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Chapter 003: I Am The Villain's Lackey With Sign-in System


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Chapter 3:

"Huaimeng! I, uh..."

Zhao Haoguan was about to say something, but Yao Huaimeng's cold voice cut him off.

"Mr. Zhao! It's working hours now. Just because you have nothing to do usually doesn't mean others don't. Understand?"

A series of words left Zhao Haoguan speechless, not knowing how to retort!

[Tch! I almost forgot that the main female lead can be pretty sharp when roasting others!]

[Too bad, she's about to become a licking dog]

'Can you stop saying licking dog?'

Yao Huaimeng clenched her fist and glanced at Ye Liuyun's direction.


At this moment, Zhao Haoguan also snapped back to reality.

He hurriedly said, "If you have any work, you can go ahead. I'll wait here for a while. If there's any difficulty, I'll help you!"

Well, his behavior just implied one thing: he's a simp!

[Although this young master is usually dumb, he's not usually this off the mark!]

[Is he affected by the female lead's halo?]

Off the mark!

At this moment, Yao Huaimeng was already curious about the source of the voice and realized it was Zhao Haoguan's lackey.

She glanced discreetly at Ye Liuyun.

Honestly, Yao Huaimeng was starting to wonder. If this was indeed a novel world, how would things unfold next?

Noticing Zhao Haoguan's gaze fixed on her, Yao Huaimeng withdrew her thoughts and simply shook her head. He returned to her usual cold demeanor.

"No need. No matter what problems my company faces, I'll solve them on my own!"

At this moment, Yao Huaimeng completely exuded the image of a strong woman!

But even with such a cold demeanor, Zhao Haoguan still tried to make conversation with Yao Huaimeng like a typical licking dog!

Such matters surely had nothing to do with Ye Liuyun being lackeys.

So, Ye Liuyun just stood by the sidelines, watching idly.

Just as Yao Huaimeng was starting to feel annoyed and was preparing to return to the company.

[It's almost time for the protagonist to show up!]


Honestly, Yao Huaimeng was curious about who this so-called protagonist was!

"What are you all doing?"

Suddenly, a yell grabbed everyone's attention.

A young man in a security uniform was striding toward them.

"Long Tian?"

Yao Huaimeng was taken aback. She knew this person. He was arranged by her grandfather for her safety.

Yao Huaimeng wasn't sure of his real identity, but she never expected that someone casually assigned to the security team would turn out to be a novel protagonist!

[Here he comes! Here he comes!]

Meanwhile, Ye Liuyun was completely in the mood to watch a drama.

[The strongest mercenary from abroad, hiding his identity to be by the side of the female CEO, winning her heart!]

[Wow, this is such a typical cliché plot!]

The strongest mercenary? Yao Huaimeng had no idea that Long Tian would have such a background.

[Speaking of which, is this the place?]

Watching Long Tian confidently approaching with long steps, Ye Liuyun began to ponder.

[This is the protagonist's first appearance; although Yao Huaimeng seems composed on the surface, her heart must be pounding like crazy!]

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun discreetly glanced in Yao Huaimeng's direction. Surely, she must be lost in admiration for the protagonist!


[Why are you staring at me?]

However, the direct and steady gaze of Yao Huaimeng seemed to focus not on the protagonist but instead on him!

[I must be imagining things! Definitely just my imagination! Just looking at this kind of foolish girl is troublesome enough!]

Ye Liuyun just wanted to intervene in the plot and complete his sign-in.

As for the characters in the novel, he had no interest in them whatsoever.

Honestly, apart from these few female leads, weren't there any other beautiful ones in the world of novels? Of course, there were, and they came with less trouble. So why bother with these female leads?

"... Foolish girl?"

Never in her life had Yao Huaimeng been called that. Being considered troublesome was a first for her. Yao Huaimeng's icy demeanor cracked a bit!

"Who are you?" Zhao Haogian frowned as he looked at Long Tian, who had just appeared.

"Me? I'm the security guard here!" Long Tian pointed to himself with an air of arrogance.

Many onlookers around had initially thought Long Tian was some rich young master. But he was just a security guard!

"Haha! Where did he get his arrogance from?"

"He's just a security guard!"

"Is he here to make us laugh?"

There were many mocking voices, but Long Tian didn't care at all. He just looked in the direction of Yao Huaimeng.

[You can laugh now! The more ridicule now, the bigger the astonishment later!]

[Indeed, this just highlights how impressive the protagonist's first appearance is!]

[The grand show about to start!]

Ye Liuyun pondered whether to take action or just watch the show.

[Max Level Eight Iron Fist, please enlighten me!]

[Wait a minute! My role is a villain's lackey, meant to highlight the protagonist, right?]

[Oh boy, am I the one who's going to get beaten later?]

[Heavens, am I the clown myself?]

[Ugh, the dog-licking heroine is so pathetic!]

Upon hearing Ye Liuyun's thoughts, Yao Huaimeng found them amusing. But when the latter part came out, she was left speechless.

What did it have to do with her?

However, Long Tian noticed her expression.

"Are you angry?"

Obviously, she was!

It was normal to be angry when someone pestered her like this.

If he could solve this trouble for Yao Huaimeng, she would definitely see him differently!

Thinking of this, Long Tian gradually grinned, showing a typical smirk of a cocky protagonist.

As the strongest mercenary, Long Tian initially came here to repay her kindness.. But after seeing Yao Huaimeng's beauty, he was immediately smitten. Such a beautiful woman must belong to him!

Looking at Zhao Haogian in front of him, Long Tian felt disdain. A hundred billion net worth? What's that? He had saved plenty of billionaires before!

"At the company entrance, no gathering or commotion allowed. Take your people and your flowers, and leave!"

No one expected Long Tian to be so disrespectful to Zhao Haogian!

"What if I refuse?" Zhao Haogian's face darkened gradually.

It seemed like he was influenced by the protagonist's halo and immediately wanted to retaliate!

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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