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Chapter 10: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


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Chapter 10: No One Will Take Ze'er from Me!:

Sitting at the table, Xu Ze picked up the wine pot and poured a cup for Leng Youran.

She accepted it, taking a light sip, her usually pale face flushing slightly from the heat of the wine.

"Ah... the Heavenly Dark Sect's wine. I've been drinking it for centuries, and I never tire of it." The wine seemed to soothe her usual cold demeanor, making her appear much gentler. She looked at Xu Ze, a hint of unnoticeable charm in her eyes.

"Ze'er, you've been with me for 17 years now. Do you remember when I brought you back? You were only three..."

Xu Ze smiled lightly. "Yes, if it weren't for Master, I might have starved on the streets."

When Xu Ze first transmigrated, he was an orphan with his parents long gone, left to fend for himself at the age of three. If not for Leng Youran, he would have perished.

Leng Youran gazed at him, her eyes softening even more as she took another sip of wine. "I have a cold personality. Ze'er, after all these years by my side, have you ever been dissatisfied with me?"

Xu Ze spoke earnestly, "Master has been like a second parent to me. How could I ever be dissatisfied with you?"

His words were filled with sincerity, which greatly pleased Leng Youran. She repeatedly served him food, her gaze so tender it seemed like water could drip from it. "Come, try the dishes I made myself."

"Master made these herself?" Xu Ze was surprised as he took the chicken leg she offered. He had never seen Leng Youran cook before, and it was hard to imagine that these delicious-looking dishes were made by his usually aloof master.

Leng Youran nodded softly. "Taste it and tell me how it is."

Xu Ze took a bite and nodded in approval. "It's delicious. As expected of Master, this chicken leg is perfectly seasoned."

Leng Youran's mood improved even further. "Try this lotus seed porridge... and this Eight Treasures Duck... and this too."

Soon, Xu Ze's bowls piled up like a small mountain, making him smile wryly. He knew his master cared for him, but sometimes he felt that her affection exceeded that of a typical master-disciple relationship, leaving him somewhat at a loss.

"Thank you, Master. But I can't eat anymore..." he said, feeling overwhelmed.

"Eat more. Ze'er, you're still growing, and you need all the nourishment you can get."

"Master, I'm already twenty..."

"Twenty? To me, you'll always be a child." Leng Youran's gaze held a barely perceptible tenderness.

Xu Ze found himself unable to argue with her. Resigned, he continued to eat the meal she lovingly prepared.

As he ate, Xu Ze suddenly thought of Gu Ling'er. Swallowing his food, he spoke, "Master, I discovered a disciple in the sect with exceptional talent. It would be a pity for such potential to be wasted."

Leng Youran, in a good mood, responded kindly, "Oh? As the Holy Son, you have the authority to promote anyone without reporting to me."

Xu Ze felt relieved, having worried she might not agree. But then Leng Youran's expression turned cold as she recalled the rumors and reports she heard earlier. Could it be that Ze'er really had some connection with this servant disciple?

Her gaze toward Xu Ze became cold, causing him to feel confused.

"Master, is something wrong?" He asked, puzzled by her sudden change.

"Ze'er, do you remember the promise you made to me?" Leng Youran asked coldly.

Xu Ze was baffled. "Promise? What promise?"

Leng Youran's face darkened. "You promised me you wouldn't stray, or be deceived by women!"

Deceived by women? What was this about?

Xu Ze felt exasperated and quickly explained, "Master, you've misunderstood. I only recommended Gu Ling'er because of her talent."

"Enough! No more excuses!" Leng Youran slammed her hand on the table, shattering it with an invisible force. The dishes scattered across the floor.

Seeing Xu Ze's stunned expression, Leng Youran realized she might have overreacted. "Ze'er, as the Holy Son, you should avoid interacting with female disciples. Remember, you are my personal disciple, the Holy Son of the Heavenly Dark Sect, second only to me. You must focus on your cultivation and reach the peak of the cultivation path with me."

She spoke gently, placing her hand on Xu Ze's shoulder. "Leave other matters to me. If Gu Ling'er truly has talent, I will not overlook her."

"Yes, Master, I understand," Xu Ze replied, feeling somewhat dejected.

Seeing his disappointment, Leng Youran stood up slowly. "It's late. You should rest."

Xu Ze bowed and took his leave. Watching him go, Leng Youran stood silently for a long time, her cold face filled with jealousy.

"Summon someone to move Gu Ling'er to the back mountain to clean the tombs. She is forbidden from entering the main hall again."

"Yes," a shadowy figure replied and disappeared into the darkness.

Leng Youran narrowed her eyes, and a dangerous glint flickered in them.

"No one will take Ze'er from me... No one!"

-To be continued!

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