm and comfortable with a soft blanket covering her.

But Jing Xiaoxuan's face turned pale.

"I remember, last night I came to kill that $cum..."

"No way? Could it be that $cum did something to me again..."

However, Jing Xiaoxuan didn't feel any discomfort in her body.

On the contrary, the warmth enveloping her was many times better than the feeling of being soaked in water last night.

As Jing Xiaoxuan nervously checked her body, Xu Ze entered the room with a bowl of steaming herbal soup.

But, seeing Jing Xiaoxuan fidgeting with her clothes, Xu Ze couldn't help but feel helpless.

It seemed that the impression he left on this girl from the previous nine lives was quite significant...

"Ahem, don't worry, my maid was the one who changed your clothes," Xu Ze spoke up.


Jing Xiaoxuan was startled by the sudden sound and hastily clutched the blanket closer, shrinking back.

Upon seeing Xu Ze, her large eyes flickered with fear and a complex expression.

Although Jing Xiaoxuan knew the words just now were a lie, she had been fast asleep at the time and probably didn't realize it was him who had changed them.

Xu Ze coughed lightly, approaching with the bowl of soup.

"Your clothes were very wet last night, and it's autumn now. As a mortal, you're prone to catching a cold."

"I brewed this bowl of herbal soup just now. Please have it."

Sitting by the bedside, Xu Ze showed a gentle smile.

Seeing Xu Ze's gentle face, Jing Xiaoxuan felt the softest part of her heart touched.

She bit her lip, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Xu Ze felt a hint of surprise.

He had thought that calming down these heroines who had turned dark would be quite difficult. But now, it seemed that the difficulty might be far lower than he had imagined.

But soon, Xu Ze also understood why.

Even though these ten heroines hated him to death for abandoning them, they also loved him.

For Xu Ze, each had their own level of love.

And precisely because of love, they harbored hatred toward Xu Ze.

So, as long as there was love, 'redeeming' them wouldn't be difficult!

"Why... why didn't you kill me?"

Jing Xiaoxuan huddled in the corner of the bed, clutching the blanket, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I wanted to kill you last night, you know?" she said.

"Yes, I know," Xu Ze nodded slightly, his face still carrying a gentle light.

"Then, why didn't you kill me? Are you planning to continue playing with me?" she gritted her teeth, her eyes reddening.

Cough, cough, cough...

What did she mean by playing? That's a little harsh.

Of course, it was indeed like 'playing' in the previous nine reincarnations.

Xu Ze blushed slightly as he remembered the sins he had committed in the previous nine reincarnations for the sake of the plot.

He coughed lightly, and the gentle radiance returned to his face, his gaze soft enough to melt hearts.

"Trying to assassinate the Holy Son is a serious offense, no matter where or who. But you are different."

"Huh?" Jing Xiaoxuan paused. "Different?"

"Yes, for some reason, I feel a familiar feeling from you, as if we've met somewhere before."

Seeing Xu Ze's contemplative expression, Jing Xiaoxuan's heart skipped a beat.

She suddenly recalled the sweet words Xu Ze had said during their sweet moments in the previous nine lives:

"My love for you may have deepened to the point where it transcends time and space."

"Perhaps one day, I'll suddenly forget about you."

"But as long as our love remains unbroken."

"I believe, I will surely fall in love with you again..."


A tear fell from Jing Xiaoxuan's eyes.

She hastily wiped the corners of her eyes, choking back her sobs.

Could it be that he really has been loving me all this time...

Xu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Jing Xiaoxuan had always been depicted as 'deceiving' throughout 《Emperor of Heaven and Earth》's novel, in reality, she was the one most easily deceived by sweet words.

But still, watching Jing Xiaoxuan, who was choking with sobs, Xu Ze couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt.

There was no way around it; he had told her too many sweet lies...

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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