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Chapter 11: Help, What Should I Do If The Person Who Likes Me Is a Yandere!


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Chapter 11: The Man Engraved Deep in the Soul:

On the way back, Xu Ze couldn't help but shiver.

"Ah, Master's temper is still the same."

Xu Ze smiled bitterly.

Leng Youran had always had this quirky temper since Xu Ze was a child.

She was very concerned about Xu Ze's social interactions.

She was always very aggressive toward other women who tried to get close to Xu Ze.

He still remembered that when he was ten years old, Leng Youran arranged a personal maid for him.

Maybe that maid had some improper thoughts about Xu Ze.

One night, she tried to offer herself to him, spiking his tea with some dr*g, hoping to climb up the social ladder.

But somehow, Leng Youran found out about it.

That maid was caught on the spot and met a very tragic end.

Since then, Leng Youran removed all the maids from the Holy Son's sleeping quarters.

Only a five-year-old Xiao Lan was left.

As Xu Ze grew older, the number of maids in the Holy Son's sleeping room gradually increased again.

But the only personal maid was the same Xiao Lan.

Xu Ze always felt that Leng Youran's feelings toward him were strangely inexplicable.

"Could it be that Master likes me?"

"Cough, what am I thinking? Master's feelings for me have always been normal teacher-student feelings. How could it be that kind of romantic feeling?"

Xu Ze shook his head repeatedly, and dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

"This is really twisted familial affection, thinking of Master like that."


Returning to the sleeping chambers, Xu Ze found that Gu Ling'er had already woken up.

She sat nervously on the bed, clutching the hem of her clothes, looking extremely uneasy.

"Holy Son, you're back?" Xiao Lan, who was beside her, walked over and bowed to Xu Ze.

"Yes, how is she?" Xu Ze glanced at Gu Ling'er and asked softly.

Xiao Lan pouted and complained, "Holy Son, she woke up not long after you left. She has been sitting there quietly, like a wooden figure."

Xu Ze nodded, and gestured for Xiao Lan to leave first.

As he walked into the sleeping quarters, Gu Ling'er heard footsteps and immediately looked up.

"Holy... Holy Son! You're back!"

Gu Ling'er stood up quickly, clutching the hem of her clothes, her face filled with nervousness and excitement.

Xu Ze nodded, "Hmm, your body is still weak. Why don't you rest a bit more?"

Gu Ling'er felt a little embarrassed, "I'm just a servant disciple. How dare I sleep in the Holy Son's bed..."

Xu Ze pretended to be displeased, "What servant disciple? With your talent, do you really want to be a servant disciple for life?"

Gu Ling'er looked at Xu Ze, his figure reflected in her eyes. "If... if it's for the Holy Son, I would be willing to be a servant disciple for life!"

Xu Ze helplessly rubbed his forehead.

"I thought you were a bit stupid from the start."

"You are a living person, why must you live for others?"

Xu Ze felt a bit of disappointment.

This Gu Ling'er had such good talent but was willing to say she would be a servant disciple for life.

Xu Ze really wanted to knock on her little head to see what was inside.

Gu Ling'er lowered her head and hesitated, "Holy Son... do you wish for Ling'er to be like this?"


Xu Ze helplessly covered his face.

This girl, there was no saving her.

"Alright! Let's say I do wish for it!"

"But, I also hope you can smile more, you know? You look very cute when you smile."

Xu Ze reached out his hand and pinched Gu Ling'er's cheeks, pulling them up.

With this pull, Gu Ling'er's face turned bright red.

Her heart raced, and the look in her eyes as she gazed at Xu Ze grew more and more infatuated.

This was the true feeling of falling in love.

At this moment, Gu Ling'er's infatuation with Xu Ze reached its peak.

This man would be deeply engraved in her soul.

Xu Ze patted Gu Ling'er's head, "Alright, it's getting late. Do you want to rest here or go back?"

Gu Ling'er immediately jumped up, her cheeks flushed, "Holy Son, Ling... Ling'er will go back to rest!"

Xu Ze smiled and nodded.

Then, Gu Ling'er quickly fled the sleeping room, disappearing into the night.

"This girl..."

Xu Ze sighed.

He was just about to rest and sleep.

In his ear, the system's voice sounded.

[Reward settled, Heavenly Level Gift Pack, please collect it!]

"Oh? The task reward is already here?"

Xu Ze's face lit up with joy, and his drowsiness vanished.

The bottleneck that had troubled him for half a year could finally be broken!

-To be continued!

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