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Chapter 011: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System


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Chapter 11: Did I Just Get Immortality by Signing In to the Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief?

After Zhao Haogan stepped forward, those who wanted to recruit Ye Liuyun had nothing more to say.

That’s the pressure a top-tier family could exert.

The birthday banquet thus came to an end and everyone left in an orderly manner.

However, it was certain that after today, Ye Liuyun's name would spread within these circles!

“I never expected this young man named Ye Liuyun to have medical skills even better than Long Tian's!”

Yao Zhenshan couldn't help but exclaim as he was helped back to his room by Yao Huaimeng. Indeed, new talents emerge with each generation.

Because he had been saved by Long Tian during his travels abroad when he was younger, Yao Zhenshan had always had a favorable impression of him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have tried to match Long Tian with his granddaughter.

However, mentioning Long Tian's name made Yao Huaimeng's face darken instantly.

“Grandpa! There’s something I need to tell you!”

She decided to tell her grandfather about what she had discovered.

“Hm?” Yao Zhenshan was puzzled but seeing his granddaughter so serious, he didn’t refuse and quietly listened to her.

Meanwhile, after the banquet, Ye Liuyun and Zhao Haogan were heading back to the villa in a luxury car. On the way, Zhao Haogan couldn’t hide his amazement. “I never imagined you had such advanced medical skills!”

“You flatter me, young master. I just picked it up casually.”

“You’re being modest!” Zhao Haogan draped his arm over Ye Liuyun’s shoulder, acting like a close brother. “I saw your medical skills with my own eyes just now!”

Zhao Haogan had watched closely as Ye Liuyun treated Yao Zhenshan. It was truly amazing!

“From today on, your salary is raised to one million yuan! No, two million yuan!”

One million yuan wasn’t enough; Zhao Haogan believed Ye Liuyun's skills were worth two million yuan a month.

“Thank you, young master!”

He was the best, foolish young master! Not only generous, but also a great shield in times of trouble. Where else could Ye Liuyun find such an excellent scapegoat?

As Ye Liuyun and Zhao Haogan returned to the villa, Yao Huaimeng had already told her grandfather about how Long Tian deliberately left Yao Zhenshan’s hidden illness untreated.

Yao Zhenshan’s expression gradually darkened as he listened.

After a long silence, Yao Huaimeng sat quietly, not disturbing her grandfather’s thoughts.

“Huaimeng! You know some things can’t be joked about!”

Yao Zhenshan had always thought highly of Long Tian and had considered him as his future grandson-in-law. If this was true, Yao Zhenshan felt as if his judgment had failed completely.

“Grandpa! Don’t you believe me?”

Yao Huaimeng's simple question left Yao Zhenshan with no room for rebuttal. He trusted his granddaughter unconditionally.

After a moment of silence, he spoke, “Don’t mention this to anyone for now. I’ll handle it!”

He needed to verify the situation himself. But if it was true, Yao Zhenshan, who had built his empire, was not a man to be trifled with.


[Sign in! Sign in!]

[System! Time to work!]

That night, Ye Liuyun’s thoughts startled Yao Huaimeng and You Yu, who were preparing to rest. They were curious about what kind of abilities Ye Liuyun would get from signing in.

[Sign-in successful!]

The system responded quickly.

[Reward: Max-level Immortal Thief! Ten years of cultivation experience!”

This reward left Ye Liuyun stunned.

He didn’t care about the ten years of cultivation experience. What caught his attention were the words 'Max-level Immortal Thief'!

Yao Huaimeng and You Yu, curious about why Ye Liuyun’s thoughts had suddenly stopped, wondered if he hadn’t gotten anything good. But then...

[Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap!]

Ye Liuyun always thought he had a good mindset, but this reward made him exclaim out loud. Yao Huaimeng and You Yu were clearly startled.

[What the heck is this? Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief]

[One of the Eight Mysterious skills!? Known as the Saintly Thief's Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief!]

[I’m immortal now!]

Yao Huaimeng and You Yu didn’t understand terms like the Eight Mysterious Skills, Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief, or Immortal Thief. But the last word left them both stunned.


Could it be true?

Humanity has always had an inexplicable pursuit of immortality, with countless ancient emperors seeking it.

[Seizing the creation of heaven and earth, this is the Saintly Thief's Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief!]

[The power of immortality!]

Was it really immortality? Were transmigrators’ cheats this outrageous?

[Oh! It’s not maxed out! It still needs to be cultivated?]

Ye Liuyun suddenly realized that unlike his max-level Iron Fists and medical skills, the Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief needed to be cultivated.


Was he complaining?

Even the icy beauty Yao Huaimeng felt like going crazy. It was the power of immortality! So what if it needed to be cultivated? And he was actually complaining?

[Ten years of cultivation experience? What’s that?]

Ye Liuyun noticed another reward.

[I see, it can add ten years of cultivation experience to one of my abilities!]

[Not bad at all!]

This was astonishing!

Gaining ten years of experience instantly?

In other words, what ordinary people need ten years to learn, he had it all at once?

That was outrageous!

Unaware of their thoughts, Ye Liuyun immediately said, “System, add the ten years of cultivation experience to the Six Vaults of the Immortal Thief!” His Iron Fist and medical skills were already maxed out, so he needed to focus on this.

“By the way, System, you should have a status panel, right? Bring it up!”

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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