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Chapter 036: The Transmigrated Villain, and the Reborn Heroines


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Chapter 36:

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An idea flashed in Zhang Mu's mind.

He suddenly understood!

It seemed that Ye Feng, the protagonist, had grown up after the previous events.

He became more cautious than before!

Thinking back to the conclusion of the previous auction, where Ye Feng didn't directly attack and steal the jade pendant from him but instead waited for Yu Xuanwei to infiltrate and gain his trust before silently moving away with it, it was evident that Ye Feng had matured as the protagonist!

He truly deserved to be the protagonist!

This time, he must be allowing him to interact with the heroine first.

Then, when drunk, the protagonist must have planned to make a move and play the hero to save the beauty.

This way, he could better win the beauty's affection, and it would be morally justified.


Truly deserving of being the protagonist.

Always thinking ahead!

And this Xie Ruolin was thoughtful as well.

Truly deserving of being the heroine and the information queen.

After all, she had been immersed in the world of flowers without getting tainted. Her IQ and EQ were extraordinary.

She must have also noticed that the righteous and handsome protagonist, Ye Feng, was about to do something heroic.

However, she was concerned that there were too many people on Zhang Mu's side and worried that Ye Feng might get hurt.

However, handling ten opponents was no problem with Ye Feng's skills.

But the heroine was always worried about the protagonist. She thought the protagonist was weak, and it would be better to give the protagonist a chance to show off!

So she purposely led this vicious villain over, enticing him with her body and beauty for a private appointment so that she could be alone and then be rescued heroically by the protagonist Ye Feng.

The plan was really deep!

After understanding the plan in the protagonist's and heroine's minds, Zhang Mu immediately laughed and said, "Alright, since the beauty invited me alone, I'll certainly accept the invitation."

"Let's go. I'll go over there alone and have a drink with you!"

At this moment, Cheng Haonan, his friend, reminded him, "Young Master Zhang, be careful."

Clearly, as a flunky of the dandies, he noticed something was off, but as an accomplice, he could only express a few words of concern.

Zhang Mu understood, so he casually told him, "You don't need to worry; just drink yours."

'Also, prepare to be knocked down by the protagonist Ye Feng with me later.'

Zhang Mu muttered to himself a few times, then took Xie Ruolin's hand and walked over with her.

Xie Ruolin also maintained a smiling demeanor the whole time, showing no signs of resistance.

Zhang Mu carefully felt Xie Ruolin's soft and boneless jade-like hand, feeling somewhat strange in his heart.

How could this vicious villain like himself have physical contact with the heroine?

And Ye Feng didn't do anything.

What was going on?

Shouldn't Xie Ruolin, as the heroine, maintain innocence?

He got it.

Fishing for big fish with a long line, huh?

Ye Feng and Xie Ruolin must be waiting for him to make a move, then they'll beat him up.

Maybe even cripple or kill him, once and for all!


'I'll play along with you!'

Thinking of this, Zhang Mu didn't hold back and tightly hugged Xie Ruolin's soft waist.

After all, he was a villain, an incompetent young master. There was no need to pretend to be a gentleman like the protagonist.

This dark rose had such a great figure, and the feeling was simply amazing.

Why not take advantage of it?

It could also provoke the protagonist's hatred.

Wasn't that delightful?

Seeing Zhang Mu embrace the charming Xie Ruolin like this, Cheng Haonan and the other men were all envious.

"Young Master Zhang is truly amazing, so awesome!"

"Only Young Master Zhang can conquer such a level of beauty!"

"Haha! Young Master Zhang, the beauty must obediently submit when a tiger roars, right?"

"Young Master Zhang is going to have a blast tonight! But that woman is also lucky!"

After all, they were just the villain's lackeys at the moment, naturally enthusiastically flattering Zhang Mu.

Hearing these words, Ye Feng was furious.

Damn it!

This good-for-nothing young master Zhang Mu dared say that he roared like a tiger?

Conquer beauty?

Wanted to have a blast?

Did he know the identity of the woman he was holding?

A fool!

Wait a minute!

Has Zhang Mu made his move?!

As the protagonist, Ye Feng was furious when he saw Zhang Mu's lecherous hands wandering around Xie Ruolin's waist.

That was the woman he had his eye on!

As someone with a strong possessive instinct, Ye Feng was extremely frustrated at this moment.

He quickly followed, keeping pace with Zhang Mu and Xie Ruolin, who were hugging.

Zhang Mu noticed Ye Feng following behind, and he became even more convinced that the protagonist and heroine were plotting against him!

So he wasn't polite either.

After sitting down, Zhang Mu forcibly pulled Xie Ruolin to play drinking games with him.

"Come on! Let's play rock-paper-scissors and drink! No cheating allowed!"

"Two little bees... flying among the flowers..."

"Flying... flying..."

"You lost! Drink up!"


Zhang Mu wasn't simply playing rock-paper-scissors and drinking with Xie Ruolin. He was openly taking advantage of her.

If Zhang Mu won at rock-paper-scissors, he would pour a drink for Xie Ruolin and grope her, taking advantage of the situation.

If Zhang Mu lost at rock-paper-scissors, Xie Ruolin would come to toast him, and he would still grope her, taking advantage of the situation.

In short, Zhang Mu was constantly touching this thorny rose, fondling her everywhere, with the appearance of a lustful demon.

And Xie Ruolin cooperated closely, seemingly unaware.

He just smiled and accompanied Zhang Mu while drinking, making countless people in the bar look at them with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

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-To be continued!


Translated & Edited by:


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