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Chapter 51: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


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Chapter 51: The Heroines Have Awakened Their Memories?:

Ye Fan and Chen Bin immediately reported this matter to Xu Ze.

They thought Xu Ze would be furious and punish them upon hearing about it.

However, to their surprise, when Xu Ze heard that someone had sneaked into the Holy Heaven and Earth sect, he wasn't only not surprised but even smiled faintly. "Finally, she's here."

"Huh?" Ye Fan and Chen Bin exchanged glances.

Finally here?

How come the Holy Son seemed to know who that person was and looked like he had been waiting for her?

"However, why would she use this method to sneak in..."

Although Xu Ze knew that the current plot had already collapsed, he still felt that the way Jing Xiaoxuan sneaked in was somewhat absurd. What was the purpose of entering the sect with such determination?

Xu Ze didn't associate Jing Xiaoxuan yet.

Although the heroines in the tenth reincarnation were different from the previous nine, he didn't include awakening their memories from the previous nine lives in this matter.

If they really awakened their memories from the previous nine lives, Xu Ze felt he might have to run away.

Now, Xu Ze could only console himself. Because the tenth reincarnation was different from the nine previous ones, the heroines had different personalities.

After glancing at Ye Fan and Chen Bin, who were still waiting for his response, Xu Ze waved his hand. "You two can leave first. Remember, don't spread this matter; just keep it to yourselves. I'll find the things you lost for you in these two days."

"Uh... Yes, thank you, Holy Son." Although Ye Fan and Chen Bin were puzzled, they didn't dare ask more and left.


Soon, night fell.

At Xu Ze's signal, everything related to Jing Xiaoxuan was completely shut off. No one knew that such a mortal had infiltrated the holy land.


(Outside the Sect Hall)

"Cough, cough, cough..."

In a courtyard where random items were placed, a lid on a large water tank was slowly lifted.

Jing Xiaoxuan crawled out of the water tank, completely soaked.

When the cold wind blew, she couldn't help but sneeze.

"What's going on? This great Holy Heaven and Earth Sect, is this how useless they are? I've been hiding here for at least a few hours and haven't heard a sound. And no one has noticed that someone has infiltrated the sect yet?"

Jing Xiaoxuan wiped the water off her face and looked at her pale hands soaked in water, feeling aggrieved.

It was really in vain for her to hide here so desperately, endure hunger, and be soaked in cold water. If she knew this, she would have walked into the Holy Fire Palace openly.

Jing Xiaoxuan looked toward the Holy Fire Palace.

From the towering mountaintop, she could see the multiple buildings of the Holy Fire Palace.

The entire Holy Fire Palace was brightly lit, especially the central sleeping palace, which caught Jing Xiaoxuan's eye.

"Hmph... sc*mbag, tonight I'll make you pay!"

Jing Xiaoxuan slowly pulled out a dagger from her bosom.

In the darkness, her figure flickered, and she immediately ran toward the Holy Fire Palace.


Skillfully avoiding several groups of patrolling disciples, Jing Xiaoxuan climbed over the courtyard wall, and the scenery in front of her became increasingly familiar.

Holding the dagger tightly, she looked at this courtyard that had brought her joy and pain of love in her past lives.

Jing Xiaoxuan swallowed hard and a determined look flashed in her eyes.

"Xu Ze, I, I will never forgive you! You... you deceived me... You shouldn't have deceived me! You shouldn't have... The thing I hate the most is being deceived to..."

Walking to the familiar bedroom, Jing Xiaoxuan cautiously pushed open the door and saw the man lying on the bed, his eyes closed.

He was still as handsome as she remembered, and just like that, the man who seemed like a celestial being. When he abandoned her, his heartless eyes made her feel even more heartbroken.


Looking at the man lying on the bed, Jing Xiaoxuan held the dagger tightly and fell silent.

"You... are you awake, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Ze opened his eyes and looked at the girl in the darkness, who looked like a drowned rat.

He sighed and sat up from the bed.

"I knew that with your cultivation base, how could someone easily approach you?"

"You probably knew I was here a long time ago, didn't you?"

Xu Ze didn't respond. He just stared at Jing Xiaoxuan silently with a gentle look in his eyes.

He saw the hatred in Jing Xiaoxuan's eyes.

"But it doesn't matter!"

"Since I infiltrated the Holy Heaven and Earth sect, I didn't plan to leave alive!"

"Xu Ze, I want you dead!"

Jing Xiaoxuan made up her mind and mercilessly stabbed Xu Ze's heart with the dagger in her hand.


However, the dagger didn't even penetrate Xu Ze's body's aura and broke into two pieces.

The impact made Jing Xiaoxuan thrown out and fall to the ground on her butt.

"It hurts, it hurts... What's going on? Didn't those disciples from the Yunxiu Sect say that this dagger is fused with profound Qi and penetrates a cultivator's defenses as simply as cutting paper?"

"Damn it, I was actually fooled! It hurts, it hurts so much..."

Seeing Jing Xiaoxuan holding her buttocks and screaming in pain on the ground, Xu Ze couldn't help but chuckle.

Xu Ze got off the bed and walked to Jing Xiaoxuan. He bent down and lifted her from the ground.

Immediately, Jing Xiaoxuan widened her eyes and struggled subconsciously. "What are you doing? Let go of me! I, I'll kill you!"


Xu Ze nodded slightly and looked at Jing Xiaoxuan with a gentle smile.

"You..." Jing Xiaoxuan's heart was pounding.

For some reason, under Xu Ze's gentle gaze, her mind seemed to go blank for a moment, and she couldn't say anything.

Also, seeing Xu Ze's clothes soaked by the water on her body, the hatred in Jing Xiaoxuan's eyes gradually turned into guilt.

She felt as if she was crying in her heart.

"You... aren't you going to ask me why I want to kill you?"

Xu Ze put Jing Xiaoxuan on the bed and gently patted her head with a smile.

"Even if I don't ask some things, I understand them in my heart. You worked so hard for so long; you should rest first..."

He channeled a surge of Qi into Jing Xiaoxuan's mind, causing her to suddenly feel dizzy and fall into deep sleep.

Seeing Jing Xiaoxuan asleep, Xu Ze's smile faded slightly, replaced by a worried expression.

At this moment, cold sweat dripped from his forehead like raindrops.

"Oh no, could it be that I've guessed wrong?"

"Could these heroines really have awakened the memories of the previous nine reincarnations?"

"The look in Jing Xiaoxuan's eyes just now, I'm familiar with them."

"Isn't this the same look they gave me when they were abandoned in the previous nine reincarnations..."

At that moment, everything about the tenth reincarnation's mission became clear in Xu Ze's mind.

The tenth reincarnation's mission wasn't to complete the plot like the previous nine reincarnations. But it was the ultimate test from the system!

The ultimate test was to survive from these ten heroines who had awakened memories from the previous nine reincarnations' hands.

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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