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Chapter 010: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


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Chapter 10:

(Fortune Restaurant)

As soon as Yun Bufan entered the restaurant, he saw Shen Qingxin and Su Chen sitting by the window. Shen Qingxin still wore a mask, looking rather serious. Obviously, they were discussing her grandfather's condition.

Yun Bufan found a quiet spot to sit down. Just a few minutes later, a young man walked into the restaurant. When he saw Shen Qingxin, he immediately walked over.

"Qingxin, I'm He Dawei. We were classmates in high school," He Dawei said excitedly. Shen Qingxin was once the campus belle and, exceptionally good at studies, was practically the ideal girl in the eyes of all the boys. Even though Shen Qingxin's appearance was ruined, He Dawei still fantasized about her.

Shen Qingxin frowned. "Sorry, I have plans with someone else now."

He Dawei glanced at the scruffy-looking Su Chen and sneered, "This can't be the idiot young master you married, right?"

"No, he's just a friend," Shen Qingxin replied.

Beside them, Su Chen grew impatient waiting for some time alone with Shen Qingxin and said, "Hey, can't you see we're talking business?"

He Dawei immediately felt insulted. "Who are you? So arrogant?"

Su Chen said, "Leave now. If you keep bothering us, I won't be polite."

He Dawei sneered, "Aren't you afraid? I'm He Siniang's nephew. Have you heard of He Siniang? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Su Chen felt a surge of joy. An opportunity to show off had arrived.

"He Siniang, huh? Very well."

Su Chen took out his phone and called He Siniang.

He Dawei mocked, "What are you pretending for? Are you going to say you know He Siniang? My uncle is a big shot. Would you, a loser, know him?"

Soon, the call was connected.

"Su Chen, what's up?" He Siniang's voice sounded surprised. Su Chen had really called him.

But he didn't believe it was because of He Dawei and thought Yun Bufan couldn't predict the future!

"Mr. He, I'm having a meal at the restaurant, and someone here is causing trouble for me, claiming to be your nephew."

Su Chen was very confident. Based on He Siniang's indebtedness to him, He Siniang would definitely take his side.

At this moment, He Siniang was so surprised that he almost dropped his phone. "You mean He Dawei got into a conflict with you?"

A wave of shock surged through He Siniang's heart. Yun Bufan had actually hit the nail on the head!

Su Chen said, "Yes, and he's not being polite to me!"

"Su Chen, this is something you young people should handle yourselves. I'm busy here. Let's talk later."

To Su Chen's surprise, He Siniang hung up the phone directly.

Su Chen felt embarrassed holding the phone.

Seeing this, He Dawei sneered, "Didn't you want my uncle to teach me a lesson? Hurry up!"

Su Chen couldn't bear it anymore and stood up.

Just as he was about to take action, a waiter rushed over.

"Young Master He, what's going on?"

He Dawei pointed at Su Chen. "This guy is causing trouble. Kick him out!"

The waiter immediately surrounded Su Chen.

He Dawei grabbed Shen Qingxin's sleeve. "Old classmate Qingxin, it's been years. Come with me to the private room and catch up."

"Let go!" Shen Qingxin shouted, but she couldn't break free no matter how hard she struggled.

At that moment, a hand rested on He Dawei's shoulder, and a cold voice came, "Let her go."

"Yun Bufan!"

Shen Qingxin exclaimed in surprise when she saw the newcomer.

"So you're the trash young master. Today—"

Before He Dawei could finish his insult, Yun Bufan punched him square in the nose, and blood spurted out instantly.

Clutching his nose, He Dawei pointed at Yun Bufan. "You... you're asking for it!"

Yun Bufan remained indifferent, his expression seemingly smiling yet not.

Just as He Dawei was about to call someone, his phone rang. "Uncle?"

Hearing what He Siniang said, he looked surprised, unwillingly glanced at Yun Bufan, and said, "You... you said not to provoke him... okay."

He Dawei gritted his teeth, feeling frustrated, but he didn't dare disobey He Siniang's orders. He could only vent his anger on Su Chen.

"Hit him! Beat him hard!"

Yun Bufan pulled Shen Qingxin aside. "Are you okay?"

Shen Qingxin shook her head and asked cautiously. "How did you end up here?"

"Just a coincidence."

Yun Bufan smiled faintly.

Shen Qingxin bit her lip.

This was too coincidental, but nothing else could explain it.

"Just now... thank you."

As she said this, Shen Qingxin's face, hidden beneath the mask, blushed slightly.

"Thank you for what? You're my wife; it's my duty to protect you."

Yun Bufan's tone was cool.

In the past, hearing such words would have made Shen Qingxin want to vomit.

But at this moment, she clearly felt her heart skip a beat.

[Ding! The Villain Counterattack System detected an increase of 3000 points in Shen Qingxin's affection for the host. You can choose to reduce Su Chen's luck value or increase your own luck value]

Yun Bufan still chose to reduce Su Chen's luck value.

[Ding! Su Chen's luck value decreased by 3000 points, currently at 94000 points]

Yun Bufan noticed that as Shen Qingxin's fondness for him increased, the favorability value would gradually grow.

This was good news.

Just then, Su Chen finished dealing with the situation on his end.

He used his Heavenly Heart technique to defeat a group of security guards.

"Just you trash, you dare to injure me?"

He stepped on a security guard's hand, breaking it, and prepared to step on another one.

Shen Qingxin covered her mouth and gasped.

At this moment, Yun Bufan stepped forward to stop him. "These security guards are just employees. Why bother with them?"

"Who are you to interfere, you trash?"

Not seeing Yun Bufan before, Su Chen was furious upon seeing him.

Just as he was about to strike, Yun Bufan kicked out his leg, and their legs became almost like after-images.

Su Chen was astonished to find himself being overpowered at every turn.

When did this trash young master become so strong?

Yun Bufan didn't display his true strength but chose to withdraw when the situation was favorable.

"Heh, for Miss Shen's sake, I'll let you off today."

Su Chen turned to leave.

"Thank you, sir!" The security guards expressed their gratitude to Yun Bufan one after another.

Yun Bufan waved his hand. "It's nothing."

Watching this scene, Shen Qingxin's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Did he really change?

[Ding! The Villain Counterattack System detected an increase of 4000 points in Shen Qingxin's affection for the host. You can choose to reduce Su Chen's luck value or increase your own luck value]

"Reduce Su Chen's luck value," Yun Bufan said.

[Ding! Su Chen's luck value decreased by 4000 points, currently at 90000 points]

Just then, Shen Qingxin's phone suddenly rang.

"What? Grandpa suddenly took a turn for the worse!"

Upon hearing the voice on the phone, Shen Qingxin's face turned pale instantly.

Su Chen, who had been feeling annoyed, suddenly became excited. Finally, his chance to shine had arrived.

"Miss Shen, we're running out of time. Let's go to the hospital now."

Shen Qingxin looked solemn and nodded. "Okay."

As they left the restaurant, Su Chen's mind was racing. This was the perfect opportunity to show Shen Qingxin his capabilities and win her over.

-To be continued! 


T/N: Thanks for reading!


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