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Chapter 011: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


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Chapter 11:

Su Chen was about to get into the car with Shen Qingxin when he noticed Yun Bufan following behind.

"What are you doing here when we're going to the hospital to handle official business?" Su Chen questioned.

Yun Bufan looked at Shen Qingxin with concern. "Your grandfather is sick, and logically, I should also go and check on him."

Su Chen immediately turned to Shen Qingxin and said, "He doesn't need to come, and he might even disturb me while I'm treating the patient."

"Oh, Dr. Su claims to be a medical genius, so why would my presence disturb him?" Yun Bufan retorted sarcastically.

"You—" Su Chen's face flushed red.

Ignoring him, Yun Bufan turned to Shen Qingxin and said, "I've heard about your grandfather's condition and arranged for Doctor Huang Zhonghong to come. He's an expert in cardiovascular diseases."

"You managed to contact Doctor Huang?" Shen Qingxin's eyes lit up with surprise. She had tried hard but failed to make an appointment with him before.

"Time is running out, and the old man's condition can't wait. Let's go quickly," Yun Bufan said, pushing Su Chen aside and getting in the passenger seat in the car.

Shen Qingxin nodded and sat in the driver's seat.

Su Chen clenched his fists, his face filled with anger.

That damn Yun Bufan was always trying to seize his spotlight.

But it didn't matter. No matter what expert came, only he could cure Shen's grandfather.

Thinking this, Su Chen smirked and got into the back seat of the car.

"Wife, don't worry. Your grandfather will be fine," Yun Bufan comforted from the car.

His intention wasn't to comfort Shen Qingxin but to provoke Su Chen.

As expected, Su Chen couldn't help it. That 'wife' was like a needle in his ear.

"Young Master Yun, it's too early to speak. The expert you've invited might not be able to cure Shen's grandfather," Su Chen mocked.

Yun Bufan gasped in surprise. "Don't you want Doctor Huang to succeed? Aren't you cursing Shen's grandfather?"

Su Chen realized his mistake. "I didn't mean to—"

Shen Qingxin's face darkened as she interrupted, "Su Chen, if you can't say anything helpful, just shut up!"

Su Chen: "..."

'Yun Bufan, you dug a hole for me, didn't you? Just wait for me to retaliate!'

Yun Bufan smirked from the passenger seat.

Su Chen must hate himself now, ready to seek revenge. But he couldn't imagine what would happen next, making him even angrier.

Arriving at the hospital, the three hurried to the emergency room.

Yun Bufan contacted the doctor on his phone.

Soon, Doctor Huang Zhonghong arrived with his assistant and began examining Shen's grandfather.

The more he examined, the more worried his expression became.

"The patient is critical, with severe cardiovascular blockages. We must perform surgery immediately!" Huang Zhonghong ordered, and the nurses began to rush around.

Amidst the urgency, an untimely, disdainful voice was heard.

"Shen's grandfather doesn't need surgery at all."

Su Chen said smugly, "I only need to administer a few injections to stabilize his condition."

"Nonsense!" Huang Zhonghong rebuked. "With so many experts consulting, do you think your judgment is superior?"

Su Chen sat on a chair, crossed his legs, and showed a smug expression. "That's right. Compared to me, you're all rubbish."

The doctors and nurses gasped in disbelief. They thought Su Chen was insane.

So, nobody said anything and went to prepare the operation equipment.

Feeling ignored, Su Chen chuckled confidently. Before long, those doctors would panic, and that's when he would shine.

Once he cured Shen's grandfather, these arrogant doctors would beg for his mercy on their knees. Most importantly, Shen Qingxin would love him even more. Maybe she would even offer herself to him.

Su Chen began to fantasize happily.

As time passed, Shen Qingxin's face turned pale, her nerves on edge. Yun Bufan continued to comfort her softly.

Watching this, Su Chen remained indifferent.

What was the use of comforting her? Once he stabilized Shen's grandfather with a few injections, she would only have eyes for him.

After half an hour, chaos erupted in the operating room.

"Bad news! The patient's condition is critical, and he might not make it. Prepare the family for the worst!" the nurse exclaimed, causing Shen Qingxin to nearly collapse.

"See, you need me!" Su Chen stood up, stretched lazily, ready to show off his skills in the operating room.

At that moment, Yun Bufan whispered, [Villain system, use the life-saving token on Shen's grandfather]

[Ding! The villain system prompts you to use the life-saving token!]

With the mechanical sound, a miracle occurred in the operating room, and Shen's grandfather's condition quickly improved.

An observing nurse remarked, "Professor Huang is truly remarkable. He remained calm in such a critical situation. If it weren't for you, the patient would have been in danger today."

Yun Bufan smiled subtly, hiding his true abilities and fame.

On the other hand, Su Chen, who had just stood up, looked embarrassed and puzzled.

"How is this possible? Are you all acting and deceiving people together? Only I can cure Shen's grandfather!"

Su Chen couldn't believe it.

The nurse looked at him disdainfully. "Who are you? Are we so bored that we'd scheme against you?"

Shen Qingxin rolled her eyes. "Su Chen, my grandfather is out of danger now. Thank you for today, but it's time for you to leave."

"You're kicking me out? Your grandfather might fall sick again," Su Chen still didn't believe Doctor Huang had cured Shen's grandfather.

This remark made Shen Qingxin's face darken, her eyes full of obvious disgust.

"Thank you for your kindness to my grandfather. Goodbye," Shen Qingxin said, and Su Chen had no choice but to leave.

At that moment, Shen Qingxin looked at Yun Bufan and pursed her lips. "Thank you for today. If it weren't for you inviting Doctor Huang, my grandfather would have been in danger."

Yun Bufan laughed heartily. "It's nothing. We're all family; there's no need for thanks."


Shen Qingxin's cheeks warmed, but she didn't refute.

[Ding! The system detected that Shen Qingxin's affection for the host increased by 10,000 points. You can choose to decrease Su Chen's luck value or increase your own luck value]

This time, Yun Bufan chose to increase his own luck value.

[Ding! The host's luck value has increased by 10,000 points, bringing the total to 0]

Yun Bufan breathed a sigh of relief; at least he wasn't cursed anymore.

Next, he had to focus on reducing Su Chen's luck value; otherwise, he'd still be in danger. After all, Su Chen must hate him after all the trouble he caused him.

-To be continued! 


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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